Rotterdam to Liverpool 25 May 1909 - 27 May 1909
Voyage Information
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- Aeschlimann, Elise
- Alkema, Aaltje
- De Jong, Jantinee
- Fahr, Karl A
- Fenverda, Hill.
- Fenverda, Johanna
- Fenverda, Nieskje
- Kaspereh, Marie
- Kuhfurs, Anna L
- Kuhfurs, Edw. Adolf
- Leemann, Anna M
- Leemann, Clisa M
- Leemann, Helen C.
- Maathuis, Elzo
- Maathuis, Hend.
- Maathuis, Hilje
- Meesters, Willem
- Mosheer, Emma
- Pelgrim, Jantje
- Rabiger, Anna F
- Rabiger, Gus. Paul
- Rabiger, Martha M
- Rabiger, Mathilda H
- Schadegg, Maria L
- Steiner, Anna
- Vilart, Hend. N.
- Vilart, Hermina
- Willemsen, Anton C. D.
- Willemsen, Cornelis N.
- Willemsen, Corn. N