Steam Ship Wyoming, New York, July 2, 1871.President Albert Carrington.
Dear Brother--We write to inform you of our safe arrival at New York, having been blessed with a prosperous voyage, though we encountered a great amount of foggy weather. We had a considerable amount of seasickness on board, but now all seem to be in fine spirits and good condition. We had one case of smallpox and one of scarlet fever, in both cases the patients for the time being were removed to the hospital, but are now so far recovered as to be replaced in their berths. One death has occurred, that of an infant of the Swiss company, who was only three days old when we left Liverpool. The captain and officers generally have been kind. The brethren are all well and join in love.
Your brother in the gospel,
George Lake. [p.458]
BIB: Lake, George. [Letter], Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star 33:29, (July 18, 1871) p. 458. (CHL)
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