"DEPARTURE OF THIRD COMPANY. -- The third company of emigrating Saints, for this season, left Liverpool per S. S. Arizona on Saturday the 14th instant, with Elder E. H. Nye in charge. It included 531 souls, there being 406 from Scandinavia, 100 from Great Britain, and 25 returning elders. The names of the latter are as follows: E. H. Nye, W. H. Piggott, E. F. Martin, J. P. Jensen, Neils Rasmussen, John Capson, Jeppe Neilsen, Niels Johnson, Peter Mikkelsen, Halver Olsen, Waldemar Petersen, J. B. Hesse, N. P. Petersen, L. H. Outzen, C. J. Christiansen, Hans Poulsen, Jacob J. H. Jensen, N. C. Schougaard, Peter Andersen, Mons Rosenlund, Jeppe Monson, Charles Anderson,
Tomas S. Lund, P. C. Christensen.
We learned by letter from President Nye of the company having arrived in safety at Queenstown on Sunday with no sickness on board."
MS, 46:25 (June 23, 1884), p.394
"Sat. 14. -- The steamship Arizona sailed from Liverpool, with 531 Saints, including 25 returning missionaries, in charge of Ephraim H. Nye. They arrived in New York June 23rd and at Ogden June 29th."
CC, p.115
". . . A small company of emigrating Saints (71 souls) bound for Utah sailed from Copenhagen June 6, 1884, per steamer 'Panther,' which arrived safely in Hull, England; thence the emigrants proceeded by rail to Liverpool where they were joined by two other companies of Saints from Scandinavia. Of elders from Zion returning with this company were the following: Jens Peter Jensen, who took charge of the company, Niels Rasmussen, John Capson, Jeppa Nilson, Nils Johnson and Peter Mikkelsen. Elder Mikkelsen, who had recently arrived in the mission, returned home because of poor health.
Another small company of emigrating Saints bound for Utah sailed from Copenhagen, June 9, 1884, per steamer 'Milo,' while a small division from Norway (47 souls) in charge of Elder Halvor Olson, a returning missionary, went direct to England. The 'Milo' arrived in Hull, Thursday, June 12th, and the emigrants at once proceeded to Liverpool by railway, joining the rest of the Scandinavians there who had crossed the North Sea in the 'Panther,' and many British Saints.
The whole company now numbered 531 souls, of whom 406 were Scandinavians, 100 British and 25 were returning missionaries. Among these were the following Scandinavian elders: Johan B. Hesse, leader of the company, Peter Christensen, Niels P. Petersen, Lars H. Outzen, Christian J. Christiansen, Hans Poulsen, Jacob J. H. Jensen, Niels C. Schougaard, Peter Anderson, Mons Rosenlund, Jeppa Monson, Charles E. Anderson, Andrew H. Anderson, Thomas S. Lund and Waldemar Petersen. They all embarked on the steamer 'Arizona' which sailed from Liverpool, Sunday morning, June 15th. After a pleasant and speedy voyage the mighty vessel arrived in New York on Monday, June 23rd, and the same day the passengers landed at Castle Garden. This was the third company of emigrating Saints from Europe in 1884; it arrived in Ogden and Salt Lake City, June 29th. . . ."
HSM, p.279
(source abbreviations)