S.S. Wyoming, September 11, 1881.President Albert Carrington.
Dear Brother,--Knowing that you as well as all the Saints are desirous of hearing from the companies as they journey by sea and land to our home in the west, and as we expect to reach the port of New York tomorrow (Monday) evening, I take the present opportunity to give you a few items of our voyage.
After bidding you and the brethren from the office goodbye when you left us as we steamed down the Mersey, and the excitement of parting was over, we then effected an organization as our clerk reported to you from Queenstown; after which we went to work to arrange our people and assign them to their berths in the part of the ship allotted to us. I am pleased to say that the elders have assisted me in trying to make all feel comfortable, as also the officers of the vessel. We have had a pleasant passage across the mighty deep, have had good weather except on Thursday last, and are now sailing with a fair wind at the rate of fifteen miles an hour. We have held a meeting every afternoon since the 7th, after the worse of the seasickness was over. Today (Sunday) we had a large meeting on deck, which a number of our friends on board attended, to whom the gospel was preached. The elders are all getting over their sickness, particularly Brothers [Zerah P.] Terry and Reece, [T. D. Reese] who were and have been quite ill, as they were not very well when they came on board; but today they feel much better, as do all who have been seasick. More anon.
Sept. 13th.
Sister [Ann] Hall gave birth to a daughter [p.634] on Sunday evening, and both mother and child are doing well.
We arrived here at the dock at 8 o'clock this morning; were in quarantine last night at midnight; will leave tomorrow about noon. All is well. In haste, etc.,
Your brother in the gospel,
James Finlayson. [p.635]
BIB: Finlayson, James The Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star 43:40, (Oct. 3, 1881) pp. 634-35. (CHL)
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