An account of the voyage from Liverpool to G. [Great] S. [Salt] Lake by Henry Clegg.
Went [-] Friday morning March 30th in the river on March 31, 10 o'clock and sailed in the evening at [-] o'clock.
April 1st. Fine morning, at noon it began to [-] head wind. I turned up my [-], the ship began to be sick, myself among the lot. I was [p.1] very sick for 3 hours, 1 to 4 p.m.
We had a [- - - -] Elder Glover. [---] the ship was [--] and [- - - -] cleaning, getting provisions and can [-]. At 5, 4 couples were married, but if they was as sick as I was they would not thought of marriage. I went and got my dulcimer and played. The girl [-] it cured me of sea sickness and lots that were sick in his [p.2] got up and [--] was sick all day, and Israel S. H. & were as well as they could be. And Israel marched on the deck like a captain, same as if he was playing in a garden. My wife was not sick but was [-] saying others [-] such horrible faces and it really was laughable for I could scarce lift [-] myself as bad as I was. [p.3]
Monday April 2nd. I was very sick all the day the sea was very ruff.
Tuesday [-] 3rd. [--] rough sea the ship cleared the [-] and put into the Great Atlantic with a good [--]. The waves ran more, Saints high. Mrs. Clegg took seasick and nearly [--] so I the[- - -] was truly awful. I was also worse than ever, but [--] did [-] she children still kept well which [--]. I don't know what might have [-] [p.4]
Wednesday April 4th. Rough sea, sailing at a quick speed all sick nearly. Those that were able to render assistance did so, and was really good. Thank God I got some tastes from the cabin that did me & mine good.
Thursday April 5. Ship going full speed nearly all recovering from seasickness. Myself & Mrs. Clegg coming round first rate, the day very fine. Turned all out on board was between decks from end [p.5] to end, and made all things begun to look better, had a good nights rest.
Friday 6. As well as ever [-] I was in my life Mrs. Clegg & [-] first rate. We had our [--] of father [-] well we liked it for we was bit hungry, we eat the provisions. We got of my mother this morning by 6 o'clock and they was good, O how often I wished my mother & [-] was with us.
Had a conference in the afternoon, and quite happy. [p.6]
Saturday 7th. A very fine day going but slow. [- -].
Sunday 8th. [- - - -]. W. Bell [-] all in good health.
Monday 9th. Early I saw 2 being the first since we left the [- -] in the [- -] provisions going but slow, fine day [-].
Wednesday 11th. [-] very fine afternoon, very rough and a squall, very rough all night. [p.7]
Thursday 12th. I still very which and really [UNCLEAR]. All on board very sick, myself among the lot. Had all day rough still all night; but going at a rapid rate.
Friday rough in the [- -] it came very fine. Sickness began to move & taken [-] good wind and all going on first rate. A child found to be in the measles. The ship was cleaned out from stem to stern and of lime washed through. I and family in good health. We met several ships for the last few days. [p.8]
Sunday 15th. Fine day and a favorable wind going 11 knots an hour. In the [-] a ship bound for England gave three cheers and they also in return preaching in the [- -]. One of the ship cooks in a passion flung a pan full of hot water on one of the Saints, without provocation & he was arraigned before the captain, got lashed and put in irons. [-] the [-] the [-] very ill scolded and fear the loss of an eye. [p.9] one thing a mother omitted Wednesday the 12th [- - - - -]
Monday 16th. April. Beautiful day fair wind going 11 or 12 knots an hour all day. All good health.
Tuesday 17th. Saw a [-], fine day going about 9 knots an hour all in good health.
Wednesday 18th. Going but slow, very warm [- - -].
Thursday 19th. Very cold day as cold [p.10] as ever I felt. Hailed in the afternoon. Only made slow progress. Saw 4 ships [-] the [- -].
Friday 20th. Very cold, hailed & rained. Came to the Newfoundland banks. Saw [-] whales, some [-] near [-].
Saturday 21st. Very cold in the morning and very rough in the sea in the afternoon we got orders to make our [-] very firm for we should have one and no mistake. It [-] and [-] witnessed one of the heaviest hurricanes that has been experienced for 9 years. [p.11]
Sunday 22nd. At one in the [- - - - -] wife [- - -] we was driven back on the [-] about 40 [- ]. Had our sails ripped up to slivers. Saw another ship apparently in distress.
Afternoon abated a little and glad we was for we needed it. [p.12]
Monday 23rd. Rough sea, but winding very cold. Saw a many whales. I was sick all day. In the evening we had another [-] as [-] very much [-].
Tuesday 24. Cold in the [-] in the afternoon it came warm and we had a calm for a few hours. Saw a many sea frigate. I was mending in my health very much the others well.
Wed. 25th. Very cold day. Going but slow. [p.13]
Thursday 26th. Very cold day. Early in the morning the wind changed and we had 24 hours good sail at the rate of 12 to 15 an hour.
Friday 27th. Very cold day. The wind turned round a head of us, tack about.
Saturday 28th. Very cold day as ever I felt in my life. Rough sea. [p.14]
Sunday 29th. Fine morning saw a large ship pass us in the morning. Wind a little more favorable had preaching on deck morning & evening Israel bad in his mouth & head sore. Saw 2 small fishing boats pass us.
Monday 30th. Very fine day. Wind changed last night at 11 o'clock, exactly right for us and we went along well all day. Israel still rather [p.15] unwell.
Tuesday May 1st. She sailed all last night at a rate of 14 knots an hour. Israel unwell all night. During the day his mouth burst. He had a [--] and bled a great deal. Came up to and found a large ship union. Still sailed first rate all day. At 7 we had a [- - -] 15 [-] to look after the luggage when we got in p.[UNCLEAR POSSIBLY, port] as we expected so reach the mouth of the river the following day [p.16].
Wed. May 2. Israel a little better, but his mouth still very sore; cannot eat, only drink. Had his mouth [-] by the [-]. Still a favorable wind in the evening. It became nearly calm & we [-] glad [- -]. [-] about sale [--] at 9 [----] 15 [---] when [-] and [-] and [-]. [p.17]
Thursday May 3rd. Fine morning, very little wind so that we almost stayed still. We were busy looking out for the Pilots all day, but did not [- -]. Six at night, the captain gave a signal and he came on board about 7. We got late news from him while we was eager to hear vessels that had sailed from Liverpool 8 days before us had not arrived. Israel getting better. [p.18]. Saw a many ships as many as 24 at a time. In the evening we saw the light ship. The last [- - -] a week before us had arrived at 2 weeks ago. [p.19]
Friday May 4. Fine morning, I saw the shores of America for the first time at 8 a.m. saw Cape May & cape [-]. Steam tug came to tug us up the river, but the land [-] could not. Weather fine. Israel much better. [-] blessed to see land [-] we. [p.20]
Saturday May 5. Arrived at Philadelphia at 10 o'clock at night. [p.21]
Sunday May 6. Went on shore for the first time and saw Elder & Sister V. [-]. Had a [-] with a law. [p.22]
Monday May 7. Got our boxes examined by the C. O. and shipped them to the [-]. We stopped a hotel [--] accommodation posted [-] England.
[-] 9 wet morning but [- -] some kinds of scenery [-]. [p.23]
[-] 10 [-] fine day very got [-] with a horse, business good. Arrived at Pittsburgh at 4 a.m. [--] Equinox lodged in [-] night.
[-] 11. Friday at 6 a.m. fine day, saw [- -] got plenty of [-] got made into the [-]
[-] 12 Saturday. Fine day, very hot. Got cheese [-] bread and biscuits. [p.24]
Tuesday 13 May. Fine morning, very hot. Saw [-] and Louisiana, arrived at Cincinnati at 12 o'clock at noon and stayed until 4 o'clock and then [-] forward. [-] stopped at 6 to wait the arrival of the [--] city on then to return to P.[UNCLEAR POSSIBLE, Philadelphia] so must [- -] of Saints at P.[UNCLEAR POSSIBLY, Philadelphia]. [p.25]
Monday 14th. Fine morning, very warm. Arrived at Louiseville at 7 o'clock the morning one o our Brethren aught a snake. Louiseville is in the state of Kentucky. Brother [- - - -].
Tuesday 15th. Fine morning. Arrived at [-] in the morning 4 shops a fire and likely for the whale square to be burned done then [UNCLEAR]. [p.26]
Wednesday 16th. Wet morning. [- - - - - - - - - - - - - -] [NEARLY THE ENTIRE PAGE IS TO FAINT TO READ] distance.
Thursday 17th. Winds [--] we stayed in the [---] day might [--] when we again set sail for [--] had also [p.27]. The other [--] Saints with us by the [--] but did not arrive. In St. Louis site is about [-] being 8 days longer than the [--] came up in we all started on board. [- -]
The 21st , at 9 o'clock at night up the Missouri River. It was a beautiful night. [- - - - - - - - -] [p.28] would be led a corps by my side.
Tuesday 22nd. Dull day. My wife washed some clothed and got cold [-] ill in her bowels and went worse. Nothing would stay on her stomach. [p.29]
Wednesday 23. [p.30]
Thursday 24
Friday 25th. [p.31]
Saturday 26. My wife still worse and Henry [UNCLEAR POSSIBLY, Jonas] Israel [-] sick ill also.
Sunday 27. Arrived at the campground at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. . . . [p.32]
. . . 30th all well [-----] about 420 Saints [-] Iowa.
31st started for the plains. Went only [-] yards and stopped to make things ready. . . . . .[p.46] [JOURNAL INDICATES HE STARTED FROM IOWA FOR THE PLAINS ON [JULY] 31st, 1855. HOWEVER, NO FURTHER ACCOUNT OF THE JOURNEY IS GIVEN BEYOND A MENTION OF HIS BEING AT INDEPENDENCE ROCK (p.58) ON AUGUST 28, 1855]
BIB: Clegg, Henry. Diary. (CHL) (Ms 6613) pp. 1-32,46,58.
(source abbreviations)