September 2nd 1848 me and my family left St. Helens to take our places on board of the ship Erin's Queen bound for New Orleans which was to sail on the 5 of Sep but did not sail till on the 9th of September when we set sail the wind was rather unfavorable but when we got out of the sight of Liverpool the wind took a sudden change in our favor which wafted us speedily over the mighty deep in the short time of 7 weeds we landed in New Orleans on Saturday morning Oct. 28 about 6 o'clock a.m. I looked throughout the principle part of the City to find employ but found none I then made up my mind to come to St. Louis for which I had to borrow means to come up the river for which I succeed to borrow of one of the brethren Br Leathem the same evening Oct. 28 We left New Orleans for St. Louis by the steam boat Grand Turk and landed at St. Louis on Sunday the 5th of November 1848. I obtained employment the 1st day and at the shop I called at which I returned thanks to my Heavenly Father. I gave up my Certificate on Sunday Nov 12th and became a member of the St. Louis branch of the Church for which I return my Heavenly Father hearts gratitude that I have so far on my journey to that Land which is appointed for the delivering of the Saints.
December 5th 1848 my wife was delivered of a son which I named Silvester Fraser Jones and he was blessed a the old Baptist chapel St. Louis on Sunday 8th of January, 1849. St. Louis March 29th 1850 I baptized William Turner in Sheetes Pond and he was confirmed on the 8th of April by Br Burnsides.
St. Louis July 21st, 1850 I baptized my son John Lee Jones on Sunday morning on the river Mississippi and I confirmed him my self the same evening.
St. Louis February 6th, 1851 Born (Frederic Isaac Jones) 5th son on Thursday Morning at 25 mi pass 9 o'clock.
Feb 23, 1851 I was called to assist in presiding with James Simpkins in the 5th Ward of the branch of St. Louis and formed one of the council of the same branch. April 15, 1851 I left St. Louis to go to the Great Salt Lake Valley but I had to stay at Council Bluffs on account of my wagon breaking down. [p.16]
BIB: Jones, John Pidding, [Diary] IN Jones, Margaret Lee. Diaries (Ms 6845), fd. 1, p.16. (CHL)
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