New Orleans, March 7th, 1853.
Beloved President S. W. Richards,-- I take the earliest opportunity of informing you of the safe arrival at this place, of the company of Saints on board the Ellen Maria, on the 6th of March, making her passage from Liverpool in forty-seven days.
I was nearly the whole of the voyage, confined with sickness, but the brethren in the priesthood have diligently cooperated with me in carrying into effect such measures as the Spirit of God dictated would be for the good of the Saints; and the Saints generally have appreciated, and realized the necessity of obedience to every counsel given; so that all things have moved on harmoniously, and almost without a hard feeling. I never experienced more pleasure in presiding over any people that I have over those who came out on this ship, for the manner in which the Saints have conducted themselves has exceeded my most sanguine expectations. The first eight days of the voyage were very rough, which caused the Saints to be sick.
We have had five births, two marriages, and five deaths, on board, as follows:--
Births.-- Sister Diggle, from the Heywood Branch, Manchester Conference, was safely delivered of a daughter, January 20th. Sister Mary Barnes, aged thirty-two, from the Hull Branch, was delivered of a son, January 25th, during a raging storm. Sister Kendall, wife of George Kendall, late president of the Derbyshire Conference, was safely delivered of a son, January 30th. Sister Caroline Frinn, from the Worcester Branch, was safely delivered of a son, February 7th. Sister Matilda Rebbeck, from the Queen's Forest Branch, Southampton Conference, was safely delivered of a son, February 19th.
Marriages.-- Brother William Bowns,[Bowen] from the Hull Branch, to Sister Jane Ann Metcalf, from the York Branch. Brother Alfred Sparks, from the Worcester Branch, to Sister Jane Fowler, from the Pershore Branch, Worcestershire Conference. These parties were married January 30, by Elder Moses Clawson.
Deaths.-- Sister Mary Barnes, and infant, the former January 25th, the latter, January 26th; they were both committed to the deep on the 26th. William Reed, aged six years, an orphan, under the care of sister Elizabeth Smith, from the Portsmouth Branch; he died of decline, February 13th. Jacob Broadhurst, aged two years and four months, son of Samuel Broadhurst, from the Leigh Branch, Manchester Conference, March 2nd. Sister Matilda Rebbeck, March 2nd. The two last were consigned to a watery grave, at the mouth of the Mississippi River.
Our passage across the ocean was rough and stormy at times. We have been in very strange places, and unless the God of Israel had stretched out his arm to out deliverance, our position would have been hopeless. But the Saints have been cheerful and happy in the midst of their great trials, and the blessing of the Lord has attended this people during this portion of their journey--they have been diligent in seeking the Lord, and he has heard their prayers and blessed them with the rich blessings of his spirit. And I pray that he may still continue to bless them until they shall reach the mountain home of the Saints.
In conclusion I pray that the blessings of my Heavenly Father may rest upon you, that you may be a blessing to the British Saints. And may they be wise and obedient to all the commandments of God through his servants the prophets of the last days.
I remain your brother in the bonds of the new covenant of peace,
Moses Clawson [p.253]
BIB: Clawson, Moses, [Letter], Latter-day Saints' Millennial
Star. 15:16 (April 16, 1853) p. 253 (CHL)
(source abbreviations)