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Liverpool to New York 6 May 1862 - 12 Jun 1862
Voyage Information
- Ship Name
- Vessel Type
- Departure
- 6 May 1862 from Liverpool
- Arrival
- 12 Jun 1862 at New York
- Source
- BMR, Book #1047, pp. 165-182 (FHL #025,691); Customs #549 (FHL #175,176) (source abbreviations)
- Church Leader
- John D.T. McAllister
Read accounts of this voyage (8)
Passengers (435)
Adams, Samuel L.
Adamson, Andrew
Adamson, Annie
Adamson, Jane
Adamson, Jane
Adamson, Jane
Adamson, Jane
Adamson, Peter
Ainsworth, James
Ainsworth, Joseph
Ainsworth, Mary
Ainsworth, Mary J.
Aird, Agnes
Bailey, Frank
Baker, Caroline
Baker, Elizabeth
Baker, Mary
Baker, Sarah E.
Baker, William
Bardeley, Mary
Barker, John
Barnes, Mark
Barton, Bertha
Barton, Eliza
Barton, Elizabeth
Barton, Hyrum
Barton, John
Barton, Joseph
Barton, Peter
Bates, George
Baverd, Martha
Berry, Fanny
Berry, John
Betts, Joseph E.
Biddle, Amanda
Biddle, Elizabeth
Biddle, John T.
Biddle, William A.
Biddle, William G.
Blunt, Caroline
Blunt, Charles
Breeze, Joseph
Breeze, Sarah
Bridge, Ellen
Bridge, James
Bridge, Jane
Bridge, Jane
Bridge, John
Bridge, Luke
Bridge, Mary
Bridge, Thomas
Brown, John
Brown, Mary
Buckley, Betty
Bull, Catherine
Bullock, Elizabeth
Bullock, Ellen M.
Bullock, Henry
Bullock, Sarah
Bunn, George
Burgon, George
Burt, Andrew
Burt, George
Burt, James
Burt, Jane
Burt, John
Burtenshaw, James
Burtenshaw, Mary Ann
Burtenshaw, Sarah
Burtenshaw, Stephen
Burton, George
Carter, Ann
Carter, Jane
Carter, Robert
Cash, Edward
Coggle, Heber B.
Coggle, Sarah A.
Collier, George
Court, William
Courts, Jane
Criddle, George
Crockett, John
Crockett, William
Crowther, Mary I.
Crowther, Rebecca
Daniels, Catherine
Daniels, Elizabeth
Davies, Phoebe
Dearden, Ann
Dearden, Elizabeth
Dearden, Elizabeth
Dearden, Ellen
Dearden, James
Dearden, Thomas
Dearden, Thomas
Dearden, William
Dermott, Susan
Du Fassee, Charles
Du Fassee, Hannah
Du Fassee, Sophia
Eccles, David
Eccles, David
Eccles, Isabella
Eccles, Robert
Eccles, William
Entwistle, Elizabeth
Entwistle, John
Entwistle, Martha
Evans, Amelia . M.
Evans, Annie
Evans, Arthur J.
Evans, Emily
Evans, Mary
Evans, Mary J.
Foster, Ann
Fowler, James
Fowler, Lorenzo
Francis, John J.
Francis, Mary Ann
Freckleston, Jessie
Freckleston, John
Gale, Elizabeth
Gardner, Naomi
Gardner, Ursula
Garrett, Stephen
Gough, James
Goulter, William I.
Graham, Jane S.
Gritten, Eliza
Gritten, Hannah
Groves, Charles T.
Gunn, Fanny
Gutteridge, Maria
Hallett, Ellen
Halt, George
Harman, George
Harman, Mercy
Harrison, John
Harrison, Margery
Harrison, Nancey
Haslam, Elizabeth A.
Haslam, Henry
Haslam, Samuel
Haslam, Sarah
Haslam, Thomas
Haycock, Samuel
Hazelden, Deborah
Heaton, Ellen
Hemsley, Edward
Hemsley, Ellen
Henson, Charlotte
Henson, Joseph
Henson, Joseph W.
Henson, Lizzie
Higgins, James
Higgins, Mahala
Hill, William
Hill, William H.
Holgate, Sohopila
Holt, William
Holton, Lorenzo
Holton, Mary A.
Holton, Richard
Horsley, Cyrus A.
Horsley, Sophia
Horsley, Thomas
Houghton, William
Houton, Ann
Huskinsson, Mary
Ingram, Eliza
Irons, Richard
Istead, Jane
Izatt, Alexander
Izatt, William
Jacobs, Fanny
Jacobs, John
Jenkins, Oliver
Jessop, Esther
Johnson, John
Jones, Catherine
Jones, Daniel
Jones, Jane
Judd, Samuel
Kemp, James
Kimber, John
Kirby, Ann
Kirby, Edward
Laddick, Amelia
Lashbrook, Edward
Lee, William
Lees, Samuel
Locke, Robert
Mabey, Albert
Mabey, Hester
Mabey, Hester
Mabey, Jane
Mabey, John C.
Mabey, John J.
Mabey, Joseph T.
Mabey, Maria
Mabey, Thomas
Macfie, John
Mantle, Matilda
Marsden, Ann E.
Marsden, Elizabeth
Marsden, James
Marsden, John
Marsden, Mary
Martin, Ann
Mcfarland, Archibald
Mcfarland, Arthur
Mcfarland, James
Mcfarland, John
Mcfarland, Mary
Mcfarland, Peter
Mcfarland, Peter
Mclatchie, Ann Jane
Mclatchie, Edmund
Mclatchie, Eliza
Mclatchie, Jane
Mclatchie, Samuel
Meller, Robert
Miller, Albert
Miller, Alice
Miller, Ansley
Miller, George
Miller, Julianna
Miller, Mary Ann
Miller, Stephen
Mills, Louisa
Mitchell, Ann
Mitchell, Ann M.
Mitchell, Joseph
Mitchell, Martha
Mitchell, Mary A.
Mitchell, Sarah Gritten
Mitchell, Thomas
Molyneaux, Elias
Molyneaux, Elizabeth
Molyneaux, John
Molyneaux, John
Moore, Thomas
Morley, William H.
Morphew, Wm. H.
Morris, Edward
Morris, Eliza
Morris, Elizabeth
Morris, Emma
Morris, Mary Ann
Morris, Sarah
Morris, Sarah Jane
Morris, William
Morris, William T.
Mutch, Isabella
Mutch, Margaret
Mutch, William
Neilson, David
Neilson, Mary
Owen, Elizabeth
Owen, Emma
Owen, Sarah
Parker, Maria
Parry, Elizabeth
Partington, Margaret
Partington, Thomas
Patrick, Thomas
Payne, William
Pearsall, William
Pearson, Charles
Pierce, Edward
Pitts, John
Pitts, Martha
Platt, Elizabeth
Platt, Elizabeth
Platt, James
Platt, Jonathan
Platt, Maznothon (sarah)
Platt, Sarah E.
Platt, William H.
Pollock, Brigham N.
Pollock, Catherine
Pollock, Cecelia
Pollock, David
Pollock, Jared
Pollock, Mary
Potts, Charlotte
Potts, George
Potts, Julia
Potts, Thomas
Potts, Thomas
Powell, Daniel
Powell, Daniel
Powell, Eliza
Powell, Sarah
Powell, Susan
Pugh, Edward
Purdy, Ann
Purdy, Brigham
Purdy, Charlotte
Purdy, Eliza
Purdy, Eliza
Purdy, Mary E.
Purdy, Samuel
Purdy, Samuel
Purdy, Sarah M.
Purdy, Thomas
Purdy, William
Reed, George
Reid, Henry
Reid, Jane
Reid, Jane
Reid, John
Reid, William
Richards, George
Richards, Jane
Roberts, Reuben
Robinson, Ann M.
Robinson, Catherine
Robinson, John
Robinson, Maria
Robinson, Mary I.
Robinson, Rebecca E.
Rogers, Ann
Rogers, Emma
Rogers, James
Rogers, William
Rogerson, Dorothy
Rowell, Mary
Rowell, William
Rowell, William
Russell, Adam
Russell, Catherine
Russell, David
Russell, Elizabeth
Russell, Francis
Russell, Helen
Russell, Helen
Russell, James
Russell, Janet
Russell, John
Russell, Joseph H. Smith
Sainsbury, Charlotte
Sainsbury, George J.
Sainsbury, Mary A. D.
Sargent, Elizabeth
Sargent, George
Simmons, Mariam
Simmons, Susan
Simmons, Susan
Sion, Frederick
Smith, Edith J.
Smith, Isaac
Smith, Jane
Smith, John
Smith, John H.
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Judith
Smith, Mary
Smith, Mary
Smith, Mary Ann
Smith, Matilda
Smith, Thomas
Smith, William
Smith, William
Spencer, Alfred
Spendlove, Mary
Stanford, Alfred
Stanford, Elizabeth
Stanford, Esther
Stanford, Thomas
Stanhouse, Alfred
Stanhouse, Elizabeth
Stanhouse, Esther
Stanhouse, Thomas
Steed, Jane
Stephens, Charles
Stephens, Elizabeth
Stephens, Frances
Stephens, George E.
Stephens, Isaac
Stephens, Mary Ann
Stephens, Nephi H.
Stokes, Ann
Stratton, Emily
Stratton, George F.
Stratton, George F.
Stratton, Mary
Stratton, Mary E.
Stratton, Rosina
Stuart, Margaret
Stuart, Samuel
Stubbs, Mary Ann
Sutherland, Mary Ann
Swinyard, Priscilla
Taylor, Samuel
Tett, Harriet
Thomson, Christopher
Thomson, Edward A.
Thomson, James
Thomson, Jane
Thomson, John
Thomson, John Jr.
Thomson, Lois
Thomson, Orson S.
Thomson, Sarah
Walker, John E.
Warrilow, Sophia
Webb, Eli
Webb, Elizabeth
Webb, Robert
Webb, Simeon
Webb, William
Whitley, Sarah
Whitley, Sophia
Whitley, William
Whitlock, James
Wickens, William
Wilkins, Stephen
William, I.
Williams, Ann
Williams, Christiana
Williams, David
Williams, Edwin
Williams, Elizabeth
Williams, Hannah
Williams, Harriet
Williams, Jessie
Williams, Mana
Williams, Martha
Williams, Susannah
Yates, Harriet
Yates, Margaret
Yates, Mary
Yates, William