Liverpool to Philadelphia 17 Apr 1855 - 21 May 1855
Voyage Information
- Ship Name
- Vessel Type
- Departure
- 17 Apr 1855 from Liverpool
- Arrival
- 21 May 1855 at Philadelphia
- Source
- BMR, Book #1040, pp. 152-168 (FHL #025,690); Customs (FHL #419,652) (source abbreviations)
- Church Leader
- Edward Stevenson
Read accounts of this voyage (10)
Passengers (446)
Atkinson, Alfred J.
Atkinson, Ann
Atkinson, Ann
Atkinson, Eliza A.
Atkinson, Eliza J.
Atkinson, Emily Ann
Atkinson, Henry
Attley, Henry W.
Barry, Elizabeth
Barton, George
Barton, Martha
Barton, Martha
Barton, Mary A.
Barton, Thomas
Bench, Alfred
Bench, Alfred
Bench, Charles William
Bench, Henry B.
Bench, Jane S.
Bench, Thomas J.
Bertrand, Louis A.
Bevan, Elizabeth
Bevan, Jane
Bevan, John
Bevan, Morgan
Bevan, Thomas
Bevan, William
Beynon, Ann
Beynon, Caradoc
Beynon, Gwenllian
Beynon, Sarah
Beynon, Sarah
Beynon, William
Birch, Annie
Birch, Dorothy
Birch, Hester
Birch, Joseph
Birch, Mary
Birch, Mary
Boram, Alfred
Bowen, David
Bowen, Eleanor Jane
Bowen, George Foster
Bowen, Jane
Bowen, Rachel
Bowen, William George
Brett, Richard H.
Brooks, Harriet
Brooks, Henry
Burt, Catherine
Burt, Samuel
Cadoret, Daniel
Cadoret, Mary
Conthanche, Elizabeth Jean
Conthanche, Jane
Crook, William
Daines, Elizabeth S.
Daines, Kizia
Daines, Richard E.
Dall, Elizabeth A.
Dall, Henry D.
Dall, Henry D., Jr.
Dall, Mary Ann
Dall, Rebecca
Dall, Rebecca F.
Dall, Sarah
Dall, William
Danin, Auguste
Danin, Nancy
Davies, Anne E.
Davies, Catherine
Davies, Charlotte N.
Davies, David
Davies, David P.
Davies, Elizabeth
Davies, Gwennie J.
Davies, John
Davies, John
Davies, Margaret
Davies, Mary
Davies, Rees
Davies, Rees W.
Davies, William
Davies, William
Dolbel, Eliza A.
Dolbel, Susan
Duferno, James Phillip
Eames, Emma
Eames, Emma J.
Eames, John
Edwards, Anne
Edwards, James
Edwards, John
Edwards, John
Edwards, Mary
Elliott, Alfred
Elliott, George
Elliott, James
Elliott, John
Elliott, Joseph
Elliott, Maria
Elliott, William
Enouf, Abraham
Enouf, Elizabeth
Enouf, Thomas
Evans, Brigham
Evans, David
Evans, Edward
Evans, Eliza
Evans, Jane
Evans, John
Evans, Margaret
Evans, Thomas
Evans, Thomas, Jr.
Eynow, Martha
George, Elizabeth
George, George
George, Mary A.
Gorton, Eliza
Graves, Char. M.
Graves, Daniel
Graves, Elizabeth P. D.
Graves, Elizabeth S.
Graves, Eliza Jane
Graves, Henry
Graves, Joseph N.
Graves, Mary
Graves, Robert D.
Griffiths, David
Griffiths, Elizabeth
Griffiths, John
Griffiths, Margaret
Griffiths, Maria
Griffiths, Martha
Gunn, Alfred
Gunn, Ann
Gunn, Benjamin
Gunn, Caroline
Gunn, John
Gunn, Lewis B.
Gunn, Thomas
Hardy, Ann
Hardy, Elizabeth
Hardy, William
Harris, Ann
Harris, Mary
Hawkes, Mary Ann
Henroid, Samuel
Hill, Emma
Hill, Emma
Hill, William
Hills, Mary
Hodgins, Selina
Hopkins, Anne
Hopkins, David
Hopkins, Elizabeth
Hopkins, Richard
Hopkins, Thomas
Horguard, Elizabeth
Houghton, Frederick
Howell, Charlotte
Howell, Francis
Howell, Henry
Howell, Hyrum
Howell, James
Howell, James, Jr.
Howell, Mary A.
Howell, Peter
Howell, Sarah
Howells, Ann
Hughes, Daniel
Hughes, Gomer
Hughes, James
Hughes, Lewis
Hughes, Margaret
Hughes, Maria
Hughes, Matthew
Hughes, Taliesin
Jackson, Jane
James, Mary
James, Rachael
James, Susan
James, William
James, William
James, William
Jean, Elizabeth M.
Jean, Julie
Jenkins, Emma
Jenkins, John
Jenkins, Margaret
Jenkins, Rosser
Jeremy, David
Jeremy, Mary
Jeremy, Thomas
Johns, Elizabeth
Jones, Daniel
Jones, Edward Wood
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Esther
Jones, Esther Ann
Jones, Infant
Jones, Jane
Jones, Janet
Jones, John
Jones, Margaret
Jones, Margaret
Jones, Margaret
Jones, Mary
Jones, Mary
Jones, Mary
Jones, Morgan
Jones, Morgan
Jones, Remeza
Jones, Sarah
Jones, Sarah
Jones, Thomas
Jones, William
Jones, William
Jones, William
Juchan, Joseph Or James
Kemp, Eliza
Kilburne, Alfred H.
Kilburne, Anne
Kilburne, Sophia
Kilburne, William
Kilburne, William T.
Knopp, William
Knowles, Frederick
Knowles, Josiah
Knowles, Rachel
Knowles, Thomas B.
Lamoreaux, Andrew L.
Langfield, Ann
Langfield, Rachel
Langfield, Samuel
Langlois, Elizabeth A.
Langlois, George
Langlois, Harriet
Langlois, Mary M.
Langlois, Mary M.
Langlois, Nancy
Langlois, Samuel
Le Cresley, Elizabeth F.
Le Cresley, John
Lesueur, Caroline
Lesueur, Caroline
Lesueur, Harriet
Lesueur, Jane
Lesueur, John
Lesueur, John, Jr.
Lesueur, Mary Ann
Lewis, Rufus
Llewllyn, Margaret
Maddison, Georgiana M.
Marett, John
Marett, Mary Elizabeth
Mccracken, James
Merritt, John Edward
Merritt, John Thomas
Merritt, Mary A.
Mills, Louisa A.
Mills, William G.
Morris, Isabella N.
Morris, John N.
Morris, Phoebe
Moulding, Alfred
Moulding, Charlotte
Moulding, George
Moulding, Leander
Moulding, Louisa
Moulding, William H.
Nielson, William
Osmond, Alfred H.
Osmond, Mary Ann
Osmund, William Henry
Pain, Mary
Painter, John
Painter, Lydia
Painter, Seth
Painter, Thomas R.
Painter, William
Parker, Mary
Pearce, Mary
Perkins, Frances
Perkins, Joseph
Perkins, Margaret
Perkins, Thomas
Peters, Mary A. H.
Pickett, John
Pill, Alfred
Pill, Caroline
Pill, Elizabeth
Pill, Elizabeth Falle
Pill, John, Sr.
Pill, Mary
Pill, William J. O.
Price, Anne
Price, Isaac
Price, Jane
Price, Jemima
Price, Jeremiah
Price, John
Price, Martha
Price, Mary
Prior, Andrew
Prior, Elizabeth
Prior, George
Prior, Sarah
Purr, Robert T.
Rasbridge, Thomas
Rees, Ann
Rees, Catherine
Rees, David
Rees, David
Rees, David
Rees, Elizabeth
Rees, Elizabeth
Rees, Joseph
Rees, William, Jr.
Rees, William, Sr.
Richards, David
Richards, Elizabeth
Richards, John
Richards, Thomas
Richards, William
Roberts, Elizabeth
Rodrick, William
Rogers, George W.
Rogers, Harriet
Rogers, Sarah J.
Romeril, Abraham
Romeril, Charles
Romeril, Fanny
Romeril, Francis
Romeril, Jane
Romeril, Mary
Romeril, Sophia
Rowlands, Edward
Rowlands, Ephraim
Rowlands, Margaret
Rowlands, Mary A.
Sainsbury, Esther
Saunders, Elizabeth
Shill, Charles P.
Shill, Harriet
Shill, Robert
Shill, Rose Ellen
Simmons, George
Simmons, George W. F.
Simmons, Mary Ann
Simmons, Mary Ann
Slade, James
Smart, James
Squires, James
Squires, James
Squires, Jane
Stack, Augustus M.
Stack, Eliza
Stack, Martin
Stephens, Anne
Stephens, Richard
Stephenson, Edward
Stewart, Christine
St. George, Eliza A., Jr.
St. George, Elizabeth
St. George, Frances De
St. George, Francis J.
St. George, Louisa
Stooks, Francis John
Stooks, Jane
Stooks, Mary Ann
Stooks, Robert
Stooks, Robert P.
Storey, James
Storey, John
Storey, Margaret
Stringer, Rosetta
Sutherland, Edward
Thomas, Ann
Thomas, Charles
Thomas, Daniel
Thomas, Elizabeth
Thomas, John
Thomas, Margaret
Thomas, Mary
Thomas, William
Thomas, William
Timms, John
Timms, Phoebe
Treharne, David
Treseder, Charles
Treseder, Charlotte
Treseder, Elizabeth Mckay
Treseder, Elizabeth Mckay
Treseder, Frances Mckay
Treseder, George
Treseder, Maria Mary
Treseder, Phoebe E.
Treseder, Richard
Treseder, Richard D.
Turnbull, James
Vest, Hannah
Vest, John
Vest, William
Vick, John
Vick, Nancy
Walker, Jane
Walker, Thomas
Wall, Elizabeth
Wall, James
Walters, Anne
Watkins, William
Wilkins, Eliza
Wilkins, Ruth
Williams, Alice
Williams, Alice
Williams, Celina
Williams, David
Williams, Elizabeth
Williams, George P.
Williams, Jenkin
Williams, John A.
Williams, John A.
Williams, John, Jr.
Williams, John, Sr.
Williams, Mary
Williams, Mary Ann
Williams, Mary Ann
Williams, Phoebe L.
Williams, Priscilla
Williams, Salina
Williams, Sarah Ann
Williams, Thomas, Jr.
Williams, Thomas, Sr.
Woodford, Ebenezer
Woodward, James
Woodward, Ruth
Young, Andrew H.
Young, Elizabeth
Young, Elizabeth J.
Young, Josiah R.
Young, Josiah R.
Young, Louisa
Young, Susana O.
Young, William J.