"SIXTH COMPANY. -- Echo, 109 souls. According to the History of Joseph Smith, Apostles Brigham Young, Willard Richards and John Taylor met in council at 72 Burlington
Street, Liverpool, Thursday, February 11th, 1841, and set apart, by the laying on of hands, Elder Daniel Browett, to take charge of a company of Saints about to sail for New Orleans, on the ship Echo, (Captain Wood); John Cheese, David Wilding, James Lavender, William Jenkins, Robert Harris and John Ellison were also set apart to be his counselors. Elder Browett was appointed clerk and historian of the company. The Echo sailed from Liverpool, bound for New Orleans, Tuesday, February 16th, 1841, with one hundred and nine Saints on board, but I have been unable to find any particulars about the voyage."
Cont. 12:12 (Oct. 1891), p.443
"Tues. 16. [Feb. 1841] -- The ship Echo sailed from Liverpool, England, with 109 Saints, under the direction of Daniel Browitt."
CC, p.19
(source abbreviations)