Steam Ship Wyoming, off Queenstown,June 22, 1871.President Albert Carrington.
Dear Brother--I take great pleasure in informing you that we are all well and have had no seasickness so far on our journey. All is peace and good order, the Saints vying with each other in striving to render others happy, and singing the songs of Zion with a willing zest. We have organized the Saints into wards, and placed a competent man over each ward to take the watch-care and render the Saints as comfortable as possible. Prayers are attended to morning and evening. The Saints are delighted with the ship and the courtesy received so far from the officers, as they spare no pains to look after our well-being. The returning elders are feeling fine and are in buoyant spirits, and join with me in kind love to you and all at 42, Islington. [THIS WAS THE ADDRESS OF THE BRITISH MISSION IN LIVERPOOL.]
Ever praying that the blessing of Heaven may attend you and all our fellow-laborers, and the Saints we have left behind, I remain your brother in the gospel,
George Lake [p.411]
BIB: Lake, George [Letter], Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star 33:26, (June 27, 18710 p. 411. (CHL)
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