Arrival of the Joseph Badger and "James Pennell." By a letter from Elder John Morris, president of the company of Welsh Saints, who sailed on board the Joseph Badger hence to New Orleans on the 17th of October, we are informed they arrived safe at the mouth of the river on the twentieth of November, making a remarkably short passage—the shortest which we recollect being made by any of the Saints to that port.
There were two marriages on board, one birth, and three deaths, viz., Edward Evans, late of Hirwain, on the 1st of November, aged 21 months; Caroline Thomas, late of Heave Llan Gaine, Nov 10th, aged 21 months; and Sarah Ann Jane Probert, late of Victoria, Nov. 13th, aged 21 months. The health of the company was generally good: they kept up their meetings and remembered their prayers in the season thereof, observing good order and cleanliness, all which contributed to their happiness and comfort. [p.9]
BIB: "Arrival of the Joseph Badger and James Pennell," Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star 13:1 (January 1, 1851) p. 9 (CHL)
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