Liverpool to Montreal 17 Sep 1913
Voyage Information
- Ship Name
- Vessel Type
Screw Steamship
- Departure
- 17 Sep 1913 from Liverpool
- Arrival
- Unknown Date at Montreal
- Source
- British Mission Register. Film Number 25694. Book/Volume: 1829. Notes: This is on the microfilm after book # 1828 which ends at 1914. Starts at 1910 and goes till 1914. (source abbreviations)
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Passengers (40)
Aitken, Mabel
Andersen, Laura
Anderson, Johanne
Anderson, L. P.
Atkin, Jos T.
Behling, Herman
Brighton, R. A
Buhler, John U.
Catten, H. F.
Christiansen, P. S.
Clare, Alice
Day, Elsie
Dazeley, Albert E.
Dennis, E. W.
Fredericksen, Olivia
Fredrickson, Marie
Harrison, Elizabeth
Hatfield, Fannie
Johansen, Jens M
Kral, Hermon
Lambert, Asael C.
Larsen, Helga
Lerdahl, Carl
Lindell, Hedvig
Madsen, Erastus
Madsen, Erastus
Nielsen, Magda
Ohrn, Karl
Park, Mary
Pinckney, Edwin E.
Rekom, Marie
Smith, Ellen R
Smith, Olive
Sorensen, Chas
Sorensen, Kersten Marie
Sorenson, Emma J
Steinfeldt, Anna
Turner, Ada
Williams, Clarence