Found 19 Voyages, 10 Accounts, and 88 Passengers
Voyages 1-10 of 19
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Read about this voyage:
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes and Slack, late presidents of the Reading and Essex Conferences. As the evils of the world increase...Wales; the remainder were from the London, Kent, Essex and Reading Conferences. Elder Edward
- Journal of Chimborazo Emigrating Conference Mission, Martin Slack [Stack], ex-president of Essex Conference, and William G. Mills, ex-president
- The History of the Chimborazo Emigrating Conference Martin Slack [Stack], ex-president of the Essex Conference and William G. Mills, ex-president of
Read about this voyage:
- Journal of William Wood Sister Coalbear and son David from Mundon, Essex; Sister Rose Livermore from Maldon, Sister...from Mundon and an aged Brother Perkins from Essex. I was to look after the [p.269] above by way
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes July 27th, 1860, has been presiding over the Essex Conference, and Elder Clark over the Sheffield
Read about this voyage:
- Autobiography of George Goddard . . . We took passage on the sailing ship Essex and on the 9th of October we went aboard, the
- G. G. [George Goddard] "Review of an Active Life" after our baptism, we took passage on the ship Essex, which was bound for New Orleans. No Saints were
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes
- Autobiography of Elizabeth Harrison Goddard
Found 22 out of 489 passengers:
- Brown, Daniel Essex, England BMR, p.41 Labourer
- Brown, James Essex, England
- Brown, Lucy Essex, England BMR, p.41 Laborer
- Holder, John Essex, England BMR, p.57 Tile Maker
- Holland, Ann King Essex, England BMR, p.42 Wife
- Holland, Caroline Essex, England BMR, p.42 Spinster
- Holland, Charlotte Essex, England BMR, p.42 Spinster
- Holland, Eliza Ann Essex, England BMR, p.42 Spinster
- Holland, Emily Essex, England BMR, p.42
- Holland, Emma Essex, England BMR, p.42
- Holland, John Essex, England BMR, p.42 Tailor
- Holland, Joshua Essex, England BMR, p.42 Sailor
- Hymas, John Essex, England BMR, p.42 Laborer
- Knopp, Jane Essex, England Wife
- Knopp, William Essex, England BMR, p.41 Labourer
- Waylett, George Essex, England BMR, p.55 Laborer
- Wilson, Anthony Essex, England
- Wilson, James Essex, England BMR, p.42 Bricklayer
- Wilson, John Essex, England BMR, p.41 Bricklayer
- Wilson, Rachael Essex, England Wife
- Wilson, Rose Essex, England
- Wilson, Seth Essex, England
Read about this voyage:
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes Edwin Scott, late traveling elder in the Essex Conference, and Daniel Matheson, late traveling
Found 10 out of 472 passengers:
- Cook, Charles Essex, England BMR, p. 348 Blacksmith
- Cook, Daniel Essex, England BMR, p.348. Blacksmith
- Sansom, Susan Essex, England BMR, p.348
- Savill, Ellen Essex, England
- Savill, Ernest Essex, England
- Savill, George Essex, England BMR, p.344 Bootmaker
- Savill, Herbert G. Essex, England Infant (BMR)
- Savill, Jessie Essex, England
- Smith, Euphrosine Essex, England BMR, p.350 Servant
- White, Isabella Essex, England BMR, p.348
Found 8 out of 903 passengers:
- Bides, Sarah Essex, England BMR, p.37 Spinster
- Bradey, Naomi Essex, England BMR, p.37 Spinster
- Clark, Michael Essex, England BMR, p.37 Machinist
- Hymas, William Essex, England BMR, p.24 Labourer
- Kemp, Alfred Essex, England
- Kemp, John Essex, England BMR, p.37 Carpenter
- Kemp, Lydia Essex, England Wife
- Smith, Samuel Essex, England BMR, p.37 Shoemaker
Found 8 out of 682 passengers:
- Cooke, John Essex, England BMR, p. 185
- Horne, Ann Essex, England BMR, p. 185
- Horne, Thomas Essex, England BMR, p. 185; Customs, p.14.
- Horne, Thomas Jr. Essex, England BMR, p. 185
- Smith, Alfred Essex, England
- Smith, George A. Essex, England BMR, p. 183; Customs, p.11.
- Smith, Hector Essex, England
- Smith, Mary Essex, England
Liverpool to New York 16 Oct 1872 - 29 Oct 1872
Found 8 out of 229 passengers:
- Gallafent, Anna Essex, England Two ages given, 7/9 (BMR).
- Gallafent, Barnard Essex, England
- Gallafent, David Essex, England
- Gallafent, Ellen Essex, England Two ages given, 4/6 (BMR).
- Gallafent, Emily Essex Not going (BMR)
- Gallafent, Ephraim Essex, England
- Gallafent, Sarah Essex, England Two ages given, 7/10 (BMR).
- Gallafent, Sarah Essex, England BMR, p. 260; Mother (EECI).
Found 7 out of 155 passengers:
- Brand, Alice Jane Essex, England
- Brand, David Essex, England BMR, p. 193 Carpenter
- Brand, Emily Essex, England Age:9 Months (BMR)
- Brand, Henry Essex, England
- Brand, Martha Essex, England Wife
- Brand, Richard Essex, England
- Brand, Selina Essex, England
Voyages 1-10 of 19
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PDF Articles:
Illness and Mortality in Nineteenth-Century Mormon Immigration.
his wife, and seven children took passage on the Essex in 1851. Goddard’s wife gave birth during
Mormons on the High Seas: Ocean Voyage Narratives to America 1840-1890; Guide to Sources in the Historical Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Other Utah Repositories
Westernlore Press, T95T) pp. 61-62. (L) Essex (1851) G. G., "Review of an Active Life,"
Members of the Willie and Martin Handcart Companies of 1856: A Sesquicentennial Remembrance
HICKS I Annie Born: 8 January 1837 in Barking, Essex, England Daughter of Daniel Hicks and Hanna
Adventures of a Young British Seaman, 1852-1862
but such discussion of the Godhead "upset Essex, Branch. There the fellow- treatment only made
Church Emigration
Wales; the remainder were from the London, Kent, Essex and Reading conferences. Elder Edward Stevenson,
Mormons, Nebraska and the Way West
and Barnetts of English origin via Essex in Massachusetts. My paternal grandmother was