"DEPARTURE. -- The fine packet ship Antarctic, Captain George C. Stouffer, sailed from this port on the 23rd instant, with 486 souls of the Saints on board. They were composed of people from thirteen different countries -- namely, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, America, France, Holland, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. President Cannon, with Elders Jesse N. Smith, president of the Scandinavian Mission, and John L. Smith, president of the Swiss and Italian Mission, acccompanied by several other elders, visited the Saints on board on the afternoon of the 22nd, held a meeting and organized the company. Elder John Needham was appointed to preside, with Elders Philip De la Mare and S. H. B. Smith as his first and second counselors. Elders Carl and Ferdinand Dorius were appointed to take charge of the Scandinavian Saints, and Elder John Huber of the Swiss and Itailian, under the direction of President Needham. The Saints were then addressed by President Cannon in English, by President J. L. Smith in German, and by President Jesse N. Smith in Danish. Much valuable and cheering instruction and counsel were given, which, judging from the lively countenances and deep interest manifested on the part of the Saints was much appreciated by them. Several elders who have been laboring faithfully and zealously in various parts of the European Mission took their departure from Zion on this vessel, rejoicing in the privilege before them of sharing the blessings enjoyed by the body of the Church. They have with them the blessing of the Lord, the confidence of his servants, and the affection and prayers of the Saints among whom they have labored.
The following are returing to their homes and families in Zion -- namely, Elder Needham, the president of the company, who arrived in this country from Zion Dec. 21st, 1860, and who, though not in the enjoyment of very good health, has labored faithfully since, in the south of England, presiding over the Kent Conference during the greater part of the time; Elder De la Mare, who arrived August 3rd, 1860, and has been presiding over the Channel Islands Conference; Elder S. H. B. Smith, who reached on the 27th of July of the same year, and has been presiding most of the time since over the Bradford Conference; Elder C. H. Rhees, who arrived on the 21st of September following, and has been laboring in the Bristol Conference; Elder John Marett, who reached on the 9th September, 1862, and has since labored, as his health would permit, in the Channel Islands Conference; and Elders C. C. N. and John G. Dorius, who reached this port on the 26th of August, 1862, on a mission to Scandinavia. The labors of these two last named brethren have been principally confined to Norway, where they have endured much persecution and have been instrumental in extending a knowledge of the gospel among the natives of that country. Elders Thomas Yates, who has been laboring in the Bristol Conference, Robert Wilson, who has been travelling in the Liverpool Conference, and John Huber, from the Swiss and Italian Mission, are emigrating with this company, and feel thankful to God for the privilege of gathering with the Saints
, to be placed in a sphere where their usefulness can be more widely employed.
Towards the close of the meeting President Cannon bestowed a parting blessing upon the ship and company, which we pray they may realize, and that they may be preserved to reach the valleys of the mountains in safety. May the angels of God go with them and his Spirit inspire them to works of righteousness, that they may be preserved from every danger and be instrumental in extending the cause of truth and the kingdom of our God on the earth."
lass="source_citation">MS, 25:22 (May 30, 1863), pp.346-47
"Sat. 23. [May 1863] -- The ship Antarctic sailed from Liverpool, England, with 483 Saints, under the direction of John Needham. The emigrants landed in New York July
10th and arrived safely at Florence [Nebraska] a few days later."
lass="source_citation">CC, p.69
". . . The Norwegians remained in Grimsby in charge of Elder Carl C. N. Dorius until May 20th, when they also traveled by rail to Liverpool, and on the same day went on board the ship 'Antartic,' on which also 60 passengers from Switzerland and many English emigrants went on board, making a company of 450 passengers. The 'Antartic,' which was a fine ship and well equipped for the voyage, sailed from Liverpool May 23rd
. Before leaving Liverpool, President George Q. Cannon and other elders came on board and organized the company, appointing Elder John Needham president, with Philip De La Mare and Samuel H. B. Smith as his counselors. Carl C. N. Dorius was appointed steward, and together with his brother Johan F. F. Dorius given charge of the Norwegian Saints. Several deaths occurred on board, and several couples were married. The ship arrived in New York July 10, 1863, and the same day the journey was continued via Albany, Niagara, Detroit, Chicago and Quincy to St. Joseph, Missouri, and thence by steamer to Florence, Nebraska. A child (Jensen) died on the steamer and was buried in Holt County, Missouri. Sister Anneken Larsen's child died as the emigrants landed; it was buried at Florence. The greater part of the Scandinavian emigrants journeyed across the plains in three of the ox team companies sent out by the church that season to the Missouri River after immigrants. The first of these left Florence June
29, 1863, led by Captain John R. Murdock, and arrived in Salt Lake City Sept. 5th. The third company, led by Captain William B. Preston, left Florence July 10th and arrived in Salt Lake City Sept. 9th. The Church sent altogether 10 ox trains from the Valley that year to bring the poor Saints home to Zion and haul freight from the Missouri River.
The Norwegian emigrants crossed the plains in Captain Peter Nebeker's company, consisting of 50 wagons. This company arrived in Salt Lake City, Aug. 24, 1863. On the journey across the plains, 2 adults and 7 children died and were buried by the wayside. . . ."
lass="source_citation">HSM, pp.177-78
(source abbreviations)