". . . In the year 1866, Elder Brigham Young, Jr., who was then president of what is called the European Mission of the church, appointed the writer of this article to take charge of a company of about five hundred Saints from Great Britain to the banks of the Missouri River in this country, on their way to Salt Lake City. The Saints did not cross the sea in fast-sailing steamships in those days. They traveled over the waters in slow-going sailing ships, depending for speed on favorable winds. At that time, six weeks was considered the average length of time for a voyage from England to New York.
We left the port of London on the 23rd of May, 1866, a very fine company of people, not a few of whom, I am pleased to say, are good, honorable members of the church, in Utah, today. I have in my mind especially now some of the boys who were with us. I have seen them grow up to manhood, and they are still faithful. . . . [p.M72]"
BIB: Ryder, John, [Journal Excerpt] IN The Families & Ancestry of William McDonald and Christine Wallace. p. M72. (FHL)
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