Liverpool to New Orleans 4 Feb 1854 - 18 Mar 1854
Voyage Information
- Ship Name
- Vessel Type
- Departure
- 4 Feb 1854 from Liverpool
- Arrival
- 18 Mar 1854 at New Orleans
- Source
- BMR, Book #1040, pp. 1-19 (FHL #025,690); Customs #115 (FHL #200,177) (source abbreviations)
- Church Leader
- Dorr P. Curtis
Read accounts of this voyage (4)
Passengers (446)
Aland, Albert Jno.
Aland, Ann
Aland, Elizabeth
Aland, Ellen S.
Aland, Emily K.
Aland, Francis
Aland, James
Aland, Mary J.
Alexander, Eliza
Alexander, Elizbeth
Alexander, George
Alexander, James
Alexander, Mary
Allgood, John
Alvey, Richard D.
Alvey, Sarah
Armstrong, John C.
Aslette, George
Aslette, Louisa
Atkinson, John
Bate, George
Bate, John
Bath, Frances M.
Bath, John
Black, Alice
Black, James R.
Black, William
Brown, Francis M.
Brown, Harry
Brown, Rhoda
Brown, William
Bush, Robert T.
Butler, Sarah A.
Bywater, George
Chard, Christabella
Chard, David H.
Charles, David
Charles, Eliza
Charles, Eliza
Charles, Griffith
Charles, M.
Charles, M. A.
Charles, William
Clark, Walter
Collingwood, Christiana
Cook, Charles
Croft, Elizabeth
Croft, Thomas
Curtis, Dorr P.
Davies, Ann
Davies, Ann
Davies, David
Davies, David
Davies, Edward
Davies, George
Davies, George
Davies, Hannah
Davies, Henry
Davies, John
Davies, Margaret
Davies, Margaret
Davies, Maria
Davies, Maria
Davies, Martha
Davies, Mary A.
Davies, Thomas
Davis, Elizabeth
Davis, John
Davis, Julia
Deer, Mary
Dudley, Joseph
Dudley, Mary A.
Dudley, Moses
Duffin, Stephen
Duffin, William
Evans, Ann
Evans, Anne
Evans, Catherine
Evans, David
Evans, Elizabeth
Evans, Elizabeth
Evans, James
Evans, John
Evans, Joseph
Evans, Richard G.
Evans, Ruth
Evans, Samuel
Evans, Sarah
Evans, Sarah
Fisher, Elizabeth
Fisher, Hyrum O.
Fisher, Robert
Flower, John
Flower, Rebecca
Fraharne, Ruth
Fraharne, Steven
Francis, David
Francis, Sarah
Gardiner, Ann
Gardiner, Emily J.
Gardiner, Fanny
Gardiner, Harriet
Gardiner, Henry
Gibbons, Fanny
Gibbons, John A. R.
Gibbons, Thomas E.
Gillman, William
Green, John
Green, John
Green, Mary A.
Hall, Alfred
Hall, Edward
Hall, Edwin
Hall, Henry
Hall, John
Hall, Lavinia
Hall, Sarah
Hall, Urania
Harries, Ann
Harries, Henry
Harries, Micah
Harries, Thomas
Harries, Thomas
Harris, John
Harris, Mary
Harris, William
Healey, Elizabeth Smith
Healey, Ephraim
Healey, James
Healey, Mary A.
Healey, William
Heathcote, Joseph
Heathcote, Sarah
Hill, Fanny
Hill, Frances
Hill, George
Hill, John
Hill, Mary A.
Hill, William
Hill, William, Jr.
Hooper, Ann
Hooper, Ann
Hooper, Eliza
Hooper, George G.
Hooper, Jane W.
Hooper, Jesse
Hooper, John
Hooper, John
Hooper, Margaret
Hooper, William G.
Horton, George
Horton, George
Humphrey, Wiliam
Humphries, Elizabeth
Humphries, Robert
Hyde, William R.
James, Daniel
James, John
James, Joseph
James, Margaret
James, Mary
Jenkins, Morgan
Job, Anna
Job, Elizabeth
Job, Thomas
John, Margaret
John, Morgan
Jones, Ann
Jones, Anne
Jones, Catherine
Jones, David
Jones, Edward
Jones, Edward H.
Jones, Eliza
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Esther
Jones, Evan
Jones, Hannah
Jones, Jane H.
Jones, John R.
Jones, Margaret
Jones, Mary
Jones, Mary
Jones, Mary A.
Jones, Mary A.
Jones, Richard
Jones, Thomas
Jones, Thomas W.
Jones, Watkin
Jones, William
Jones, William
Jones, William D.
Keate, James
Keate, Mary A.
Keate, Sarah A.
Keate, Thomas
King, David
King, Elizabeth A.
King, Maria
King, Maria J.
King, Ursula
Kirby, Elizabeth
Kirby, John
Kirby, William
Lamb, Alfred W.
Lamb, Alice A.
Lamb, Arthur R.
Lamb, Eliza
Lamb, Frederick W.
Lamb, Henry C.
Lamb, Mercy A.
Lamb, William
Ledgway, Jane
Ledgway, John
Lewis, Amelia P.
Lewis, Ann
Lewis, Daniel
Lewis, David
Lewis, David
Lewis, David
Lewis, Edmond
Lewis, Edmund
Lewis, Eleanor
Lewis, Elizabeth
Lewis, Esther
Lewis, Evan
Lewis, Frederick
Lewis, George
Lewis, Henry
Lewis, James
Lewis, Jane
Lewis, John
Lewis, John
Lewis, Margaret
Lewis, Margaret
Lewis, Mary
Lewis, Mary
Lewis, Mary A.
Lewis, Priscilla
Lewis, Thomas
Lewis, William
Margetts, Thomas
Martell, Thomas C.
Mattias, Caroline
Mcmullins, Jane
Mcmullins, John
Morgan, Ann
Morgan, Daniel
Morgan, David
Morgan, David
Morgan, Elizabeth
Morgan, Evan
Morgan, Hannah
Morgan, Margaret
Morgan, Margaret
Morgan, Mary
Morgan, Mary A.
Morgan, Samuel
Morgan, Samuel
Morgan, Sarah
Morgan, Susan
Morgan, Thomas
Morgan, William
Morgans, Catherine
Morgans, David
Morgans, Given
Morgans, Jane
Morgans, John
Morgans, Martha
Morgans, Sarah
Morgans, William
Morris, Anna
Morris, Richard
Morris, Sarah
Morris, Thomas
Munroe, George
Munroe, Margaret
Munroe, Mary A.
Munroe, Robert
Nicholas, David
Nicholas, Hannah
Nicholas, John
Nicholas, William
Nickolds, John
Owen, Jennett
Owen, William
Parker, George
Parker, Mary Lewis
Parry, A. D.
Parry, Barnard
Perry, John
Petrie, John
Phillips, Evan
Phillips, Gwen
Phillips, Hannah
Phillips, James H.
Phillips, Louisa M.
Phillips, Mary A.
Phillips, Moroni L.
Phillips, Thomas J.
Phillips, William
Phillips, William
Phillips, William S.
Platts, Ann
Platts, Clara E.
Platts, Emily
Platts, John
Platts, Orson
Price, Ann
Price, Charles
Price, Elizabeth
Price, Herbert
Price, William
Prothero, Johathan
Prothero, John
Prothero, Mary
Prothero, William
Rees, Alice
Rees, Catherine
Rees, David
Rees, Elizabeth
Rees, Jane W.
Rees, John
Rees, Thomas
Rees, Watkin
Richards, Amiah
Richards, Ann
Richards, Catherine
Richards, Catherine
Richards, Cecelia
Richards, Harriet
Richards, Jonah
Richards, Lettice
Richards, Morgan
Richards, Morgan
Richards, Thomas
Richards, Thomas
Richards, William
Richards, William
Richards, William
Richards, William
Roberts, Amelia
Roberts, John
Roberts, William
Robson, Charles J.
Saxey, Alfred
Saxey, Amelia
Saxey, Charlotte
Saxey, Elizabeth
Saxey, Elizabeth
Saxey, John
Saxey, Joseph
Saxey, Lucy
Saxey, Rosina
Saxey, Sophia A.
Saxey, William J.
Smallwood, William
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Ephraim
Smith, James Eley
Smith, Mary A.
Smith, Mary Ann
Smith, Mary Ann Heathcott
Smith, William
Smith, William
Smith, William
Soffe, Martha
Soffe, Nimrod
Spooner, Ann
Spooner, George D.
Spooner, Jane D.
Spooner, Sarah J.
Squires, Ellen
Squires, John
Squires, Joseph H.
Squires, Martha
Squires, Mary
Squires, Mary G.
Squires, Sarah
Squires, Thomas
Still, Ann
Still, Ann E.
Still, William
Story, James
Street, Mary A.
Street, William
Sykes, Mary A.
Sykes, Phillip
Thomas, Ann
Thomas, Catherine
Thomas, David
Thomas, George
Thomas, John
Thomas, Luke
Thomas, Mary
Thomas, Mary
Thomas, Mary
Thomas, Thomas
Thomas, William
Thornock, Ann
Thornock, Hannah
Thornock, John
Thornock, John
Thornock, Joseph
Thornock, Mary A.
Thornock, Matthew
Thornock, William
Underwood, Edmund
Walters, Daniel
Walters, Elizabeth
Walters, Hannah
Walters, Margaret
Walters, Sarah
Walters, Walter
White, Ann
Williams, Ann
Williams, Ann
Williams, Charlotte
Williams, David
Williams, David
Williams, Dinah
Williams, Elias
Williams, Eliza
Williams, Elizabeth
Williams, Esther
Williams, Hannah
Williams, John
Williams, Margaret
Williams, Mary
Williams, Mary A.
Williams, Mesheck
Williams, Peter
Williams, Robert
Williams, Sarah
Williams, William
Wood, William
Woolacot, Ann
Woolacot, Elizabeth
Woolacot, Emily
Woolacot, Henry
Woolacot, Martha
Woolacot, Robert W.
Young, John