"DEPARTURE. -- The packet ship John J. Boyd, Captain H. Thomas, sailed on the 23rd instant for New York, with 702 souls of the Saints on board. On Monday afternoon, the 21st instant, Presidents Lyman, Rich, and Cannon visited the vessel, as she lay in the river, organized the company appointing Elder James S. Brown president, and Elders John Lindsay and Joseph C. Rich his counselors, and delivered addresses to the Saints on their duties and the necessity for their living continually so as to enjoy the Holy Spirit, that its influence might sustain them under the changing scenes and varied circumstances incident to the journey they had entered upon. The Spirit of God was poured forth, and a holy influence shed its power upon all on board. Elder James S. Brown, late president of the Nottingham District, Elder Joseph C. Rich, late president of the Derbyshire Conference, Elder R. A. McBride, late traveling elder in the
London Conference, who all arrived from Zion on the 27th July, 1860; Elder Charles Welch, late president of Hull Conference, Elder R. Hodgerts, late president of the South Conference, Elder Henry Duce, late traveling elder in the Derbyshire Conference, who arrived on September 18th, 1860; and Elder Edward Pugh, late traveling elder in the Herefordshire Conference, who arrived July 28th, 1861, who have been on missions to these lands, left with this company on their return to their homes in the valleys of the mountains. These brethren have labored diligently in the ministry since their arrival here from Zion, and carry home with them the blessings of the presidency and the prayers of those who have been benefitted by their labors. Elder J. S. Brown has suffered more or less from sickness since his arrival; but, by the assistance of the Holy Spirit, he has been able, in his weakness, to do a good work. Elders John Lindsay, late president of the Lincolnshire Conference, Abraham Orme, late president of the Leicester Conference, Aaron Nelson, president of the Derbyshire Conference previous to Elder J. C. Rich's appointment, Edwin Scott, late traveling elder in the Essex Conference, and Daniel Matheson, late traveling elder in the Bedfordshire Conference, of the native ministry, hailed with much joy the arrival of the period when they were privileged to go to Zion with the gathering Saints. May the blessings of heaven be with all on board, and ere long land them safely on the shores of the land of Joseph, and enable them to reach their mountain home with joy and rejoicing."
MS, 24:18 (May 3, 1862), p.283
"Wed. 23. [Apr. 1862] -- The ship John J. Boyd sailed from Liverpool, England, with 701 Saints, under the direction of James S. Brown; it arrived at New York June 1st."
CC, p.67
(source abbreviations)