"DEPARTURES. -- The Ship Horizon, Captain Reed, sailed from Liverpool for Boston, May 25, 1856, with 856 souls of the Saints on board, under the presidency of Elders Edward Martin, Jesse Haven, and George P. Waugh.
The following Elders who have held responsible positions in this country, also sailed on this ship -- Elders T. B. Broderick and John Toone from Utah -- the latter retires from his labors on account of ill health -- John Jaques, Robert Holt, Thomas Ord, James Stones, Henry Squires, and Robert Evans were presidents of conferences. . . ."
MS, 18:24 (June 14, 1856), p.377
"NINETY-SIXTH COMPANY. -- Horizon, 856 Saints. On the twenty-fifth of May 1856, the ship Horizon, Captain Reed, sailed from Liverpool for Boston, with 856 Saints on board, under the presidency of Elders Edward Martin, Jesse Haven and George P. Waugh. The following elders, who had held responsible positions in the British Mission also sailed in this ship: Thomas B. Broderick and John Toone (both from Utah), John Jaques
, Robert Holt, Thomas Ord, James Stones, Henry Squires and Robert Evans. Of the emigrants six hundred and thirty-five were P. [Perpetual] E. [Emigration] Fund emigrants and two hundred and twenty-one ordinary, including seven cabin passengers. Among the number were Samuel Pucell and family who had given the first sixpence to the Mormon elders when they first went to England in 1837.
On the thirtieth of June the steamer Huron towed the Horizon to Constitution wharf, at Boston, where the emigrants debarked. They then took cars for Iowa City, crossing the Hudson at Albany and passing through Buffalo on the fourth of July. The company arrived in Iowa City on the eighth of July. (Millennial Star, Vol. XVIII, pages 377, 542, 536, 554)"
Cont., 14:1 (Nov. 1892), pp.21-22
"Sun 25. [May 1856] -- The ship Horizon sailed from Liverpool with 856 Saints, under the direction of Edward Martin. The company arrived safely at Boston, and reached
Iowa City by rail July 8th."
CC, p.56
(source abbreviations)