Found 114 Voyages, 255 Accounts, and 113 Passengers
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Read about this voyage:
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes Sat. 3. [1881] -- The steamship Wyoming sailed from Liverpool, England, with 644 Saints,...returning missionaries, sailed on the steamer 'Wyoming,' Sept. 3, 1881, and arrived in New York on the
- Diary of Jonathan Pyrah 9 hours. It has been the quickest passage the Wyoming has made. I expect that is because there were a... Then waited for our boxes, been got out of the Wyoming, then opened our boxes and a man looked our
- Journal of Christopher J. Weaver across the river and went on board the steamer Wyoming late in the evening. 2nd. Laid over. Was
- Letter from James Finlayson from James Finlayson S.S. Wyoming, September 11, 1881.President Albert
- Letter from John Urie - September 4, 1881 from John Urie - September 4, 1881 S.S. Wyoming, off Queenstown, September 4, 1881, 9:30
Found 3 out of 307 passengers:
- Borier, Kristine Conference EECI; Sailed on Wyoming 13 Sep 1876; Company continued journey by rail
- Gee, William EECI; Sailed on Wyoming 15 Sep 1875.
- Herd, James EECI; Sailed on Wyoming 15 Sep 1875.
Read about this voyage:
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes P. O. Hansen and Evan Forgensen, sailed on the 'Wyoming' on the 15th instant. They left us full the emigrants embarked on the steamship 'Wyoming,' together with 118 English Saints and six
- Autobiography of Peter Olsen Hansen The name of the steamship we came in was Wyoming. I was told that it was 300 feet long and it
- Letter from Joseph F. Smith - September 16, 1875 from Joseph F. Smith - September 16, 1875 S. S. Wyoming, off Queenstown, Sept. 16, 1875.President A.
- Letter from Richard V. Morris - September 25, 1875 Richard V. Morris - September 25, 1875 S. S. Wyoming off Sandy Hook, Sept. 25, 1875.President A.
Read about this voyage:
- Reminiscences and Diary of Charles Denney or 8 o'clock upon one of the river steamers for Wyoming, Nebraska. While the men were unloading the...or 6 weeks. On the next day after my arrival in Wyoming, one of the brethren asked me if I would not
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes at New York July 4th, and the emigrants reached Wyoming July 14th" CC,
- Autobiography of Henry Crane and steamed up the river to a small place called Wyoming, the outfitting place then of the Church teams.
- Diary of Joshua K. Whitney off after traveling 200 miles. Arrived at Wyoming on Monday evening 16th. Found the company
Read about this voyage:
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes them a fervent 'God speed,' and the good ship Wyoming sped on with her cargo of precious souls." MS,...p.412 "Sat. 28. [June 1879] -- The steamship Wyoming sailed from Liverpool, England, with 622 Saints,
- Autobiography of Emma Neat Bennett the ocean and traveling by train to Evanston, Wyoming; they to locate in Salt Lake City. We were met...wishes. I remember going out to the steamship Wyoming in a boat from the shore for about two miles,
- Letter from William N. Williams - June 29, 1879 William N. Williams - June 29, 1879 On Board the Wyoming, off Queenstown, June 29, 1879.President
- Autobiography and Diary of Jens Christian Johansen
- Letter from W. N. Williams - July 8, 1879
Read about this voyage:
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes -- At noon on Wednesday, June 21, the steamship Wyoming, Captain E. Whineray, steamed out of this port...p.410 "Wed. 21. [June 1871] -- The steamship Wyoming sailed from Liverpool, England, with 248 Saints,
- Journal and Diary of George Lake moved on a tugboat and were moved onto the ship Wyoming. Here there was a great hurry and bustle as all...Lambert, George Lake. The name of the ship, Wyoming. Captain Edward, Whineny commanding. Length of
- Autobiographical Sketch of Alice Baugh Smith sailed from Liverpool, England on the steamship Wyoming. There were 248 Saints in this company
- Letter from George Lake - July 2, 1871 from George Lake - July 2, 1871 Steam Ship Wyoming, New York, July 2, 1871.President Albert
- Letter from George Lake - June 22, 1871 from George Lake - June 22, 1871 Steam Ship Wyoming, off Queenstown,June 22, 1871.President Albert
- The Life of Charlotte Ann Bates boat to the ship. I think they called it the Wyoming. Here we were to stay for ten days. [p.2] We
Read about this voyage:
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes p.378 "Sat. 7. [June 1890] . . . The steamship Wyoming sailed from Liverpool, England, with 304...Liverpool where they embarked on the steamship 'Wyoming' June 7, 1890, for New York, where they arrived
- Letter from J. M. Sjodahl - June 18, 1890 letter to the captain: "Captain C. L. Rigby, Wyoming At the close of this voyage, we feel it a very...death on board the barge that took us from the Wyoming to the steamer for Norfolk. The ship leaves for
- Autobiography of George Jacob Brox one or two nights. We went on the steamer ([Wyoming]) for America. While crossing the North Sea we
- Life History of Elise Brox Ripplinger
Read about this voyage:
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes their departure on board the Guion steamship Wyoming, Captain Beddoe, from Liverpool for New York. ...p.665 "Wed. 14. [Oct. 1874] -- The steamship Wyoming sailed from Liverpool, England, with 155 Saints,
- Autobiography of James Bywater started from Liverpool on the steamship Wyoming, eight minutes past 1 p.m. on October 14, 1874.
- Diaries of Volney King & heavy winds continue. The captain of the Wyoming is a Mr. C. J. Beddoe. There is about 400
- Letter from William N. Fife - October 15, 1874 N. Fife - October 15, 1874 Queenstown, S.S. Wyoming, October 15th, 1874.President Joseph F.
- Letter from William N. Fife - October 26, 1874 from William N. Fife - October 26, 1874 S.S. Wyoming, New York, October 26th, 1874. President Joseph
- Reminiscences of James Bywater and at 6: 40 p.m. went on board the steamship Wyoming of the Guion Line, and at 9 a.m. the morning of
Read about this voyage:
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes p.699 "Sat. 26. [Oct. 1889] . . . The steamship Wyoming sailed from Liverpool, England, with 161 Saints...Britain and Holland, and boarded the steamship 'Wyoming,' which sailed from Liverpool on Saturday, Oct.
- A. L. Skanchy Emigration Company Journal 1889 October 15, 1889. The emigrants per S. S. Wyoming to be in charge of Brother A. L. Skanchy with...the 25th where we went on board the S. S. Wyoming. In the morning of the 26th we were visited by
- Letter from A. L. Skanchy - November 5, 1889 A. L. Skanchy - November 5, 1889 On the S. S. Wyoming, Nov. 5, 1889.President George Teasdale. Dear
- Record Books of Charles Keilgaard Hansen 26th of October we left Liverpool on the steamer Wyoming. There was now 12 returning missionaries with
- Letter from A. L. Skanchy - October 27, 1889
Read about this voyage:
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes Scandinavian Saints left this port in the S. S. Wyoming, bound for New York en route to Utah. We trust... At Liverpool the Saints boarded the steamship 'Wyoming' and sailed on the 17th. Altogether 191
- Letter from J. P. Toolson - August 18, 1889 J. P. Toolson - August 18, 1889 On board the Wyoming, off Queenstown, Aug. 18, 1889.President George...George Teasdale. Dear Brother,--The S. S. Wyoming left Liverpool on the 17th, at 2 p.m., and up to
- Journal of Jens C. A. Weibye again. Friday, 16th. We went on the ship Wyoming. We 15 missionaries got our berths intermediate
- Letter from J. P. Toolson - August 27, 1889
Read about this voyage:
- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes p.551 "Sat. 30. [Aug. 1884] -- The steamship Wyoming sailed from Liverpool, England, with 496 Saints,...joined them, and all went on board the steamer 'Wyoming,' which sailed on the 30th. The whole company
- Letter from John Reeve - September 10, 1884 John Reeve, writing from on board the S. S. Wyoming, Sept. 10, 1884, says: "All is well with the...memories of the time spent on the staunch ship Wyoming on this her 122nd trip as a passenger steamer
- Autobiography of Andrew Janus Hansen Liverpool. On the next day we boarded the S. S. Wyoming of the Guion Line, and at 4 p.m., she raised
- Letter from John Reeve - August 31, 1884 1884 Elder John Reeve, writing from on board the Wyoming, off the coast of Ireland, August 31, 1884,
PDF Articles:
Historic Resource Study: Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail
Winter's Grave, Nebraska/188 Laramie's Peak, Wyoming/189 Mexican Hill, Wyoming/190 Guernsey Ruts, Wyoming/191 Devil's Gate, Wyoming/192 Martin's Cove Handcart Site, Wyoming/193 Split Rock Ruts, Wyoming/194 Willie's Handcart Site, Wyoming/195 Church Butte, Wyoming/196 Fort Bridger,...ql M•ti96Url 40 N1!lf'!! •gulh Omah-l Wyoming, Neb. Wyomtng. Neb. Wyomong, Neb. Wyoming. Neb Wyoming, Neb. Wyoming, Neb. Wyoming, Neb. Wyomtng, Neb. Wyoming, Neb. Wyoming, Neb. Wyoming, Neb. Wyoming, Neb. ,. .. 25 Jun Jun C::•pt.ln ol •nd
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Haroer 547 P 102. 18 Jul 1857 L Misc. Misc. Wyoming Misc. Charles Harmon 36 50 P According to the...Mav 1871 L Wyoming Joseph Parry 10 NY 162. 21 Jun 1871 L Wyoming George Lake 248 NY 163. 28 Jun
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and leave on the plains and moun¬tain passes of Wyoming landmarks and shrines cherished today as'an...played a generous part also in giving to Wyoming some of the most famous trails and land״ marks
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Mormons were there. The current hamlet of Wyoming, two and a half miles southeast of old Wyoming, has nothing to do with the older community or... North Platte, Nebraska, 1865 Laramie City, Wyoming, 1868 Benton, Wyoming, 1868 *Because by 1856 it was possible to go by
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Mormon Land Selection in the Greybull Valley, Wyoming: Henderson, Iva 1971 Interview, Basin, Wyoming, July 29. Johnson, John Edward 1971 ...1893¬1963. Privately Printed, Bur¬lington, Wyoming. Mann, Patty 1972 Interview, Lovell, Wyoming, June 23. Meinig, D.W. 1965 The Mormon Culture
Another Route to Zion: Rediscovering the Overland Trail
Platte and North Platte rivers to Fort Laramie, Wyoming, .. '·0 ·0 ·.·'t ...... ··.'? u·TA.I-1 .·...Trail across western Nebraska and all of Wyoming. The portion of the Overland Trail in Wyoming, especially between Fort Bridger and Cheyenne
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of freight! 78 26 Aug 1664 J.H. 26 Aug 1864 Wyoming. Neb. 8 Jul William 0 Preston (2nd Church...Sep 1864 Deseret News 17 Aug 1864. p. 369. Wyoming, Neb 19 or 22 Jul William S Warren (4th Church
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- -jiv"'-! , i;-v'" I SOUTH DAKOT I »«' WYOMING.-i' I I I t"""",,,,, '" -,-----, i I f J...Laramie they 84 Old Bridge to Fort Laramie, Wyoming Old Fort Laramie, Wyoming were met by other Mormons. These Saints, who
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the present boundary line between Nebraska and Wyoming, where both encamped on May 29, 1847• Here an...White led 112 men, women and children through Wyoming on the way to Oregon. These emigrants were
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it became clear that a disaster was under way in wyoming for example the first known epistle from most trainlmen to be the best was an 18 of wyoming glenbrock present day Glenrock wyoming one good deer creek days travel east of the last