Liverpool to Montreal 15 Oct 1913
British Mission Manuscript History Voyage Entry
“Wednesday, Oct. 15 . . . Releases and Departures - - The following named missionaries have been honorably released and took passage for Montreal on October 15th, 1913, per s.s. ‘Corsican’ : From the British mission - -Joseph A Bodily, John F Gunn, Jr., Charles H Smith, Jedidiah McKay, and Wilford E Allen. From the Swedish misison – H G Lundell. From the Scandinavian mission -- A H Hansen, John F Petersen, George Jensen and Alfred C Larsen. Sister Agda A C Petersen, released from missionary duty in the last-named mission, also returned home in company with her husband, Elder John F Petersen. A company of sixty-seven emigrants was aboard the same ship, in charge of Elder Charles H Smith, assisted by Elders A H Hansen and John F Petersen. (Mill.Star, 75:703).” [BMMH,1913].
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