Monday, December 20, 1852. At 12:30 p.m. we sailed from Copenhagen for Kiel on the small ship "Obetrit."
Tuesday, Dec. 21. We laid at anchor most of the day.
Wednesday, Dec. 22. The anchor was lifted this morning and we again proceeded on our way; in the evening we arrived at Kiel. There was a good deal of sickness among the brethren and sisters on this trip, but the Lord was kind to them all, and only one needed the help of a doctor. We heard that a very large ship which had sailed at the same time that our ship sailed had driven in the storm, lost one of its boats, and received much more damage than ours.
Thursday, Dec. 23. At 6:30 a.m. we left Kiel on the railroad, and arrived at Altona at 9:30, where we were very kindly received. Through the courtesy of Morris & Company we were served warm food and drinks, which were very refreshing. The remainder of the day we stayed in Altona.
Friday, Dec 24. We felt strengthened today by both spiritual and bodily food. At 2 p.m. we sailed on the steamship "Lion" for Hull, England. We all got on board all right, with the exception of Sister Knudsen, who was sick and could not go with us. After having sailed until 8:45 in the evening, we dropped anchor at Cuxhaven, as the captain dared not sail farther on account of fog and storm. We remained at anchor all Christmas Eve, and throughout the night.
Saturday, Dec. 25. We remained at anchor until one o'clock in the afternoon, when the anchor was lifted and we sailed to the coast of Holland called Nye Werk. Here, after sailing for three-fourths of an hour more, we again dropped anchor. At midnight the anchor was again lifted and we proceeded on our way towards England.
Tuesday, Dec 28. After sailing all of Sunday and Monday, and most of today we arrived through the grace and kindness of God at Hull, England at 5 o'clock in the evening. We had come through a storm the like of which the captain of the ship said he had never been out in. Some of the ship's cargo was ruined, and the wind was so strong that our clothes were nearly blown overboard. The Lord helped and strengthened all of us both in body and soul so that we could continue our journey without delay. [p.1]
Wednesday, Dec 29. At 12 o'clock noon we boarded a railroad train for Liverpool, where we arrived at 9 o'clock that evening. We were all happy and well; and were shown to a place where we received warm food and drink, and a night's lodging.
Thursday, Dec 30. We stayed at the same place.
Friday, Dec. 31. We came on board the ship which the Lord had chosen to carry us to New Orleans. It was a freight called the Forest Monarch, a large and strong vessel. While on board the ship today some of the Saints suffered from hunger. This day closes the year 1852, during which many great blessings have come to us. My prayer is that they may also continue throughout the coming year, through our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
Now, in the name of Jesus Christ, the only Begotten of the Father, I humbly write something in the new year, and turn my attention to writing the most important happenings that God will let occur to his people in this year; and I pray that the blessings and grace of God may be with and continue over us from now and until all eternity, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Saturday, January 1, 1853. The first day of the new year had come, and the Lord blessed us again with the necessities of life. In the evening a gathering was held, and the blessings of the Lord were with us. A child [a girl] was born to Brother W. Andersen's wife.
Sunday, Jan. 2. The blessings of the Lord were with us again this day, and meetings were held on board ship.
Monday, Jan. 3. The blessings of the Lord were over us still; the weather was good, and Sister Knudsen arrived on board ship.
Tuesday, Jan. 4. The Lord's blessings were also over his children. The same with us on Wednesday, the 5th, and Thursday, the 6th.
Friday, Jan. 7. Inasmuch as a good order had not been instituted in connection with the preparation of food, cleaning, and water, and some had complained, Brother Julius Herman Christensen called all the brethren together. The following was proposed and unanimously accepted:
1st. That Brothers Hans Christian Hansen and F. H. Petersen [Pedersen] should supervise delivery to the kitchen of the necessities for the preparation of food at dinner.
2nd. That Brothers Ole Christian Nielsen and Ole Svendsen should supervise the cleaning on board ship.
3rd. That Brothers William Andersen, Mads Christian Jensen, R. Johnsen, Ipsen, Wilhelm Andersen, C. T. Sorensen, Christian Nielsen, Aagren, Niels Pedersen, Niel Mikkelsen, Niels Peter L. Domgaard, Frederick Jensen, and Ole Svendsen should be named as captains over those who divided out the day's dinner to the brethren and sisters. [p.2]
4th. That Brothers Andersen Hans Larsen, R. Johnsen, Christian Bernsen, Knud Nielsen, Christian Christiansen, and O. Chr. Nielsen should be appointed captains over those who were to give fresh water to the brethren and sisters and supply the necessary salt water to the kitchen.
5th. To be of help in preparing food in the kitchen were chosen Brothers Hansen and Andersen, and Sister Frederikke. In the evening a meeting was held.
Saturday, Jan. 8. The blessings of the Lord were also with us. Elder [John E.] Forsgren and Brother Willard Snow, Hansen, and Prebi (who had arrived here from Utah on his way to Denmark), came on board and in the evening held a meeting. Brothers Snow, Forsgren, Christiansen, and Prebe spoke to the Saints. There were four couples on board who desired to enter into the contract of marriage, and Brother J. [John] E. Forsgren performed the ceremonies ; the Saints gave their unanimous consent. Those who were married were: R. Johnsen and Birgithe Grorette; O. Chr. Nielsen and Christine Gotfredsen; Christian Bernsen and Marie Andersen; and Christen Hansen and Cissel L. A child of Brother Sorensen, Dykes Villard Sorensen, was blessed by Brother John E. Forsgren, and then Brother Forsgren closed the meeting with prayer. Following the meeting the brethren and sisters enjoyed the enjoyed the evening in dancing and music.
Sunday, Jan. 9. A meeting was held; a spirit of peace and quiet prevailed and God's blessings and spirit were over us all.
Monday, Jan. 10. A meeting was held on board. At 10 o'clock this evening Christen Jensen, age 82 years , passed away.
Tuesday, Jan, 11. Brother Forsgren again came on board. Later in the day word came to send the body of Christen Jensen ashore where it would be buried. A meeting was held in the evening, and Brothers O. Chr. Nielsen, R. Johnsen, S. Thomsen, and Elder Forsgren spoke. A good spirit was present at the meeting; great blessings were over us, and all the brethren and sisters raised their hands in agreement to live in harmony with each other, so that they also might be obedient to the ship's officers, and that the blessings of the Lord might be with us.
Wednesday, Jan. 12. The blessings of the Lord were with us, but about 4 o'clock a son of Brother N. P. Domgaard, (Lauritz Elias Domgaard), passed away, and ten minutes later Christian Nielsen, age 26, passed away.
Thursday, Jan. 13. The blessings of the Lord were again with us. In the afternoon the bodies of those who had died were taken ashore, to be buried at Liverpool. A meeting was held in the evening at which Elder Forsgren spoke words of sympathy and inspiration to us. Brothers Johnsen and Aagren also spoke. [p.3]
Friday, Jan. 14. Another meeting was held this evening. A good spirit was present among the brethren and sisters, and we have learned considerable. Complaints had almost ceased; some few, who had been sick for quite a while, were still ill. Brother Christiansen read a few passages from the Book of Mormon, prayer was held, and we all retired to our own.
Saturday, Jan. 15. Nothing outstanding happened, and the day closed with the blessings of the Lord.
Sunday, Jan, 16. The weather was fine. We have now been on this ship for 16 days. Many great and important things have been revealed to us. The Lord has inspired his servant, Elder Forsgren, with his spirit, and murmurings and complaints which had been among us have ceased, and we have commenced to progress again. A meeting was held in the forenoon at which Brothers Christiansen and Christensen spoke encouragingly to us. About 11:30 this morning the anchor was lifted, and about 12 o'clock a steam tugboat came and pulled us out until about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when it left us. It was cold and had begun to rain a little. All the Saints were well except eight who were more or less sick, some because of the water. We have lost 3 persons, before named, and the Lord has given us two--which makes one less than when we left Copenhagen. In the evening Elder Forsgren spoke to us, and we partook for the first time on this voyage the holy Sacrament. The meeting was opened with prayer by Elder Forsgren. It rained and blew a little in the evening. Brother Jeppe Bensen, who had been bitten in the leg while in Hamburg, by a dog, had to remain in Liverpool as his leg became badly infected and swollen; and his leg smelled so terribly that it would have infected the whole ship, and no one would have been able to attend to him.
Monday, Jan. 17. The weather was good with a slight wind.
Tuesday, Jan. 18. The same.
Wednesday, Jan. 19. The same. In the evening and during the night the wind blew very hard.
Thursday, Jan. 20. The weather remained about the same. Brother Hans Larsen fell and knocked his arm out of place, but Brothers Forsgren, Hansen and Domgaard took hold of it and Elder Forsgren put it in place, and anointed it with oil. In the evening the Saints danced and sang. Brother Christiansen played on his violin, which brought joy to his listeners. Brother Forsgren, Knud Christensen, Christian Christiansen, E. Christiansen, Aagren, Lars A. Justesen, and Hansen spoke. The gathering closed with a song, and prayer by Brother Forsgren. [p.4]
Friday, Jan. 21, 1853. The wind and weather were good, although it blew quite hard. In the evening Elder Forsgren spoke; Sister Hansen and her son, and Sister Piil were blessed, and prayer was held. In this meeting Elder Forsgren proposed, and it was unanimously accepted, first, that talks be given on the building up of Zion, and the thousand years reign, and that questions be asked on these subjects; and second, that four brethren talk, each of them being given half an hour. It was unanimously voted that these four brethren should be Aagren, Ole C. Nielsen, H. J. Christensen, and Christian Christiansen, who were all elders, and that these should be given Monday evening at 7 o'clock.
Saturday, Jan. 22. The wind did not blow quite so strong. In the evening President Forsgren spoke a short time out on the deck, and prayer was held there.
Sunday, Jan. 23. There was only a slight wind today, but we still moved forward. At a meeting held in the afternoon Elder Forsgren spoke and read a revelation which was given to Joseph Smith in Nauvoo on July 12, 1843. The meeting was opened by Elder Forsgren, and closed with prayer by C. Christiansen. In the evening Brother Knud Christensen offered prayer.
Monday, Jan. 24. The wind was very good, and we had a little rain in the afternoon. A meeting was held this evening, as arranged. It opened with a song, and prayer was offered by President Forsgren. Brothers Aagren, O.C. Nielsen, H. J. Christensen, and C. Christiansen talked on the building up of Zion and what we should do in the thousand years reign. Following these talks Elder Forsgren spoke extensively on the same subjects. It was then proposed and unanimously accepted that on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock talks should be given on the priesthood, beginning with the aaronic, or lesser priesthood. Brothers M. Chr. Jensen, Pethr [Peter A.] Forsgren, Jens Knudsen, and Sorensen were unanimously proposed and accepted to give these talks. The meeting closed with prayer by Brother H. J. Christensen.
Tuesday, Jan. 25. The weather was good. With a strong wind this morning one of the sails was torn to pieces. In the afternoon the wind came up so strong that most of the sails had to be furled; the wind was accompanied by hail and rain, and made it very difficult to steer the boat. The storm continued for some time. Towards evening we saw a ship which had lost part of its bowsprit. Brother P. C. Nielson fell and received a hard bump.
Wednesday, Jan. 26. We had a good wind with occasional clouds and rain and hail. In the evening Brother Forsgren spoke a little, and prayer was offered by Brother Justesen. Sister Sorensen fell and hurt her knee. [p. 5]
Thursday, Jan. 27. The weather was very good; the sun shone high and warm in the heavens. The wind rose in the evening, and it lightninged. As arranged last Monday, our speakers this evening were Brothers J. Knudsen, P. Forsgren, M. Chr. Jensen, and Sorensen, but they all desired that Elder J. E. Forsgren should speak on the assigned subject and thus instruct them all. This he did. It was proposed and unanimously accepted that the following Monday, if weather permitted, talks should be given on the gathering of Israel and the building up of Jerusalem. And it was unanimously accepted that Brothers N. Mikkelsen, V. Andersen, N. P. Domgaard, and Christensen should handle these subjects. The meeting was opened with song, and prayer by Elder Forsgren, and closed with prayer by Brother Aagren. In the evening prayer was held in the cabin.
Friday, Jan. 28. We had good wind and weather and the blessings of the Lord were over us. In the evening prayer was held in the cabin.
Saturday, Jan. 29. We had good wind and weather. In the afternoon it happened that the "Hae" sail halyard broke. In the evening Brother Hans Christian Hansen offered prayer.
Sunday, Jan. 30. The wind and weather were again good. Brother K. [Knud] Christensen offered prayer this morning. In the afternoon a meeting was held on the deck. After the opening song, prayer was offered by Brother J. [John] E. Forsgren, who then spoke. Following him, Brothers W. Andersen, O. Svendsen, and C. Christiansen spoke, and Elder Forsgren said a few more words. The meeting closed with a song, and prayer by Brother C. T. Sorensen. The brethren and sisters rejoiced in the words of comfort and instruction which had been given them. In the evening Brother C. M. Olsen prayed. The weather and [UNCLEAR, PROBABLY, was] good and we came into the zone of trade winds.
Monday, Jan. 31. The weather was good and the wind very fine. In the morning Brother C. Christiansen offered prayer. As per arrangements, a meeting was held this evening. Brothers Niels Lauritz Christensen, W. Andersen, N. P. Domgaard and N. Mikkelsen were the speakers, as appointed last Thursday evening. Brother Christiansen also talked on the appointed subject, and said that he had many questions to give which he would like answered. Brother Forsgren spoke next, and at the close of his talk asked Brother Christiansen to give the questions which he desired answered. They were given, and then Brother Forsgren proposed that the following be answered (which was unanimously accepted): How shall the devil be bound? and with what chain shall he be bound? Why shall he come up out of the ground and lead away the people, and who are the people he will lead away?[p. 6] Thereafter, it was unanimously agreed that Brothers William Andersen, R. Johnson, O. Svendsen, and F. H. Petersen should speak on these questions next Monday evening. The meeting was opened with prayer by Elder J. E. Forsgren, and closed with prayer by Brother Christiansen.
Tuesday, Feb. 1. We had good wind and weather. In the morning Brother K. Christensen offered prayer, and in the evening Elder J. E. Forsgren. The air became very warm toward evening, and it rained a little.
Wednesday, Feb. 2. The wind and weather were about the same. Brother H. C. Hansen offered prayer this morning, and Brother K. Christensen in the evening.
Thursday, Feb. 3. The weather and wind were good, with occasional storm clouds. This morning Brother Ipsen informed us that his child had died, and at 10 a.m. it was cast into the sea. We met this evening as per previous arrangement and heard Brothers W. Anderson, M. [Mikkel] Johnsen, O. Svendsen and H. F. Petersen speak on the appointed questions. Elder Forsgren spoke a few words of warning and advice to us, and then Brother Christiansen spoke. He said he had been about to see how obedient the brethren and sisters were in attending meeting, and found B. F. Holzhansen and [Christoffer] Bernhardt Hansen laughing and playing in one end of the ship about the same time that meeting was on. He wished that the brethren and sisters would keep their children clean and not let vermin of any sort spread over the ship. It was proposed by President Forsgren, and unanimously accepted that next Sunday be observed as a fast day. The meeting was opened with prayer by Brother Forsgren, and closed with prayer by Brother Christiansen.
Friday, Feb. 4. The weather and wind were fine the whole day. The blessings of the Lord were over us. In the morning Brother Justesen offered prayer, and in the evening Brother F. H. Petersen offered prayer; all were well.
Saturday, Feb. 5. Brother C. Christiansen offered prayer. The weather was good.
Sunday, Feb. 6. As arranged, we observed fast day. Meeting was opened with prayer; the Spirit of the Lord was with us in rich abundance. Several stood up and acknowledged their faults; many talks were given which were inspirational and up building. The morning was closed with prayer by Elder Forsgren, and the congregation dismissed for one-half hour. The meeting was opened again by Brother Christiansen. The Spirit of the Lord was again present. The holy Sacrament was administered; the closing prayer was offered by Elder Forsgren. I was also present and felt lifted up, and received rich blessings. [p.7]
Monday, Feb. 7. This morning Poul Poulsen, a son of Brother Anders Poulsen, died, and his body was cast into the sea. In the afternoon a son of Brother H. C. Hansen became so sick that he was nearly dead, but after having been blessed twice by Elders Forsgren and Christiansen, and several of the brethren, he began to get better, for which I am thankful to my Heavenly Father. At 7 o'clock in the evening the brethren and sisters assembled in meeting, which was opened with prayer by Elder Forsgren. As per arrangement, four brethren should have talked on the resurrection, but inasmuch as they had only been notified just before meeting, and as it was very warm, it was decided that they should speak the following Thursday evening on the resurrection. They were Justesen, H. C. Hansen, C. Christensen, and N. Pedersen. Elder Forsgren spoke to the congregation, and the meeting was closed with a song, and prayer by Elder W. Andersen. In the there was some very strong lightning. [UNCLEAR]
Tuesday, Feb. 8. We had a heavy rainstorm, with lightning and thunder. Following the rainstorm there was a dead calm, but soon the wind came up again.
Wednesday, Feb. 9. We had good weather, but not a good wind. (Brother Sorensen's affair).
Thursday, Feb. 10. The wind was about the same. In the evening we held the appointed meeting, which was opened with prayer by Elder Forsgren. The brethren talked on the resurrection, as appointed, following which Elder [John E.] Forsgren also talked on the same subject. It was decided to have talks on the resurrection the following Monday evening; and to have a day of fasting and prayer next Sunday, just like the past Sunday. Elder Forsgren closed the meeting with prayer.
Friday, Feb. 11. Brother Christiansen offered prayer in the evening, after which Elder Forsgren talked to the Saints and warned them; following this he prayed with and for us.
Saturday, Feb. 12. Nothing of importance.
Sunday, Feb. 13. The brethren and sisters met as appointed for fasting and prayer. Brothers Christiansen and O. Svendsen spoke. Brother Sorensen stood up and acknowledged his faults, and after him his wife also acknowledged her faults and prayed the congregation to forgive her. Next Brother Christiansen arose, and spoke to Brothers Andersen and Justesen, and Brother Andersen stood up and explained that he had talked with Brother F. Holzhansen, who had broken the laws of God and never came to meeting, and who had turned to sin and worldly ways and would not turn therefrom, but who still said that [p. 8] he served God and had always done so. He had asked Brother Holzhansen to come and talk with Elder Forsgren, but had not done so. Brothers Andersen and Justesen had talked with him, but there was no hope for his becoming better and repenting. Brother Andersen gave this testimony alone, as Brother Justesen was sick and could not be to meeting. Brothers William Andersen and N. Mikkelsen next stood up and corroborated the testimony which Brother Andersen gave. Brother Christiansen proposed that Brother Holzhansen be cut off from the Church, which was seconded by Brother H. J. Christensen, and unanimously agreed by the congregation.
Thereafter Brother Christiansen said that there had been complaints about Brother Ramus Andersen and his wife, that they did not live as they should, and were not united. This was also established by Brother N. Mikkelsen, who said that he had talked with Brother Ramus Andersen's wife, and she had told him that she did not recognize him as a servant of God. Brother H. Johnsen said that he had talked to Brother R. Andersen, but that his counsel had not been received. After Brother Christiansen and Forsgren had talked to them and asked them if they would repent, and if Brother R. Andersen would conduct himself according to his calling and nothing more, Brother Andersen stood and asked the brethren and sisters to forgive him and remember him in their prayers.
R. Andersen's wife acknowledged her faults also, and asked for forgiveness. It was unanimously agreed to forgive them. After prayer by Brother Christiansen, the meeting adjourned for half an hour. It had been opened with prayer by Brother A. Aagren. The afternoon session was opened with prayer by Brother M. Johnsen. Several stood up and acknowledged their faults, and rich blessings rested over the congregation. Brother Forsgren closed the meeting with prayer. I felt very good and strengthened in my faith, as I felt the same as some of those who had spoken.
Monday, Feb. 14. We had only a very slight wind. A meeting should have been held in the evening, but Brother Forsgren called the elders of each mess together and talked to them, and said that inasmuch as the weather was so warm that it would be harmful to have a meeting below decks. It was unanimously accepted to discontinue holding meetings in the evening. This afternoon a child was born to Brother Jens Hansen's wife.
Tuesday, Feb. 15. A sailing vessel was close by this morning but soon sailed past us. There have also been several other vessels on previous days which have sailed past. I have been enjoying very good health. This afternoon the call rang out "land" (the island Desirade), and in the evening [p. 9] we passed by Guadeloupe. [Guadeloupe] This evening a child was born to the wife of Poul Christian Larsen. A good wind sprang up towards evening.
Wednesday, Feb. 16. The wind and weather were good. Elder Forsgren talked to the assembly in the evening.
Thursday, Feb. 17. Wind and weather good.
Friday, Feb. 18. I saw a large flock of birds.
Saturday, Feb. 19. In the morning I saw the eastern point of the island of St. Domingo, called Altavella. In the evening we passed Pt. Gravois and Cape Tiburon.
Sunday, Feb. 20. We passed C. [Cape] Tiburon, and could see the whole of it, although the mountains were so high that the clouds came down their slopes, and in one place the top of a mountain could be seen above the clouds. A meeting was held in the morning, which was opened with prayer by Brother C. Christiansen. N. Chr. Christiansen, Christian Christiansen, Chr. Willardsen, and Peter A. Forsgren spoke. The afternoon meeting opened with song, and prayer by C. Christiansen. Elders Forsgren, C. Christiansen, Aagren, R. Johnson and Sister Petersen Spoke. The afternoon meeting was closed with prayer by Elder Forsgren.
Monday, Feb. 21. I could still see the western part of the island of St. Domingo. The wind was not very good. In the afternoon Ipsen's child died.
Tuesday, Feb. 22. We also saw a little of St. Domingo.
Wednesday, Feb. 23. Beautiful weather. At 3 o'clock this afternoon we sailed over a bank just north of Jamaica. The water was so clear that we could see the bottom. After sailing two or three hours we had to change our course and head southward over the bank, over which we luckily passed in safely. The weather was quite calm, but a better wind came up in the night.
Thursday, Feb. 24. We passed by Jamaica, a high land through the center of which is a stretch of high mountains. There was hardly any wind this afternoon, and we tacked but slowly. Towards evening it began to rain; a good wind arose and we sailed rapidly.
Friday, Feb. 25. Also good wind. We could still see Jamaica. In the evening the lee sail blew down.
Saturday, Feb. 26. The wind was also good.
Sunday, Feb. 27. The wind was still good. A meeting was held this morning. After a song, Elder Forsgren offered prayer. Brother Forsgren, H. J. Christensen, and M. Chr. Jensen spoke to the up building and teaching of the Saints. Elder Christiansen gave the closing prayer. Meeting in the afternoon was opened with song, and prayer by Elder Christiansen. Brother M. Johnsen spoke [p. 10] to the edification of the Saints, and Brother Christiansen counseled us to go forward and "not destroy the ice which is over the rivers, will come over some of us." Elder Forsgren spoke next, and counseled us to refrain from carelessness, and to serve God so that neither earthquakes nor destructions would come over us and the Lord not stay His hand to protect us. I feel my weakness and pray God to help me. Elder H. J. Christensen closed the meeting with prayer. In the evening we passed by Cape St. Antonio.
Monday, Feb. 28. A child of Brother Poul Chr. Larsen died in the evening. We had a good wind.
Tuesday, Feb. 29. It rained hard during the night; we had a contrary wind until in the afternoon, when we had a little better wind. The brethren met, as called by Elder Forsgren. Elder Forsgren spoke and counseled on the things which would be necessary in sailing up the river, with regard to the necessities of life, and on what should be done with the poor who did not have money enough for the rest of the journey. There had been some doubt among the Saints as to their money, so it was explained to them. This brought peace to them, and several stood up and declared their willingness to offer their money and what extra they had, to Elder Forsgren, to handle as he saw best. Elders Christiansen and H. J. Christensen spoke also, and bore witness to Elder Forsgren's honesty in handling their money. It was unanimously voted to offer all for the welfare of Zion and the building up of the Kingdom of God. The meeting closed with prayer and thankfulness to the Lord for His grace and spirit which had been with us, by Elder C. Christiansen. I felt uplifted in spirit and desired to serve God.
Wednesday, Mar. 2. The wind has changed, and it is necessary for us to tack again.
Thursday, Mar. 3. The contrary wind continued.
Friday, Mar. 4. The same.
Saturday, Mar. 5. The same.
Sunday, Mar. 6. The wind was good. A meeting was held in the forenoon, which was opened with song, and prayer by Brother Chr. Nielsen, and closed with prayer by Elder C. Christiansen. Elders H. J. Christensen C. Christiansen and J. [John] E. Forsgren spoke. In the afternoon Elders O. Chr. Nielsen, Father C. Christensen and J. E. Forsgren spoke words of counsel; N. P. Domgaard spoke, and then Brother Rasmus Christensen said that he had dreamed that he saw the sun as it was when two hours high in the Heaven. On each side there was a crown; and on one side was a man on a horse. The man held a sword in his hand. Then he saw that God reached out his hand and hit at the earth twice. This woke [p. 11] him up and he prayed to the Lord. The meeting was opened with prayer by A. Aafren, and closed with prayer by Elder J. E. Forsgren.
Monday, Mar. 7. In the morning we could see the land of America. We came into the Mississippi River and sailed up it until about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when we anchored. Shortly after, Elder Forsgren went ashore to put in order the necessary preparations for the rest of our journey. In the evening Brother Jorgensen's wife died.
Tuesday, Mar. 8. A casket was made this morning for Sister Jorgensen, and about 12 o'clock noon we went ashore and buried her on an island where there were many tree stumps. The land here was very rich; there was a lighthouse. This is the first land I have trodden on, and I prayed to God, on my face, that He would bless me. We remained in that place the rest of the day. I wrote home to my parents.
Wednesday, Mar. 9. I wrote to Brother Chr. Larsen.
Thursday, Mar. 10. We still stayed in the same place.
Friday, Mar. 11. A child of Brother Pedersen died.
Saturday, Mar. 12. The wife of Brother C. Christensen died.
Sunday, Mar. 13. Brother Ipsen, Elder, died.
Monday, Mar 14. At 1 a.m. Jens Christian, son of Elder M. Chr. Jensen, died. The body was buried. Shortly after noon two tugboats came and towed us until in the evening, when anchor was dropped. It rained heavily today.
Tuesday, Mar. 15. We again got underway, towed by the two tugboats, and continued until late forenoon, when the tugboats left us. In the afternoon we got under way, towed by one tugboat. The first house we saw was one in which two black men lived. The house was built on poles, and outside of it was a sort of house which could float on the water. We saw this on the right hand side; on the left side was a lighthouse, and farther in were several buildings. We sailed up the river, which was so wide that four large ships could sail side by side. Trees could be seen on the banks of the river.
Wednesday, Mar. 16. We saw many small buildings; I heard the birds singing, and it seemed just like spring. There were ducks and geese, turkeys, pigs, horses, and cows. And I saw melons; there were fields of beets, just as in Denmark; and the trees looked just as they do in the spring. The banks of the river were covered with driftwood; but everything looked full of life and very good. There were white people who lived in these places; and I saw children who were black. There were both men and women who were black. Many small, beautiful buildings were built on poles, and we passed by a church. [p. 12] There were many animals, and in one place I saw some people driving in a closed-in wagon. On the left side there was a factory, and elsewhere the earth was cultivated. In one place they were plowing with four oxen hooked together.
Thursday, Mar. 17. This forenoon, about 10:30; we arrived at New Orleans. (Andersen's case.) I was up in the bow with Elder Forsgren and several others, and bread was purchased for the brethren and sisters. In the evening a child of Brother Christian Ipsen Munk died. A meeting was held this morning, in which Elder Forsgren talked to the brethren and sisters, and warned them against going up in the town, as there were many ungodly people there and it was the worst place they could go. After his counsel, he advised them to give Mr. Danziger a gift. Elders Christiansen, H. J. Christensen, and N. Mikkelsen spoke. The latter said he wished to return good for evil, and he wished to give him a gift. It was unanimously agreed to give him twelve American dollars. The meeting was closed with prayer by Elder Forsgren.
Friday, Mar. 18. In the afternoon Brother Hans Larsen's child died and was buried in New Orleans, together with Brother Munk's child. A child was born to Brother Dinnesen's wife.
Saturday, Mar. 19. All of our belongings were brought on board a steamship to which we were transferred, and at 4 o'clock in the afternoon we sailed for St. Louis. It was a good ship. Brother W. Andersen and his wife left us at New Orleans. After everyone was well; but Brothers C. Christensen and Anna Beckstrom were not entirely well.
Sunday, Mar. 20. No meetings were held. Provisions were dealt out to the brethren and sisters. The ship stopped in the afternoon to take on a cargo of sugar. We sailed again in the evening.
Monday, Mar. 21. We continued on our way and had good weather.
Tuesday, Mar. 22, Wednesday, Mar. 23. The same. The same, also, until Tuesday, Mar. 29.
Tuesday, Mar. 29. In the afternoon we arrived at St. Louis, with all well except Brothers C. Christensen and N. Hansen. No accidents had befallen us on this journey. The blessings of God were over us and all were well.
Wednesday, Mar. 30. We left the ship, and went into the town to a place which had been prepared for us,--this for the sake of our health, as it was not wise to go up the Missouri River.
Thursday, Mar. 31. Friday, April 1. Nothing of importance.
Saturday, Apr. 2. In the evening Brother C. Christensen's son died. [p. 13]
Sunday, Apr. 3. Brother C. Christensen died in the afternoon; in the forenoon Sister Dinnesen passed away. A meeting was held this afternoon, which was opened with prayer by Elder Chr. Christiansen. Elder J. E. Forsgren spoke a few words, and then announced that there were three couples who wished to enter into the bonds of marriage. It was unanimously sustained by the congregation. The three couples were: S
ören Olesen and Berthe Pedersen, Gerhardt Jensen and Else Marie Christensen, Frederick Jensen and Johanne Christensen. Elder Forsgren next performed the ceremony. The meeting was closed with song and prayer by Elder Forsgren.
Sunday Apr. 10. In the morning the brethren and sisters gathered in meeting, which was opened with prayer by Elder H. J. Christensen. Elder M. Johnsen spoke and counseled with a spirit of love; he was thankful for the privilege of talking. Elder J. E. Forsgren spoke and explained several things to us. The blessings of the Lord were over us. The meeting closed with song and prayer. In the afternoon another meeting was held. Several brethren spoke and the Lord's blessings were with us. The sacrament was administered. Elder Forsgren wished to know if the brethren and sisters were willing to travel to Keokuk. All were, and signified so by the raising of their hands. Brother Dinnesen's child was blessed by Elder Christiansen. The meeting closed with song and prayer.
Sunday, Apr. 17. The brethren and sisters again met in meeting. Elder Forsgren offered the opening prayer. Elder Christiansen read part of the revelation given December 16, 1833, and spoke of many things pertaining to the Holy Ghost. His address was delivered with power, and a confirming of these truths; he counseled us with a spirit of love. Elder Forsgren spoke next, and touched on many things. He said that he did not place his confidence in the money of the brethren and sisters, but in God alone. He explained many things, especially regarding wives. There were several who were afraid that they would not be able to retain their wives; and he said that when there was a wife who did not wish to have him, he would let her go; and he said that a man should be the head and not be led by a woman, but, however, should be willing to receive good advice. Elder Forsgren continued to give us many things of enlightenment, and explained also that if his brother should die, that it would be his right and duty to be answerable for his call and to see that his wives were sealed to him. Elder Forsgren said that Miss Mathiesen wished to come back into the Church, and he wanted to know if the brethren and sisters would hear her. It was unanimously voted to let her speak. She then stood up and said that she wished to become a member again and asked forgiveness [p. 14] for what she had done against Erastus Snow. Elder Forsgren spoke again, and then it was unanimously voted that Miss Mathiesen had not made a true acknowledgment and could not be received into the Church without having the fruits of repentance. The meeting closed with song, and prayer by Elder C. Christiansen.
In the afternoon another meeting has held. Elder C. Christiansen offered the opening prayer. Elders Christiansen, J. Christensen and W. Andersen gave many wonderful and inspirational thoughts, following which the Sacrament was administered by Elder Domgaard and priest N. L. Christensen. Hymns were sung and rich blessings were with us. The meeting was closed with prayer by Elder C. Christiansen.
Tuesday, Apr. 19. A child was born to Brother P. Madsen's wife.
Thursday, Apr. 21. 135 of the brethren and sisters left for Keokuk, accompanied by Elders Forsgren and C. Christiansen.
Sunday, Apr. 24. We held a meeting, which was opened with a song, and prayer by Elder H. J. Christensen, who also spoke shortly and said he wished to hear the brethren speak. Brother M. Johnsen stood up and spoke a few words, then Elder K. Christensen talked. He felt that he was not satisfied, and had only occasionally had a happy day since we arrived at this house. Elder H. J. Christensen talked briefly; he said that he knew that a man who was righteous was not forced to have a wife who was unrighteous, and the same for women. Elder W. Andersen also spoke briefly. The meeting closed with song, and prayer by Elder H. J. Christensen. No meeting was held in the afternoon. Brother Poul Chr. Larsen's wife died this afternoon.
Tuesday, Apr. 26. Brother Poul Chr. Larsen's wife was buried. Elder Forsgren returned to us.
Friday, Apr. 29. Two still-born children were born to Elder C. Christiansen's wife. They were buried the same day.
Saturday, Apr. 30. Brother P. Madsen's child passed away, and was buried. In the afternoon the rest of us left for Keokuk,
Sunday, May 1. We arrived in Keokuk in the evening and remained there overnight.
Monday, May 2. We formed our camp, and in the evening Elder Forsgren called the brethren together in a meeting. He said that when we were camped in this fashion that we should have a sergeant. Brother H. C. Hansen was unanimously appointed to be that man who should have charge of the camp. Elder Forsgren closed the meeting the prayer. . . . [p.15]
Friday, Sept. 30. In the evening we entered the Valley of the Great Salt Lake, the land of Zion. . . . [p.35]
BIB: [Manuscript history of the John H. Forsgren Emigrating Company] Translated from Danish. (Typescript) (Ms 4592), pp. 1-15, 35. (CHL
(source abbreviations)