Unknown Ports 24 Nov 1905
Voyage Information
- Ship Name
- Vessel Type
Screw Steamship
- Departure
- 24 Nov 1905 from Unknown
- Arrival
- Unknown Date at Unknown
- Source
- British Mission Register. Film Number 25694. Book/Volume: 1826-1828. Notes: The dates on this are between 1903 and 1914. (source abbreviations)
- Ellis Island
- Cymric, White Star Line, Liverpool-Boston, Nov. 30, 1905 (Morton Allan Directory of European Passenger Steamship Arrivals).
Read accounts of this voyage (1)
Passengers (33)
Adams, Alex
Boyer, John S
Boyer, Susie B
Butler, Fanny
Colhert, John S
Collins, Agnes
Cook, W. H
Creer, Willard O
Dutch Saints
Flamm, Henry
Flamm, Matilda
Gehson, John W
Gerns, Augusta
Holmes, Ernest L
Holmes, Mary L
Hunsaker, Israel
Lyman, John C
Markaw, Miseba
Morrell, J W
Morris, James W
Ogden, Junius F
Phelps, Wm W
Proctor, Louise
Reed, George
Ren[-------], W H
Tribe, Roy
Whettan, Katherine
Whettan, Samuel
Wogstaff, J A
Young, Asla D