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Liverpool to Boston 25 May 1856 - 30 Jun 1856
Voyage Information
- Ship Name
- Vessel Type
- Departure
- 25 May 1856 from Liverpool
- Arrival
- 30 Jun 1856 at Boston
- Source
- BMR, pp. 151-188 (FHL #025,691) (source abbreviations)
- Church Leader
- Edward Martin
Read accounts of this voyage (28)
A Compilation of General Voyage Notes
of General Voyage Notes "DEPARTURES. -- The Ship Horizon, Captain Reed, sailed from Liverpool for Boston,... On the twenty-fifth of May 1856, the ship Horizon, Captain Reed, sailed from Liverpool for Boston,
Autobiographical Sketch of Josiah Rogerson
following when we went on board the ship Horizon, Captain Read. Sailed out to the river Sunday
Autobiography of Aaron Jackson
We left Liverpool on the sailing ship Horizon, May 22, 1856. There were 700 persons on board.
Autobiography of Benjamin Platt
name was Mary Craves.) We started on the ship
Horizon and set sail on the 25th of May from Liverpool
Autobiography of Ebenezer Crouch
crossed the ocean in a sailing vessel named the Horizon. After about six weeks, we landed in the city
Autobiography of Elizabeth White Steward
on the 24th day of May sailed on the good ship Horizon, bound for Boston Harbor under the presidency of
Autobiography of George Harrison
men, women, and children, on the good ship Horizon at the Liverpool Harbor and a Mr. Reed was
Autobiography of Heber Robert McBride
hands could be got.
The name of the ship was the Horizon, half clipper build. 900 tons burthen had on
Autobiography of John William Southwell
to other scenes on the program.
On the 22nd the Horizon was scheduled to sail, consequently the Saints...huge anchor chains were heard and the beautiful Horizon floated away from its mooring place. The Saints
Autobiography of Louisa Mellor Clark
the leadership of Edward Martin on the ship Horizon. There were 856 Saints in all who were coming
Autobiography of Lydia Franklin Goodaker
to the United States. I started on the ship Horizon, a new emigrant vessel manned by an American
Autobiography of Mary Goble Pay
came to Liverpool and went on board the ship, Horizon, that evening.
It was a sailing vessel and there
Diary of Samuel Openshaw
at eight in the evening dark (sun sets below the horizon). We have to cook none at Sundays.
Interview with Michael Jensen, Handcart Pioneer
set sail for America on the sailing vessel, the Horizon, taking between eleven and twelve weeks to reach
Joseph Crossley Journal
brother, Ephraim started to look at the ship “Horizon” on which we were to sail for Boston. After
Journal of Henry Hamilton
then got a porter to take our chests off to the Horizon, the vessel that we was to go with. We then
Journal of Joseph Beecroft
I saw the smoke of a steamer ascending above the horizon which passed behind our ship about 4 o’clock...clouds that stretched themselves athwart the horizon. The narrow slip of light of the waning moon
Journal of Peter Howard McBride
Journal of Thomas Durham
Liverpool for Boston on board the packet ship Horizon with 864 Saints on board, Edward Martin,
Leaves from the Life of Elizabeth Horrocks Jackson Kingsford
sailed from Liverpool, onboard the sailing ship Horizon. My sister, Mary Horrocks was with us.
Leaves from the Life of Sarah Wells Hartley Curtis
sailed from Liverpool on board the sailing ship Horizon. There were about seven hundred passengers on
Letter from Edward Martin - May 29, 1856
from Edward Martin - May 29, 1856 Ship Horizon, Off Cork, May 29, 1856.
Dear President
Letter from John Jaques - July 23, 1856
the same.
I think, altogether, that we, on the Horizon, had as agreeable a voyage as most emigrants are
Letter from John Jaques - May 29, 1856
the land of Zion. Accordingly I embarked on the Horizon on the 22nd instant. The next morning she moved
Letters from James and Elizabeth Bleake
Life History of John Jaques
delivered of a daughter, which she named Nancy Horizon. Salt, mustard, pepper, and vinegar served out,...gave birth to a male child, named William Horizon, at 1 a.m. The sisters busy making tents.
Reminiscences and Journal of Langley Allgood Bailey
get ready to set sail, on May 16th, 1856, ship Horizon. This word came the forepart of May.
My day went and saw our vessel, the [p.3] Horizon. On Sunday, May 28th, we left dock, we had not
Reminiscences of George Allen Wadsworth
Unpublished letter of John Jacques
often against their will.
The first mate on the Horizon persuaded one of the sisters to stay at Boston, might have appeared, to the Saints on the Horizon, a fine thing to be waited upon with a carriage
Passengers (946)
Adams, Elizabeth
Adams, Sarah
Akers, Ann
Akers, Joseph
Allcock, Sarah
Allen, Alice
Allen, Ann
Allen, Eleanor
Allen, Elizabeth
Allen, George
Allen, Hannah
Allen, James
Allen, Maria
Allen, Maria
Allen, Mary
Allen, Mary
Allen, Sarah
Anderson, Ann
Andrews, John J
Anglesey, Martha
Appleton, Edward
Appleton, Henry
Appleton, James
Appleton, William
Ashbrook, Ann
Ashton, Betsy
Ashton, Elizabeth A.
Ashton, Mary
Ashton, Sarah
Ashton, Sarah Ann
Ashton, William
Astle, Mary
Atherton, Helen (ellen)
Ayrton, William
Ayton, Isabella
Bailey, David
Bailey, Jane
Bailey, John
Bailey, John
Bailey, Langlay
Bailey, Thomas
Baker, George
Barleleme, Bone
Barlow, Ann
Barlow, Jane
Barlow, John
Barlow, Joseph
Barnes, Betsy
Barnes, Deborah
Barnes, Esther
Barnes, George
Barnes, Jane
Barnes, Margaret
Barnes, William L.
Bartholme, Bone
Barton, Elizabeth
Barton, Francis
Barton, Mary
Barton, Mary Ann
Barton, William
Batchelor, Emma
Bates, Emily
Bates, Margaret
Bates, William
Batty, Edward
Batty, Emma
Batty, Fanny
Batty, Lavinia
Batty, Mary
Beecroft, John
Beecroft, Joseph
Beecroft, Sarah H.
Beer, Benjamin J.
Beer, Margaret
Benchley, Caroline
Bennett, Harriet
Beswick, Ann
Beswick, Joseph
Biderick, Elizabeth
Biderick, John H.
Biderick, Thomas B.
Bignall, Emma J.
Billingham, Eliza
Binder, Eliza
Binder, William
Bird, Thomas P.
Bithell, Samual
Bitton, Jane
Bitton, John E.
Bitton, Sarah S.
Blackham, Martha
Blackham, Samuel
Blackham, Sarah
Blackham, Thomas
Blair, David
Blair, David
Blair, Deborah
Blair, Deborah L. B.
Blair, Elizabeth
Blakey, Caroline
Blakey, Caroline
Blakey, John M.
Blakey, Richard
Blakey, Richard
Bleake, Elizabeth
Bleake, James
Bleake, James
Bleake, Mary
Bleake, Richard
Bleake, Thomas
Bouring, Robert N.
Bouring, William
Bowers, Elizabeth
Braby, George
Bradshaw, Elizabeth
Bradshaw, Isabella J.
Bradshaw, Richard
Bradshaw, Robert Hall
Brand, Alice Jane
Brand, David
Brand, Emily
Brand, Henry
Brand, Martha
Brand, Richard
Brand, Selina
Brice, Hannah
Brice, Jane
Brice, John
Brice, Richard
Bridge, Alfred
Briggs, Eliza
Briggs, Emma
Briggs, James
Briggs, John
Briggs, Mary H.
Briggs, Rachel
Briggs, Ruth
Briggs, Sarah Ann
Briggs, Thomas
Brooks, Alice
Brooks, Betty
Brooks, Eliza
Brooks, Nathan
Brough, Jane
Brough, Martha Jane
Brough, Thomas
Brough, William Geo.
Brown, Esther
Brown, Jane
Browne, Elizabeth
Browning, Robert M.
Bun, Sarah
Burge, Francis E.
Burton, Eliza
Burton, Joseph F.
Burton, Martha A.
Burton, William
Cain, James
Cain, James
Cain, John
Cain, Mary H.
Cain, Peter
Cain, William C.
Camp, James
Camp, Sarah
Carr, Arthur J.
Carr, Henry
Carr, John
Carr, Maria M.
Carr, Sarah Ann
Carr, Walter A.
Carter, Ellen
Carter, John
Carter, Luke
Carter, Luke
Cartledge, Elizabeth
Cartledge, Samuel
Chadburn, Ellen
Chadburn, John
Clark, Margareta ( Margaret)
Clegg, Alice
Clegg, Ellen
Clegg, Henry
Clegg, Jonathan
Clegg, Margaret E.
Clegg, William
Clifton, Ann
Clifton, Mary M.
Clifton, Rebecca
Clifton, Robert
Clifton, Sophia
Collins, David
Collins, Emma
Collins, Fred Jas.
Collins, George
Collins, Louisa
Collins, Richard
Collins, Samuel
Colten, Elizabeth
Cook, Jemima
Cook, Sarah
Cooper, John
Corbett, Esther
Corbett, Esther
Corbett, Sarah
Corbett, Sarah
Corbett, Sarah
Corbett, Sarah
Corbett, Thomas
Coupe, Stephen
Crane, Ann
Crossley, Ephraim
Crossley, Hannah
Crossley, Joseph
Crossley, Mary
Crossley, Mary Ann
Crossley, Sarah
Crossley, William
Crouch, Caleb E.
Crouch, Ebenezer
Crouch, Eliza
Crouch, Emily
Crouch, John F.
Crouch, Kate E.
Crouch, Sarah
Crump, Charles
Crump, Charles
Davies, Ann
Davies, Edmond
Davies, Elias
Delahody, Esther
Delahody, William
Derry, Charles H.
Derry, George
Derry, Joseph A.
Derry, Louisa
Derry, Moroni
Dobson, Alice
Dobson, Mary Ann
Dobson, Thomas
Dobson, Willard R.
Dodd, Alma
Dodd, Brigham
Dodd, Elizabeth
Dodd, Elizabeth
Dodd, Joseph
Dodd, Thomas
Dodd, Thomas
Douglass, John
Douglass, Mary
Douglass, William
Dow, Henshaw
Downes, Elizabeth
Drabble, Charles
Dunham, Mary
Durham, Thomas
Dye, Samuel
Eccles, Alice
Eccles, Martha
Eccles, Mary Ann
Eccles, Thomas
Edmonds, Charles
Edwards, Harriet
Edwards, William
Eldredge, Eliza
Eldredge, Ellen E.
Eldredge, Mary K.
Elliott, Eliza
Ellis, Mary
Eunion, John
Eunion, Mary E.
Evans, Anne
Evans, Elizabeth
Evans, Evan
Evans, Howell
Evans, Jeanett
Evans, Margaret
Evans, Robert
Evans, Thomas
Evans, Thomas
Farmer, Agnes Ann
Farmer, Anne M.
Farmer, Elizabeth
Farmer, Elizabeth F.
Farmer, Emma Jane
Farmer, Harriet
Farmer, James
Farmer, Mary
Farmer, Mary Ann
Farmer, Richard
Farmer, Willard
Ferrier, William, Jr.
Foster, Sarah
Franklin, Jane
Franklin, Lydia
Franklin, Thomas
Franks, Sarah
Frost, Frederick
Gambles, Elizabeth
Gibbons, Jane
Giles, Aaron B.
Gobel, Caroline
Gobel, Edwin
Gobel, Fanny
Gobel, Harriet
Gobel, James
Gobel, Mary
Gobel, Mary
Gobel, William
Green, Ann
Green, Charles
Green, Elizabeth
Green, George
Greening, Mary Ann
Gregory, Ann
Gregory, Mary
Griffiths, Elizabeth
Griffiths, Herbert L.
Griffiths, Jame E.
Griffiths, John
Griffiths, John
Griffiths, Margaret A.
Griffiths, Mary P.
Grundy, Sarah
Haigh, Samuel
Haigh, Sarah Ann
Haley, Amelia
Halford, John
Halford, Sarah
Hall, Charles
Hall, Elizabeth
Hall, Esther
Hall, Robert
Hall, William
Hardcastle, John
Harper, Mary
Harrington, Mary
Harrison, Aaron
Harrison, Alice
Harrison, George
Harrison, Hannah
Harrison, Hannah
Harrison, Mary Ann
Harrison, Olivia
Harrison, Sarah Ellen
Harrison, William
Hartle, Elizabeth
Hartle, Ephraim
Hartle, John
Hartle, John
Hartle, Lydia
Hartle, Mary
Hartle, Samuel
Hartle, William
Hartle, William
Hartley, Eliza
Hartley, Farewell
Hartley, Josephine
Hartley, Matilda J.
Hartley, Samuel
Hartley, Sarah
Haslam, Esther
Haslam, Joseph
Haven, Jesse
Haven, Jesse
Haycock, Elizabeth
Haydock, Elizabeth
Haydock, Mary
Herring, George
Herring, Mary
Hicks, Ann
Higgs, Lyida
Hill, Mary
Hill, Mary Ann
Hill, William
Hill, William, Jr.
Hiott, John
Hirst, Thomas
Holley, Thomas
Holmes, Charlotte
Holmes, Isabella
Holmes, John
Holmes, Sarah
Holt, Alice
Holt, Daniel
Holt, Ellen
Holt, James
Holt, Joseph
Holt, Margaret
Holt, Margaret
Holt, Martha
Holt, Robert
Hooker, Lydia E.
Hookey, Hannah
Hookey, Thomas
Horrocks, Mary
Houshall, David
Housley, George
Housley, Harriet
Howard, William
Howles, Samuel
Hunt, Emma J.
Hunt, Sarah
Hunt, Selina M.
Hunter, Catherine
Hunter, Catherine
Hunter, Edward
Hunter, George
Hunter, Hannah
Hunter, James
Hunter, James
Hunter, John
Hunter, Robert
Hurst, Amelia
Hurst, Sarah
Hutchinson, Edward
Hutchinson, Mary
Isaacs, John
Jackson, Aaron
Jackson, Aaron
Jackson, Alice
Jackson, Ann
Jackson, Charles
Jackson, Elizabeth
Jackson, Elizabeth
Jackson, James
Jackson, Jane
Jackson, Joseph
Jackson, Joseph
Jackson, Lydia C.
Jackson, Martha
Jackson, Martha
Jackson, Mary
Jackson, Mary E.
Jackson, Nephi
Jackson, Robert
Jackson, Samuel
Jackson, Samuel
Jackson, William
Jakeman, Henry
Jaques, Ann
Jaques, Caroline
Jaques, Flora L.
Jaques, John
Jaques, Zilpah
Jemmett, Jane
Johnson, Ann
Johnston, Ann
Johnston, Elizabeth
Johnston, George
Jones, Albert
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Martha
Jones, Samuel S.
Jones, Sarah
Jones, Thomas
Jubl, Ann
Jupp, Mary
Kewley, Ann
Kewley, James
Kewley, Margaret
Kewley, Robert
Kewley, Thomas
Kimp, Henry
Kingman, Ann
Kirkman, Hiram
Kirkman, James
Kirkman, John
Kirkman, Joseph
Kirkman, Mary L.
Kirkman, Robert
Kirkman, Robert, Jr.
Lang, Ann
Lang, Anne
Lang, Benjamin
Lawley, George
Lear, James
Lear, Sarah
Lees, William
Letreille, Mary M.
Linforth, Alfred
Link, John
Lister, Ann
Lister, Dinah
Lister, James
Lloyd, Ann
Lloyd, Jane
Loader, Tamar
Lock, William
Lord, Charles
Lord, James
Lord, Mary
Lownds, Esther
Lownds, Jacob
Lownds, Sarah
Lownds, William
Loynd, Elizabeth
Loynd, James Jr.
Loynd, James Sr.
Loynd, Joseph
Loynd, Richard
Loynd, Thomas
Maisey, Daniel
Maisey, George
Maisey, Rebecca
Maisey, Rebecca
Maisey, Silas
Malin, Ann
Manning, Mary Ann
Marsden, James
Marshall, Emily
Marshall, Marion
Martin, Edward
Martin, Eliza
Mattinson, Ann
Mattinson, Elizabeth Ann
Mattinson, George
Mattinson, John
Mattinson, Robert
Mattinson, Robert, Jr.
Mayne, John
Mayoh, Ann
Mayoh, Mary
Mayoh, Noah
Mayoh, Peter
Mcbride, Esther E.
Mcbride, Ether Enos
Mcbride, Heber R.
Mcbride, Heber R.
Mcbride, Jeanette Ann
Mcbride, Jeanette Ann
Mcbride, Margaret
Mcbride, Margaret
Mcbride, Margaret A.
Mcbride, Margaret A.
Mcbride, Peter H.
Mcbride, Peter H.
Mcbride, Robert
Mcbride, Robert
Mcneill, Christiana
Mee, Betsy
Mee, Charlotte
Mellor, Clara A.
Mellor, Elizabeth
Mellor, Emma N.
Mellor, James
Mellor, James, Jr.
Mellor, Louisa
Mellor, Mary Ann
Mellor, Mary Ann
Mellor, William C.
Merchant, Caroline
Middleton, Amy
Middleton, John
Middleton, William
Miller, James
Miller, Thomas
Mitchell, Harriet
Mitchell, Henry
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, Mary
Mofs, Alice
Mofs, Edward
Mofs, Hiram
Mofs, James
Mofs, Joseph
Mofs, Joseph, Jr.
Mofs, Mary
Mofs, Peter John
Moores, Elizabeth
Moores, Sarah Jane
Morley, Sarah
Murdock, Mary
Newland, James
Newland, Mary Ann
Newman, Henry J.
Newman, Henry J.
Newman, Mariah L.
Newman, Mariah L.
Newman, Priscilla
Nightingale, Jane
Nightingale, Jemima
Nightingale, Joseph
Nightingale, Sarah Ann
Normington, Daniel
Normington, Hannah
Normington, Lavinia
Normington, Maria
Normington, Mary E.
Normington, Robert R.
Normington, Thomas
Oglesby, Betsy
Oglesby, William
Oldham, Jane Elizth.
Oldham, John
Oldham, Louis William
Oldham, Sarah
Oliver, James
Ollorton, Alice
Ollorton, Alice
Ollorton, Jane Ann
Ollorton, John
Ollorton, Sarah
Openshaw, Ann
Openshaw, Eleanor
Openshaw, Eliza
Openshaw, Levi
Openshaw, Mary
Openshaw, Mary Ann
Openshaw, Samuel
Openshaw, William
Ord, Eleanor
Ord, Thomas
Orme, Amy
Orme, Rebecca
Orme, Samuel W.
Orme, Sarah Ann
Padley, George W.
Palmer, Ann
Palmer, Mary
Palmer, Richard
Palmer, Richard
Palmer, William
Parker, Caroline
Parker, Ellen
Parker, Esther
Parker, Mary Ann
Parker, Priscilla
Parkes, Elizabeth H.
Parkin, Henry William
Parkinson, Ellen
Parkinson, Ellen
Parkinson, Ellen
Parkinson, Esther
Parkinson, Jane
Parkinson, John
Parkinson, John
Parkinson, Joseph
Parkinson, Margaret
Parkinson, Mary
Parkinson, Mary
Parkinson, Samuel
Parkinson, William
Patching, Susannah
Paul, Georgiana
Paul, Richard
Paul, William
Pavey, Matilda P.
Paxman, Ann
Paxman, Rhoda
Paxman, William
Pay, Richard
Pay, Sarah
Pears, Eliza
Pears, John B.
Pears, Rose H.
Peel, Anna
Peel, John
Peel, Marintha
Peel, Naomi
Peyton, Eliza
Peyton, Margaret
Peyton, Nathaniel
Phillips, Alfred
Pierce, Robert
Platt, Benjamin
Platt, Mary
Pope, George
Porritt, Margaret
Porritt, Nathaniel
Porritt, Rebecca
Porritt, Thomas
Powell, Morgan
Price, John
Pucell, Ann
Pucell, Eliza
Pucell, Ellen
Pucell, Margaret
Pucell, Margaret
Pucell, Robert
Pucell, Samuel
Pucell, William
Puley, Mary Ann
Puley, Thomas
Queen, Joseph
Rasmussen, Hans
Read, Elitha
Read, Elizabeth
Read, Frisbea
Read, Samuel
Read, Samuel
Read, Walter
Redding, Ida
Renolds, Betsy
Renolds, Hannah
Renolds, William
Renolds, William
Rhead, Edward
Rhead, Eliza
Rhead, Eliza
Rhead, Josiah
Rigley, Ann
Robinson, Dorothy
Robinson, Elizabeth
Robinson, Elizabeth
Robinson, F. C.
Robinson, George
Robinson, George
Robinson, George
Robinson, George A.
Robinson, Margaret
Robinson, Mathilda
Robinson, Mathilda A.
Robinson, Sarah Jane
Robinson, Solomon
Rodwell, John
Rodwell, Sarah
Rogerson, Bridget
Rogerson, James
Rogerson, John Edward
Rogerson, Josiah
Rogerson, Mary
Rogerson, Sarah Ann
Rogerson, William
Roughley, Esther
Roughley, James
Roughley, Joseph
Roughley, Maria
Roughley, Maria
Roughley, Mary
Roughley, Peter
Roughley, Peter
Royle, Sarah
Rumsden, Esther
Rumsden, Samuel
Rumsden, Samuel C.
Rutlegde, Jessamine
Salisbury, Elizabeth
Salmon, Eliza
Sanderson, John
Scott, Harriet E.
Scott, Mary
Scrasce, Edward B.
Scrasce, Frances
Sculthorpe, George John
Seddon, Elizabeth
Seddon, Esther
Seddon, Richard
Severn, William
Sheldon, Mary Ann
Shorten, John B.
Shorton, James
Slater, Thomas
Smith, Ann
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Emma
Smith, Esther
Smith, Esther E.
Smith, Mary
Smith, Robert
Smith, Sarah Ann
Smith, Thomas
Southwell, John
Speakman, Hannah
Spicer, Eliza
Spicer, William
Squires, Catherine H.
Squires, Clara A.
Squires, Henry (agustus)
Squires, Mary E.
Squires, Rosetta A.
Squires, Sarah
Squires, Sarah A.
Standering, Robert
Starley, Henry
Steel, Elizabeth
Steel, George
Steel, James
Steel, James E.
Stevens, James
Stevens, James
Stevenson, Joshua
Stimpson, Frederick
Stimpson, Rebecca
Stimpson, William
Stimpson, William
Stokes, Elizabeth
Stokes, Fanny
Stokes, Fanny
Stokes, Jeremiah
Stokes, Jeremiah
Stokes, Robert
Stokes, Tamar
Stokes, Thomas
Stone, Jonathan
Stones, Erastus J.
Stones, Hannah
Stones, James
Stones, John O.
Stones, Mary
Stones, Sarah E.
Street, Amelia
Tann, Catherine
Tasker, Andrew
Taylor, Eliza
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Harriet
Taylor, James
Taylor, Jane Elizth.
Taylor, Jesse
Taylor, Joseph
Taylor, Mary
Taylor, Sarah
Taylor, William
Taylor, William
Tennant, Jane
Tennant, Thomas
Tennant, Thomas
Thompson, John
Thompson, Mary
Thompson, Mary Jane
Thompson, Moses
Thorne, James
Thornton, Amanda
Thornton, Hannah
Thornton, Sarah Ann
Thornton, Wardeman
Tipton, Elijah
Tipton, Emma
Tipton, Enoch
Tipton, Sarah
Toone, John
Turner, Henry
Turner, John
Turner, Robert
Turner, Sophia
Twelves, Ann E. H.
Twelves, Ann E. H.
Twelves, Brigham
Twelves, Charles
Twelves, Charles S.
Twelves, John
Twelves, Orson
Upton, Mary
Upton, William
Venner, Richard
Wadsworth, Elizabeth
Wadsworth, Elizabeth
Wadsworth, George
Wadsworth, James
Wadsworth, James
Wadsworth, Mary
Wadsworth, Nephi
Walker, Barbara
Walker, James
Walker, James
Walker, Sarah R.
Walker, William
Walker, William T.
Wallwork, Thomas
Wallwork, William
Wallworth, Thomas
Wallworth, William
Walsh, Alice
Walsh, John
Walsh, Robert
Walsh, Sarah
Walsh, William
Wardell, Hannah
Wardle, Hannah
Wardle, Isaac
Watkins, Elizabeth
Watkins, John
Watkins, John T.
Watkins, Margaret
Watmough, Amanda
Watmough, Mary Ann E.
Watmough, Mathilda
Watmough, William
Watson, Ephraim
Watts, Charles
Watts, Charles O.
Waugh, George P.
Webster, Elizabeth
Webster, Elizabeth
Webster, Francis
Webster, Francis
White, Elizabeth
White, Maria
White, Richard
White, Sarah
Whittaker, Robert
Wignall, Mary Ann
Wignall, Sarah
Wignall, Sarah J.
Wignol, Grace
Wignol, Grace
Wignol, James
Wignol, Jane
Wignol, Joseph
Wignol, Mary
Wignol, William
Wignol, Wm. H.
Williamson, Ann
Williamson, Ann
Williamson, Betsy
Williamson, Ellen
Williamson, John
Williamson, Mary
Williamson, Sarah
Williamson, William
Wilson, Elizabeth
Wilson, James
Winn, Jane
Winn, Mary
Wiseman, Henry H.
Wiseman, John
Wiseman, John Joseph
Wiseman, Mary Ann
Woodcock, Charles
Woodcock, Jane
Woodcock, Joseph
Woodhead, John
Woods, Mary
Woods, Peter
Wooley, Robert
Wright, Charles
Wright, Elizabeth
Wright, Elizabeth
Wright, Emma
Wright, James B.
Wright, John
Wright, Rachel
Wright, Sarah Ann
Wright, Thomas
Wylie, Mary Ann
Wynol, Grace
Wynol, Grace
Wynol, James
Wynol, Jane
Wynol, Joseph
Wynol, Mary
Wynol, William
Wynol, Wm. H.
Young, Martha