"Several of our highly-esteemed brethren have engaged their passage to New York, on board the ship Empire, to sail on Monday, July 5th, from Liverpool. Among the number are Elders L. N. Scovil, M. N. Sirrine, H. B. Jacobs, and O. B. Huntington. While we congradulate these brethren on the prospect of meeting their respective families, and the Saints, in the land of Zion, we regret deeply the loss of their valuable labors in the kingdom of Great Britain. Their labors have been crowned with much success, and considerable accessions to the conferences where they preside; and the conferences, we believe, are left in a prosperous condition. We trust that they will be upheld by the faith of the Saints,and have the privilege of beholding their families once more in life and health in the land of Zion. The health of Elder Jacobs is considerably impaired, and we learn also that Elder Robins, who is also a fellow passenger to the camp of the Saints, has suffered seriously from impaired lungs. May the God of Israel give them a prosperous voyage!"
MS, 9:14 (July 15, 1847), p.215
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