[Two pages missing] [-] we arrived in Hull Sunday morning, May 12th, and we immediately went on board on their steamship which took us to Grimsby where we were to begin with those who had left Altona. Brothers J.K. and William [-] received us together with an agent and they took us to a large frame house. Some of us slept in a storehouse for the night on straw. Most of our luggage had been left in Hull.
May 13 - The saints who remained in Altona arrived. They had had a good journey and our luggage also arrived from Hull and as it went shipped to Liverpool.
May 14 - We left Grimsby at six o'clock in the morning by train. We passed through several tunnels and so on. Arrived in Liverpool about two o'clock. Worked to get our luggage and belongings from the railroad to the steamship which was to take us to America. It was a very big sailing ship called, "Monarch of the Sea". G. Olsen and myself were appointed to receive the emigrants' goods and I worked with this till twelve o'clock after which I stood guard till three o'clock. Then I laid down on a few sacks to get some rest. I managed to get a berth for my family.
May 15 - We were given our berths and received our provisions.
May 16 - [-] sailed on the [-] Brothers Rich, Wyman, and Cannon from the Quorum of the Twelve and Woodworth and Bencott spoke and gave excellent counsel and advice. They promised us a happy journey if we would but be obedient and they blessed us in the name of the Lord. Brother Woodard was appointed to preside over all the saints on board and P. Nielsen(?) and N. Wilhelnson as his counselors. Then the above-mentioned brethren left the ship having taken a cordial leave of us. It was with peculiar feelings I saw them return to fight against darkness and that I together with so many other people was on my way to Zion. They had done everything they had possibly could for us. I especially wish to mention John Bencott. He has worked diligently and untiringly for the saints from Scandinavia and it is my sincere wish and hope that the blessings of the Lord may rest upon him and all who do good. At about eleven o'clock the ship raised it's anchor and it was taken through the canal by a steamship.
May 17 - The saints were organized into twelve districts, eight from Scandinavia, three English, and one German. I was appointed president of one of them. Most of my district consisted of unmarried sisters and only a few families. The husbands of these families, however, were good men.
May 18 - Meeting was held on the under deck for Danes.
Sunday, May 19 - A meeting was held on the upper deck and the preaching was done in several languages. The weather has been rather quiet so far.
May 20 - The ship started to roll and several of the passengers now became seasick. It was not easy to get the food cooked. The brethren worked to get this settled in the best possible way so that all could get one cooked meal a day.
Sunday, May 26 - A meeting was held on the upper deck but I could not attend it as I was very seasick and had been for the last couple of days.
May 28 - Felt better and was now able to fulfill my duties in my appointed place. All is well on board, only a few are sick and only a little murmuring among the saints, mostly on account of the cooking as it is almost impossible for all to have one cooked meal a day. I for my part think everything is alright. All is done that can be done.
Sunday, June 1 - The weather is excellent. A meeting is held on the upper deck in English and Danish. It was raining in the afternoon.
June 3 - The weather is very fine. Good spirit among the saints. A meeting was held for the English converts. I participated in this meeting and partook of the Sacrament and I felt very fine.
June 4 - All is well on board our ship. The weather is fine. This afternoon a meeting was held for the third and fifth districts of the Scandinavian saints. I presided over the third district and G. Oakes over the fifth. Some of the English brethren were with us and together we partook of the Sacrament and the spirit of God was upon us [-]. Many spoke and I myself also spoke and I felt very happy and glad. Great unity existed among the saints.
June 5 - As the "fisker bank," it was raining. Attended the meeting of the first and fifth districts. Brother Raid spoke at length and gave excellent teachings. Brother N. Wilhelnson interpreted for him.
June 6 - The weather was fine. In the afternoon I attended the German and English meeting. A couple was married. The preaching and singing were done in English, German, French, and Danish. I felt very fine.
June 7 - The sun is shining brightly and the weather is beautiful. In the evening I attended the German meeting.
June 8 - It is raining but the wind is fine and we are sailing apparently speedily. Brother N. Wilhelnson was sick.
Sunday, June 9 - It is raining. We are sailing at a fast speed. In the afternoon a meeting was held for my district. Several of the brethren spoke. I spoke for about one hour and felt that the Spirit of the Lord was poured out upon us in rich abundance and we were very much blessed. In the evening we went to an English meeting after which I took care of the guards as Brother Wilhelnson was still sick.
June 10 - Attended our Danish meeting. Weather was fine.
June 11 - It is foggy. Received our food as usual every Tuesday.
June 12 - It is very foggy and we are sailing against the wind. President N. Wilhelnson is well again. He put up the guards this evening which I had been doing during the time of his illness. There has been some sickness among the saints, mostly diarrhea.
June 13 - The weather is beautiful. The sun is shining and is very quiet. In the evening a meeting was held for all the saints from Scandinavia. Excellent teachings and instructions were given by Brother Woodard.
June 14 - Sun is shining and all well on board the ship.
June 15 - A meeting was held in my district in the afternoon.
Sunday, June 16 - English and Danish meeting on the deck.
June 17 - The wind is fine. A pilot came on board this afternoon.
June 18 - The sun is shining and the wind is fine. At noon we could see a lighthouse and land. I feel very happy and so do most of the people. Many of the sick have arisen and a new life is among the saints. I enlisted from the saints in my district three dollars and five cents to be given to two mates for their kindness during the voyage. A total of twelve dollars were collected from the Scandinavian saints.
June 19 - At two o'clock in the afternoon we arrived in New York. Erastus Snow of the Twelve spoke to us in the evening and it seemed to me that all were happy.
June 20 - We left from here to New Jersey by boat. We left by train from here at five thirty p.m.
June 22 - Arrived in Duncer [sic] at ten a.m. Changed train and left this place at four p.m.
June 23 - At seven o'clock in the morning we arrived in Cleveland, changed train, and continued our journey at three thirty a.m.
June 24 - Arrived in Le--- at three o'clock in the morning, had our lunch, and continued our journey to Chicago where we arrived at ten forty five a.m. We changed trains and rode the whole night and arrived in Quincy on the 25th at noon. Stayed here for the night.
June 26 - Went on board the steamship, "Blackhawk", which was to take us to Hannibal where we arrived at eleven a.m. Some of the saints were immediately taken into cars and left for St. Joseph and I and other brethren worked to get the luggage from the train onto the cars and so soon as this was done we immediately left by train for St. Joseph. The ride was very bad as the cars were terrible. My family and myself got first class seats towards evening for which I was very grateful as my wife could not stand to sit in the other cars. It was raining and thundering during the night.
June 27 - Arrived at our destination at ten forty five and here we stayed till five o'clock the next day as we had to wait for the steamship which was to take us up to Florence. We sailed on the Missouri River for three days but everything was alright and we arrived in Florence on July [-] in the forenoon. After we had got our luggage from the ship we got hold of the [-] and loaded our stuff into them. I and several of the brethren rented rooms in the city for our families.
July 2 - The saints who remained in St. Joseph arrived.
July 3 - We drew lots about the cars. I was sent out to find some cows which had gone astray, about thirty had, and we had found about ten of them. A meeting was held in the afternoon and Brother Erastus Snow gave many fine teachings. Elder S. Wooley was appointed captain of the whole company, N. Wilhelnson as chaplain, and O. Hansen as captain of the guards and counselor to S. Wooley. Then the company was divided into ten and a captain appointed for every fourth. G. Elson was appointed for the first, Finlayson(?) for the fourth, J [-] for the third. Fixed various things.
BIB: Nielsen, Peter. Journal (Ms 8221), pp. 354-57. (CHL)
(source abbreviations)