"In 1846 we moved to East Port in Bedforshire and stopped there till 1848 when we moved back to Wickliff, where I was baptized in March 1850 by Elder William Love in the Simpson River and was confirmed by Elder Thomas Smith, and through the many changes of varied experiences both in public and in private, my labors in the church, I have daily grown in faith and testimony and I have learned to love the work and the sweet influence that comes to those who work for its blessings.
December 31, 1850 - I bade farewell to friends and neighbors and started for the great valleys of the Rocky Mountains, for which every honest and faithful soul in the church out in the world anxiously yearns. We went to Liverpool for sailing, arriving there January 1, 1851, the details necessary for the voyage required up to the 5th.
January 5, 1851 - I then being in my 15th year, we set sail for the New World in the ship Ellen from Liverpool in a company of 466 Saints in charge of Elder James Cummings.
This same James Cummings was quite prominent in Utah public affairs after his return to Utah and died in Salt Lake City, May 19, 1883.
The night we set sail, a great storm arose in the Irish Channel. We struck another small ship and disabled our rigging, but after some loss of time we resumed our voyage and without any further incident, worth of note arrived in New Orleans March 14, 1851, from there taking passage up the Mississippi River for Saint Louis and stopped there about two weeks from there taking passage on the "Sacramento" and stopped two miles East of Kanesville, where further outfitting was done to continue the journey to Salt Lake City, arriving in due time and father buying a little home, we located about the middle of the 15th Ward.". . . . [p.2]
BIB: Holmes, Henry. Diary (Mss A 1484-2), p. 2. (Utah State Historical Society)
(source abbreviations)