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Liverpool to New York 21 May 1864 - 23 Jun 1864
Voyage Information
- Ship Name
General McClellan
- Vessel Type
- Departure
- 21 May 1864 from Liverpool
- Arrival
- 23 Jun 1864 at New York
- Source
- BMR, Book #1048, pp. 120-153,159-160 (FHL #025,691); Customs #586 (FHL #175,598) (source abbreviations)
- Church Leader
- Thomas E. Jeremy
Read accounts of this voyage (12)
Passengers (861)
Adamson, Margaret
Alexander, J.
Allen, Eliza
Allen, James
Allen, James
Allen, Martha
Allen, Martha
Allen, Mary
Allgood, George
Allgood, Jane
Allgood, John
Allgood, Lucy
Alston, Christopher
Alston, John
Anderson, Ann
Anderson, Ellen
Anderson, Mary
Anderson, Peter
Anglesey, Catherine
Anglesey, Elizabeth
Anglesey, John
Arbon, Rachael
Ashby, Mary
Askew, George
Askew, Mary Ann
Atkins, Henry A.
Atkinson, Jane
Atkinson, Mary
Atkinson, Sarah
Auston, Robin
Bacon, Elizabeth
Bailey, Fanny
Baird, Robert
Baker, E. Ann
Banks, Cornelius
Barraclough, George William
Barraclough, Jane
Barrett, Ann
Barrett, John
Bates, William
Baywater, G. G.
Beeton, William
Beynon, John
Birch, Ann E.
Birrel, Charlotte
Birrel, John
Birrel, Mary
Birrel, William
Bodell, Martha
Boden, Mary
Boole, Sarah
Booth, Alice
Booth, Ann
Booth, Elizabeth
Booth, Hannah
Booth, Heber
Booth, Jane
Booth, Joseph
Booth, Sarah
Booth, William
Booth, Williard
Bowen, Benjamin
Bowen, Catherine
Bowen, Charlotte
Bowen, David
Bowen, David
Bowen, Elizabeth
Bowen, Elizabeth
Bowen, Jane
Bowen, Martha
Bowen, Mary
Bowen, Osnesimus
Bowen, Sarah
Bowen, Susanna
Bowen, William
Bowen, William
Boyle, Andrew
Boyle, Elizabeth
Boyle, George
Boyle, George
Boyle, Margaret
Boyle, Sarah
Bradshaw, George Albert
Bradshaw, Helen
Bradshaw, Richard
Brangham, Charlotte
Brangham, William
Broadbent, John
Brown, James
Brown, Joseph H.
Brown, Margaret
Brown, Rebecca
Brown, Richard D.
Brown, Richard D.
Brown, Sarah J.
Brunker, Henry
Buckley, Ann
Buckley, Betsy
Buckley, Hannah
Buckley, James
Buckley, James
Buckley, Joseph
Bull, Joseph
Bullock, James
Burley, Ada Gertrude
Burley, Clara Ida
Burley, Isabella
Burley, William
Burrows, Ellen
Burt, Peter
Buxton, Germin
Bywater, David
Bywater, Elinor
Bywater, George
Bywater, George G.
Carlin, Ann
Carlin, Ann
Carlin, Ann
Carlin, Ann
Carlin, Elizabeth
Carlin, James
Carlin, Jane
Carlin, John
Carlin, John
Carlin, Margaret
Carlin, Margaret
Carlin, Mary
Chappell, Agnes
Chappell, Agnes B.
Chappell, Angelina A.
Chappell, Edward
Chappell, Emily Ann
Chappell, Frederick W.
Chappell, Jemima
Chappell, Robert E.
Chappell, Sarah Jane
Chatterton, Jonathan
Chesnut, Ellen
Chesnut, Ellen
Chesnut, William
Chew, Elizabeth
Chew, Elizbeth
Chew, Jack
Chew, Maria
Chew, Maria
Chew, Phoebe
Chew, Thoebe
Clark, Samuel
Clifford, Emma
Clows, Harriet
Clows, John
Compton, Eliza
Connell, Sophia
Coombs, David
Coombs, Eliza
Coombs, Ephraim
Coombs, George
Coombs, George
Coombs, Harriett
Coombs, Joshua
Coombs, William
Cornwall, Amelia
Cornwall, John
Cornwall, Susannah
Cornwell, Elizabeth
Cornwell, Job
Cornwell, John
Cornwell, Mary
Cornwell, Mary Ann
Cornwell, Sarah
Cornwell, Thomas
Covington, Edward T.
Covington, Susan
Covington, Susan H.
Covington, William Henry
Cowan, Agnes
Craddock, John
Craddock, Mary Ann
Cree, Hannah
Cree, Jane
Cree, John
Critchley, Alice
Critchley, Ann
Critchley, Elizabeth
Critchley, John
Critchley, Moses
Critchley, Samuel
Critchley, William
Crompton, George
Crompton, Joseph
Crompton, Joseph
Crooks, Ann
Crooks, Francis
Crooks, Henry C. S.
Crother, Richard
Cundick, Francis
Cunliffe, Alice
Cunliffe, Esther
Cunliffe, Hannah
Cunliffe, John
Cunliffe, Robert
Currey, Mary
Currey, Robert
Davies, David E.
Davies, David L.
Davies, Elizabeth
Davies, Hannah
Davies, Howell
Davies, Jane
Davies, Mary
Davies, Mary
Davies, Morgan
Davies, Sarah
Davies, Thomas
Davies, William
Day, Mary
Daybell, Elizabeth
Daybell, Finity
Daybell, George
Daybell, Mary
Daybell, Sarah
Daybell, William
Dickinson, Alfred
Dickinson, Alfred
Dickinson, Charlotte
Dickinson, Charlotte
Dickinson, Hyrum
Dickinson, Margaret
Dickinson, Richard H.
Dickinson, Sarah J.
Drables, Charles
Drables, Charlotte
Duncombe, Eliza
Dutton, James
Edwards, David
Edwards, Edward
Edwards, Elizabeth
Edwards, Sarah
Edwards, Sarah Ann
Edwards, William
Ellis, Jane
Evans, David
Evans, Hannah
Evans, John
Evans, John E.
Evans, Martha
Evans, Martha
Evans, Mary
Evans, Mary
Evans, Mary P.
Evans, Ruth P.
Evans, Thomas
Evans, William
Fielding, Betsy
Fielding, Emma
Fielding, James
Fielding, Mary
Fielding, Sarah Ann
Fisher, Caroline
Fisher, Eliza
Fisher, James
Fisher, Thomas
Flint, George
Flint, Georgiana
Flint, John
Flint, William
Foster, Margaret
Foster, William
Fowers, Ann
Fowers, Charles
Fowers, Franklin
Fowers, George
Fowers, Jesse
Fowers, Jesse
Fowers, Joseph H.
Fowers, Sarah
Fowers, Sarah
Fowkes, Mary
Francis, John
Gabatas, George
Gallacher, Thomas
Galliers, Jesse
Galliers, Mibbnugh
Gardener, Elizabeth
Gardener, Matthew
Gardner, Elizabeth
Gardner, Hyrum S.
Gardner, Matthew
Gee, Ann George
Gee, Elizabeth
Gee, William
Gittins, James
Gleave, Walter
Glover, Sarah A.
Goodyear, Alfred
Goodyear, Hacca
Goodyear, Hyrum
Gordon, W.
Gough, Ann
Green, Jane
Green, Jane
Green, John
Green, Joseph L.
Green, Mary E.
Greener, Margret
Greenhalgh, Jane
Griffin, Walter
Griffin, William H.
Griffiths, Ann
Griffiths, Ann
Griffiths, Elinor
Griffiths, Elinor
Griffiths, Hannah
Griffiths, Isabella
Griffiths, James
Griffiths, Mary
Griffiths, Mary Ann
Griffiths, Rust
Hadfield, Louisa
Hadfield, Samuel
Hair, Elizabeth
Hair, John
Hall, Daniel
Hall, Emma
Hall, James
Hallerton, John
Halliday, Abraham
Halvorsen, Anders
Hanford, John
Hansen, Aline
Hansen, Johanna K.
Hansen, Nicholina
Hansen, Per
Hanssen, Anna B.
Hanssen, Helena C.
Hanssen, Johan P.
Hanssen, Leonard C. G.
Harmon, Benjamin
Harmon, David
Harmon, Mary Ann
Harmon, Sarah
Harrison, John
Harrop, Catherine
Harrop, Hannah
Harrop, Mary Jane
Hart, Joseph E.
Hart, Samuel C.
Hart, Sarah A.
Hart, Sarah A.
Harward, Ellen
Hay, John
Hayens, Ann
Hayens, Henry
Heaps, David
Heelis, Martha
Hepworth, Emily
Hepworth, Squire
Hill, Agnes
Hill, Ann
Hill, Elizabeth
Hoboyd, Anna
Hoboyd, Mary
Hodgson, Betty
Hodgson, Harriet
Hodgson, Jeffery
Hodgson, Jonathan
Hodgson, Sarah
Hodson, Alice
Hodson, Ann
Hodson, Ann
Hodson, Henry
Hodson, James
Hodson, Jane
Hodson, John
Holerton, Ann
Holerton, Elizabeth
Holerton, Ellen
Holerton, James
Holerton, Jane
Holerton, Seth
Holerton, Seth W.
Holerton, William
Holgate, Ann R.
Holgate, John
Holgate, Martha
Holgate, Mary
Holgate, Seth
Holgate, William
Holgate, William
Holland, Thomas
Hollingdrake, Albert
Hollingdrake, Elizabeth
Hollingdrake, John
Hollingdrake, Louisa
Hollingdrake, Mary A.
Hollingdrake, Mary E.
Hollingdrake, Sarah
Hollingdrake, Sarah J.
Holt, Mary
Holt, Mary
Holt, Samuel
Holt, Samuel
Holt, Selina
Hone, George
Hughes, Frances D.
Hughes, Harriet
Hughes, John
Hughes, Louisa
Hughes, Rebecca
Hughes, Thomas
Humes, Matthew
Hunt, L
Hutchinson, James
Hutchison, Annie
Hutchison, Euphemia
Hutchison, James
Hutchison, Jane
Hutchison, John J.
Irvine, Robert
Izatt, Alexander
Izatt, David
Izatt, Grace
Izatt, James
Izatt, William
James, Jane
Jeremy, Thomas E.
Jones, Ann
Jones, Ann
Jones, David
Jones, David
Jones, David
Jones, D. E.
Jones, Eliza
Jones, Hyrum
Jones, Isaac
Jones, James
Jones, James
Jones, John
Jones, Lewis
Jones, Lorenzo G.
Jones, Margaret
Jones, Marintha
Jones, Mary
Jones, Thomas B.
Jones, William
Jones, William
Jones, William
Jordan, Gwenllyan
Jordan, Mary
Jorgensen, Anne Sophie
Jorgensen, Frederik
Jorgensen, Georgine
Jorgensen, Helene
Jorgensen, Niels
Jorgensen, Rasmus
Kelly, Rhoda
Kemp, Betsy
Kent, Adam
Kent, James A.
Kent, Jane Ann
Kent, Mary
Kent, William
Keys, John
Kingsbury, William
Knighton, Mary A.
Lane, Ann
Lane, Bridget
Lane, Henry
Larsen, Anders
Larsen, Andrias
Larsen, Christen
Larsen, Ellen K.
Larsen, Johanna
Larsen, Maria B.
Larson, Kirstine C.
Lax, Ann
Lax, Charles
Lees, Samuel
Leicht, Amelia
Leicht, Elizabeth
Leicht, Mary
Leicht, Mary Ann
Leicht, Sarah
Lewis, Elizabeth
Lewis, James
Lewis, Jane
Lewis, Jannett
Lewis, Jennet
Lewis, John
Lewis, Joseph
Lewis, Mary Ann
Lewis, Thomas
Lewis, William
Lewis, William
Lewis, William
Limb, Sarah
Limb, William
Lord, Hannah
Lord, Jane
Lord, Mary
Lunn, Sarah
Lunn, Sarah
Luty, Edward
Luty, Martha
Luty, Thomas
Lyle, Janet
Lyle, William
Lythgoe, James
Machin, J.
Marks, John R.
Marsh, Ann
Marsh, Ann
Marsh, David
Marsh, Joseph
Marsh, Mary
Marsh, Mary A.
Marsh, William
Marshall, Ellen
Martin, Agnes
Martin, George
Martin, James
Mayor, Elizabeth
Mayor, Richard
Mcann, Margaret
Mccarin, Margaret
Mcdougall, Mary
Mcduff, Ada
Mcduff, Ellen
Mcduff, Jane
Mcduff, John R.
Mcfarlane, William
Mcgregor, Catherine
Mcgregor, Charles B.
Mcgregor, James
Mcgregor, Jane
Mcgregor, Robert
Mcgregor, Sarah Ann
Mckellar, Angus
Mckenzie, Adam
Mckenzie, Alexandrina
Mckenzie, Barbara
Mclean, Elizabeth
Mclean, John
Mclean, Joseph
Mclean, Marion
Mclean, Nephi
Mclean, Robert
Mclean, William
Mcvicar, John
Mellinson, Ann
Mellinson, Edward
Mellinson, John
Mellinson, Mary
Mellinson, Ophelia
Mills, Amelia
Mills, Jane
Mills, John
Mitchell, David
Monk, Enoch
Monk, John
Morgans, David
Morgans, Emma
Morris, George
Morris, Heber
Morris, William
Morris, William
Murray, Mary
Murray, William
Myers, Abraham
Myers, Alina
Myers, Moroni
Myers, Sarah
Neal, Annie
Neale, Alice
Neale, John
Neilsen, Anna Elizabeth
Neilsen, Carl W. P.
Neilsen, Johanna M.
Neilsen, Margretta
Neilsen, Maria B.
Newton, Mary
Nicholson, Jemima
North, William
Nott, Maria T.
Oldham, Alice
Oldham, Eliza
Oldham, Ellen
Oldham, James H.
Oldham, John
Oldham, Maria
Oldham, Mary Ann
Oldham, Samuel
O'Niel, Agnes
O'Niel, James
O'Niel, John
O'Niel, John
O'Niel, Rachel
O'Niel, Samuel
O'Niel, William
Osborn, Louisa
Osborn, Mary Ann
Otter, Ann
Palfryman, Dina
Palfryman, Esther
Palfryman, H.
Palfryman, Hannah
Palfryman, Mary
Pallett, Mary
Pallett, Thomas J.
Pallett, Walter
Parker, Alma
Peake, Mary
Pearce, Mary
Pennington, Eliza A.
Phillips, Hannah
Phillips, John
Phillips, Joseph
Pickering, Edward
Pickering, Mary
Pickering, William H.
Pike, Eliza
Pitts, Ann
Pitts, Martha
Pitts, Peter
Pitts, Priscilla
Pitts, Thomas
Powell, Abram
Powell, Ann
Powell, Charles W.
Powell, James D.
Powell, John T.
Powell, Margaret
Powell, Maria
Powell, Rachel
Powell, Sarah A.
Powell, Theodore
Price, Ann
Price, Ann
Price, Charles
Price, George J.
Price, James W.
Pringle, Ann
Pritchard, David
Pritchard, Hannah
Pritchard, Rachel
Pritchard, Thomas
Rees, John Thomas
Rees, Margaret
Rees, Mary
Reese, Martha
Reid, John
Rennie, John
Richards, Alice
Richards, Amelia
Richards, Clara
Richards, Elizabeth
Richards, James
Richards, John
Richards, Martha
Richards, Mary
Richards, Morgan
Richards, Sarah A.
Richards, Sarah A.
Richards, William
Richardson, Jane
Richardson, John
Richardson, Peter
Richardson, William
Rimington, G. J. A.
Roberts, Catherine
Roberts, Hannah
Roberts, Hugh
Roberts, John
Roberts, Mary
Roberts, Mary
Robinson, Emily
Robinson, Sarah
Robinson, Thomas
Robinson, William
Ryley, Richard
Sanberg, Frithioff
Sanberg, Otto M.
Schofield, Emma
Schofield, Hyrum
Schofield, Isabella
Schofield, Joseph
Selman, William
Sharples, Peter
Sharples, Peter
Sharples, Rachael
Sharples, Rachel
Sharples, Sarah Jane
Sharples, Sarah Jane
Shaw, Adward
Shaw, Catherine
Shaw, Edward S.
Shaw, James
Shaw, John
Shaw, Joseph
Shaw, Lucy
Shaw, Margaret
Shaw, Mary Ann
Shawcroft, Ann
Shawcroft, Harriet
Shawcroft, John
Shawcroft, Ruth
Shawcroft, Sarah Ann
Shawcroft, William
Shawcroft, William
Sheen, Charles
Sheen, Jane
Sheen, Mary
Sheen, William
Sheppard, George
Sheppard, Thomas
Sheppard, William
Simpson, George
Smith, Adam
Smith, Emily
Smith, Jonathan A.
Spencer, John
Spendlove, Ann
Spendlove, Harriet
Spendlove, James
Spendlove, Joseph
Spendlove, Mary Ann
Spendlove, William
Spens, Asabella O.
Spens, Jane Ann
Spens, Nathaniel
Spens, William B.
Sprunt, Elizabeth
Sprunt, James
Sprunt, Jane L.
Sprunt, Jessie
Sprunt, Thomas
Sprunt, William D.
Sprunt, William D.
Steele, Eliza
Steele, James
Steele, Robert
Stephens, Thomas
Stewart, Ann
Stewart, Eliza
Stewart, Hugh
Stewart, Martha
Stewart, Mary Ann
Stewart, Sarah
Stewart, Thomson
Stewart, William
Stott, John
Stringfellow, George
Stringfellow, George
Stringfellow, Hannah
Stringfellow, Lucy
Stringfellow, Lucy
Stringfellow, Martha
Stringfellow, R. H.
Summers, Ann
Swan, George
Sykeston, Eli
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, George
Taylor, Jabez
Taylor, Jane
Taylor, John
Taylor, Richard
Taylor, William
Thecston, John
Thomas, John
Thompson, William
Timmins, Ann
Timmins, Charles
Timmins, John
Timmins, Mary
Timmins, Mary Jr.
Timmins, Richard
Timmins, Richard Jr.
Timmins, Thomas
Todd, Susannah
Tout, Emma
Tunks, Blanche
Tunks, Eudora
Tunks, Isaac
Tunks, Issac
Tunks, Mary Ann
Tunks, Samuel
Tunks, Sarah
Tunks, Wm. P.
Verry, Elizabeth
Verry, Emily
Wagstaff, Jane
Walker, Walter
Walsom, Mary Ann
Walters, James
Walters, James
Walters, Joseph
Walters, Louisa
Walters, Susannah
Wandless, John
Ward, Ann
Ward, Daniel
Ward, Emma
Ward, Emma
Ward, John
Ward, Joseph
Ward, Marintha
Ward, Thomas
Ward, Truelove
Warren, Mary
Watkins, Harriet
Watson, James
Watts, Annie
Watts, Mary Jane
Watts, William
Watts, William Henry
Wells, Mary Ann
Welsh, James
Wightman, Hannah
Wilkinson, Fanny
Wilkinson, Grace Emma
Wilkinson, Maria
Wilks, James
Williams, Ann
Williams, Ann
Williams, Benjamin E.
Williams, Caroline
Williams, David
Williams, David
Williams, David
Williams, Emily
Williams, George
Williams, John
Williams, John
Williams, Lavina E.
Williams, Leah
Williams, Lewis
Williams, Mark
Williams, Mary
Williams, Mary
Williams, Mary
Williams, Rice
Williams, Rose
Williams, Thomas
Williams, Thomas
Williams, William D.
Williamson, Ellen
Williamson, Jane
Witworth, Atkinson
Witworth, James
Witworth, Mary
Woodclows, Emma
Worsencroft, Mary Ann
Worsencroft, Samuel
Worsencroft, William
Worthington, Henry
Wortsnholm, C.
Young, Eliza Ellen
Young, James
Young, Martha