. . . We left London in 1848, May 7th, and went back to Wolverhampton. Here we preached the gospel to our relations and friends and a large branch of the Church was soon organized. We bore our testimony there for two years and made a home for the elders who came to preach the gospel. In 1851 we emigrated to America with a company of Saints on the sailing ship Ellen. The first night out from Liverpool we encountered a heavy storm and had a collision with another ship. Both were disabled but not a soul was lost. We sailed into Camden Bay and stopped there for three weeks while the ship was repaired. Had a good voyage after was started our journey again and in six weeks landed at New Orleans on March 15, 1851.
The company went to St. Louis in the "Ellick Scott" [PROBABLY: Alex Scott] and landed on March 23rd, stopped in St. Louis for three weeks, then started up the Missouri River on the 13th of April on the "Sacramento;" stayed there until the next spring and during this time we secured a team of one yoke of oxen and one of cows. We started from Kanesville on July 3rd, 1842, in the 18th company of that year's immigration. Henry Miller was captain of 50 wagons and Apostle O. [Orson] Hyde over the 100. We had a rough trip over the plains as we were not accustomed to the mode of travel, and as if to add to all our troubles, our eldest daughter, Sarah, slipped from the wagon and was run over and died the next day, September 6th, at the age of seven years and eleven months. We buried her on the Sweetwater. It was a great trial to leave her, but we acknowledged the Lord in all things and proceeded on the journey. Soon after this one of our cows became very weak and we had to leave it, as it could not stand the trip. We traveled on with one yoke of oxen, and it seemed the Lord strengthened them for the extra burden. We arrived in Salt Lake City on the 24th of September 1852. . . [p129]
BIB: Clark, Lucy Ashby, [Autobiography], Our Pioneer Heritage, comp. by Kate B. Carter, Vol. 10 (Salt Lake City: Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1967), p. 129. (CHL)
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