News From The Emigration. -- By letter from Elder James S. Brown, dated Florence, June 16th, we learn of the welfare of the company of Saints that sailed on the John J. Boyd. The voyage was something longer than usual as they met [p. 475] with headwinds for some time, but they arrived at New York in safety, and proceeded on to the starting point for the plains, which they had reached at date of writing. Elder Brown says: -- "As regards the priesthood called to assist me in the charge of the company. I am happy to say that they were always at hand to assist in everything that was to be done; and I never had charge of a better company of people than the Saints who were on board the John J. Boyd. Everything is moving on well with our emigration, and the Saints feel first [p.476] rate."
BIB: Brown, James S., [Letter Excerpt], Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star 24:30 (July 26, 1862) pp. 475-76. (CHL)
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