"DEPARTURE. -- We had the pleasure of clearing the ship Monarch of the Sea (Captain Kirkaldy) for the port of New York, on Tuesday, the 26th instant. This ship was chartered to sail on the 23rd instant; but, owing to unavoidable detention in loading and unloading the cargo, through having to change her berth in the dock, she could not be got ready for clearing before Tuesday. She did not sail until the morning of Thursday, the 28th instant. This further delay was attributable to the difficulty in obtaining sailors. So many ships having been prevented form reaching the port by the strong easterly winds which have lately prevailed, and the bounty offered by the American navy inducing so many sailors to enter into their service, there has been a great scarcity of that class of men, of late, in this port.
This goodly ship has sailed with 973 souls of the Saints on board, nearly every one of whom have paid their way through to Wyoming. This is the largest company of Saints, we believe, which has ever sailed from the shores of Europe for America. Though they have had some inconveniences to endure, through the ship not being completely prepared to receive them at the time they were advised to come forward, good feelings and good order were noticeable in their midst, and they formed no exception, in this respect, to the many companies of Saints which have left these shores for Zion. On Sunday, the 24th, a public meeting was held on board the ship, in the Bramley-Moore Dock, at which meeting several of the elders spoke, in Danish and English, and imparted much instruction, pertinent to the occasion, and the circumstances which surrounded the Saints, and which, if treasured up by the Saints, would be profitable to them on their journey. The company was also organized at this meeting . Elder John Smith (patriarch) was appointed to preside, and Elders John D. Chase, J. P. R. Johnson and Parley P. Pratt were appointed his counsellors, and to assist him in taking charge of the Saints. Elders to preside over the various wards, into which the ship will be divided, were also selected at this meeting. Five elders who were sent form Zion on missions to Europe sailed on this ship. Their names are -- John Smith, John D. Chase, J. P. R. Johnson, Parley P. Pratt and Christoffer Holberg. . . ."
MS, 26:19 (May 7, 1864), pp.298-99
"Thurs. 28. [Apr. 1864] -- The ship Monarch of the Sea, sailed from Liverpool, England, with 973 Saints, under the direction of Patriarch John Smith. It arrived at New York June 3rd, and the emigrants reached Wyoming, Nebraska, in safety."
CC, p.71
". . . On April 10th, at 5 p.m., the Swedish steamer 'L. J. Bager' sailed from Copenhagen, carrying 350 emigrants from Sweden and Norway and some from the Fredericia Conference, Denmark, in charge of Johan P. R. Johansen. This company of Saints went by steamer to Lubeck, thence by rail to Hamburg, thence by steamer to Hull, in England, and thence by rail to Liverpool, where the emigrants joined another company of emigrating Saints which sailed from Copenhagen three days later.
On April 13, 1864, the English steamer 'Sultana' sailed from Copenhagen, Denmark, with 353 emigrants from different conferences in Denmark, excepting a few from Fredericia, who, on account of the war, had to go direct to Hamburg. This company was in charge of President Jesse N. Smith, who returned home from a successful mission to Scandinavia. Elder John Smith, who on account of poor health had labored in the mission office in Copenhagen, and Christoffer Holberg, who had labored in Sweden, also left with this company, returning to their homes in Zion. The following eders who had presided over conferences, were among the emigrants; Niels C. Edlefsen, Peter C. Geertsen, Peter C. Carstensen, Nils C. Flygare, Anders Swedlund, Jens Hansen, Lars Nilsson, Anders Pontus Soderborg and Jens C. Olsen. A number of the traveling elders, who had diligently labored in the ministry, also emigrated with this company, which, like the preceding one, went by way of Lubeck, Hamburg and Grimsby to Liverpool, where they were joined by the company that sailed from Copenhagen, April 10th.
On Tuesday, April 26th, the ship 'Monarch of the Sea' cleared for sailing, and on Thursday, April 28th, sailed from Liverpool, England, with 973 souls on board. Patriarch John Smith was chosen president of the company with Elders John D. Chase, Johan P. R. Johansen and Parley P. Pratt, junior, as his counselors. Elders were also appointed to take charge of the different divisions of the company. During the voyage there was considerable sickness and some deaths, mostly of children. In the morning of June 3rd the 'Monarch of the Sea' arrived at New York where the landing of the emigrants at Castle Garden at once took place. In the evening they boarded a steamer for Albany, N. Y., and from there they traveled by train to St. Joseph, Missouri; thence by steamer up the Missouri River to Wyoming, Nebraska, from which place most of the Scandinavian Saints were taken to the Valley by Church teams, of which 170 were sent out by the Church that season. Thus about four hundred Scandinavian emigrating Saints crossed the plains in Captain William B. Preston's company of about 50 Church teams, that left Wyoming, Nebraska, in the beginning of June, and arrived in Salt Lake City, Sept. 15, 1864. . . ."
HSM, pp.181-82
(source abbreviations)