Found 26 Voyages, 60 Accounts, and 0 Passengers
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- Diary of Thomas Bullock blue, with not a cloud by what was in the horizon. The sea very gently rippled and of a a most awfully grand manner being between the horizon and a very black cloud which poured down rain in
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- A Compilation of General Voyage Notes Eliza Scott having crossed the ocean in the Ship Horizon to Boston. Immediately on the arrival of my wife
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- Autobiography of John Lingren its vast fields of grassy meadow in the distant horizon. Then I had walked behind or ahead of an ox
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- Autobiography of Ruth May Fox Ruth May Fox America was now looming large in my horizon. Soon Father was to go, and after finding
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- Autobiography of William Anthony was full and about four hours above the west horizon. Like a ghost, I sped to the front of the
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- Journal of David L. Davis ray from the ship to the very verge of the horizon. Every thing around us is quiet except an
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- Journal of John Woodhouse hurried manner, frequently pausing to scan the horizon. Then he hurriedly gave the order, "Hoist the
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- Letter from Dan Jones - May 21, 1856 paced the quarter deck eagerly scrutinizing the horizon, lest a treacherous squall should take us
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- Letter from John Nicholson - July 4, 1866 expanse of deep blue water stretching out to the horizon all around. We will probably leave here for the
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- Letter from N. M. Hodges - May 27, 1885 for there was not a cloud to be seen above the horizon to darken the sky. While sailing among those
PDF Articles:
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see to pick up a pin. We looked to the eastern horizon and beheld a white smoke arise towards the...forming a regular bow dipping in the western horizon. After the bow had formed, it began to widen out
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spencer letters indicate that the thornton and horizon emigrants would in fact be sent on west at that...from the north platte which runs just beyond the horizon at the right 46 bBYyYUuUstudies B studies to
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the day declined and the sun sunk below the horizon, a dark mass of clouds seemed rolling up from...seen within the vast circle of the en¬compassing horizon. As the sun declined, and the shadows began to
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this 10 realistic description of life on the Horizon in 1856: Sea-sailing is very pleasant at... hurried manner, frequently pausing to scan the horizon. Then he hurriedly gave the order, "Hoist the
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bent their way to the new land beyond the horizon. Tragic as it may have seemed....-the glory of...but emigrants bound for the land beyond the horizon. And out of the east come the wagons---scores
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and turreted towers, would rise upon the horizon of the plain, astonishing us with its stupendous...when they disappeared, apparently behind the horizon. As we proceeded, the plain gradually became
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from his royal couch. Gradually the eastern horizon assumed a warmer hue, while some floating clouds...assumed a horrible, lurid glare, all along the horizon. As far as the eye couldENGINEER ON A WOLF HUNT.
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of this area with the famous peak on the horizon. - Thomas Bullock, 1847. [then] singing with...either looking straight down or off to the horizon. The wind The Sweetwater River plunges through
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sides forming an angle of about 45 o with the horizon; from the apex rises a nearly circular and...with closing vistas between, lost in the horizon's edge; the senses become enraptured for awhile