New York, July 18, 1866.President B. [Brigham] Young, Junior.
Dear Brother,--Having had little unoccupied time since my release till now, I embrace the present to give a brief account of my labors in the British Mission.
I was called at the April Conference, 1863, to fill a mission to Europe.
On the 16th of the same month I bid farewell to kindred and friends, and in company with others left for the States. After visiting a short time with my friends there, I left New York, on board the "Great Eastern," in company with Elders C. Kimball, M. Lyon, S. L. Sprague, and the late F. C. Free, for Liverpool, at which place we arrived on the 18th of June. Shortly after my arrival I received from President G. [George] Q. Cannon an appointment to labor in Newcastle-on-Tyne District, under the direction of Elder M. F. Farnsworth, where I labored until the new year, when, by the council held at Birmingham Jan., 1864, I was appointed to labor in the Bedfordshire Conference, under the direction of Elder D. Gibson, where I labored for nearly a year; and, [p.509] until appointed by President D. H. Wells and yourself to labor in the Glasgow Conference, under the direction of Elder J. V. Hood, in which place I continued my ministrations from the 2nd of Nov. 1864, until the sitting of the Birmingham Council in Jan. 1866. At this council I was released to return home; but, until the time of emigration, appointed to the presidency of the Hull Conference. In this conference I continued my labors to advance the cause of Zion till near the time of the sailing of the ship American Congress, on which vessel I sailed with the Saints from London, discharging the duties of passenger steward, according to appointment by yourself. I passed the government officers here as one of the ship's crew. In all the positions
I have been called to labor, I have endeavored to do my duty faithfully, and I have enjoyed myself in my labors; for God has aided me by his Holy Spirit, for which I feel to praise him. I feel thankful to the Saints among whom I have labored, who have kindly administered to my wants, and I pray God to bless and prosper all who in any way administer to the necessities of his Saints. The experience I have gained while laboring in the ministry I feel to be more valuable than gold. I desire to be grateful to God for all his kindnesses to me. . . .
. . . I leave here in a day or two for the frontiers. I close praying God to bless you and all laboring with you in the British Mission.--Your brother in Christ,
James A. Cunningham [p.510]
BIB: Cunningham, James A. [Letter], Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star 28:32 (August 11, 1886) pp. 509-10. (CHL)
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