"DEPARTURES. -- The steamship Minnesota, Captain Price, sailed from this port for New York, on Wednesday, the 25th instant, with 443 souls of the Saints on board, under the presiding care of Elder Marius Ensign. Elders P. D. Lyman, J. F. Hardie, J. Sharp, M. F. Farnsworth, J. W. Lee, H. J. McCullough, J. F. Gibbs, E. A. Noble, and G. H. Dunford, returning missionaries, were also on board. These brethren, with the exception of Elder G. H. Dunford, who became sick immediately on his arrival here, have labored energetically and faithfully in the performance of the duties of their missions, and they return home with the blessing of the Almighty to continue their labors in building up the kingdom of God. We wish them and the Saints with them a safe, speedy, and pleasant journey to the valley of the Salt Lake."
MS, 31:34 (Aug. 21, 1869), p.548
"Wed. 25. [Aug. 1869] . . . The steamship Minnesota sailed from Liverpool, England, with 443 Saints, in charge of Marius Ensign. The company arrived at New York Sept.
6th, and at Ogden Sept. 16."
CC, p.81
(source abbreviations)