Off the coast of Ireland,June 13, 1872.President Albert Carrington.
Dear Brother--All the bustle of the emigrants is now over, and peace, quietude and good order pervade the bosoms of all the Saints.
A meeting was held at 8 p.m. yesterday, when President Brinton and others gave excellent instructions to the Saints relating to duties to be attended to while on our voyage.
I have not yet seen a single frown, nor heard an unkind, hasty word. [p.394] Patience and brotherly kindness are essential on shipboard, and all our company seem to be inspired with the right spirit, and the understanding of each other's rights.
We are now returning to our mountain home with the interest of the kingdom of God the nearest thing to our hearts.
May the Lord own and bless you, and bless your labors in the promotion of truth, and may he soon gather his elect home to the garner, and may Zion increase and become the light and glory of the world.
Yours in Christ,
David John. [p.395]
BIB: John, David [Letter] Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star 34:25 (June 18, 1872) pp. 394- 395. (CHL)
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