"DEPARTURE. -- At noon on Wednesday, June 21, the steamship Wyoming, Captain E. Whineray, steamed out of this port with 248 souls of the Saints on board. Of this number 57 were from the Swiss and German Mission, 184 from the British Mission, and seven elders returning to their homes in the valleys of Ephraim. The names of the returning elders are George Lake, Robert F. Neslen, M. B. Shipp, Eliezer Edwards, H. G. Snell, Charles Lambert, and William L. Payne. All of these brethren have been laboring in the British Isles, with the exception of Elder H. G. Snell, whose field of labor has been amongst the Saints of the Swiss and German Mission. . . ."
MS, 33:26 (June 27, 1871), p.410
"Wed. 21. [June 1871] -- The steamship Wyoming sailed from Liverpool, England, with 248 Saints, under the direction of Robert F. Neslen and George Lake. The company arrived at New York July 3rd, and at Salt Lake City July 12th."
CC, p.85
(source abbreviations)