March 16, 1852. On the above mentioned date we left Denmark going in a round about way through part of Germany and thence to Liverpool, on a somewhat delayed journey. We continued our travel to America on the sail ship Italy from Liverpool, where we were supplied with twenty eight day's provisions. We suffered an awful lot from hunger and sickness, but the Lord's hand was over us because we wanted to serve him, but some of us died after eight weeks and two days travel on this ship. We finally arrived in New Orleans, near the Mississippi River in America where we stayed two days. After this we went on the steam ship up along the river to St. Louis, where we stayed another two days and where we bought provisions in order to go through Arkansas. We left St. Louis and went on the steamship up the Missouri River to Kanesville where we arrived in June 1852. There we purchased some wagons and some oxen for the trek across the country to the Rocky Mountains. We were unable to purchase enough wagons and oxen for our trip and we had to stay there one month, and then bought some more equipment and prepared ourselves to leave which was set for the first of July. We left Kanesville for the journey ahead of us which we were told was some eleven hundred miles. During the travel we suffered an awful lot from cold and hunger and shortage of food, but the Lord's blessings were still with us and we prayed to the Lord and that is what saved us.
There are forty wagons in the company. We proceed on our way with a prayer to the Lord. Our first Captain is Kelsey and our second captain is C. Butler and both of them are good men, and if we will do just as they tell us, everything will be all right. My thoughts are always that I soon will be able to live in what I dream of as a real home, together with the others, and there have peace, and worship God as we desire and no other things will have power to change it.
This is the 20th of October, 1852. I am so happy to think that I would be among this people, and where the Father's spirit so prevails, and where the apostles receive the word and spirit and strength from the first and only God, to hold his hand over us, and I feel the same spirit which gave me testimony that this was God's work. My sister Stine came out with Father Saby from Norway, and they live near Ogden, Utah. . . . [p.1]
BIB: Hansen, Hans Frederick. Diary (Ms 12330), fd. 3, p. 1. (CHL)
(source abbreviations)