Off Queenstown, S. S. Dakota, October 15, 1875.President A. [Albert] Carrington.
Dear Brother,--A favorite opportunity having presented itself, we feel like dropping you a few lines.
Last night we succeeded in organizing, and held our first prayer meeting, at which a good feeling was manifested.
This morning the weather is clear, the sea calm, and the boat making good time.
The valley elders are well and in good spirits. We have prayers night and morning with the Saints.
The officers of the ship are very gentlemanly, so far as we have come in contact with them, and we have not observed anything which might tend to mar our peace and enjoyments, and a pleasant journey is expected all round.
The ship cleared at about 3 p.m. yesterday, and at about 8 lifted her anchor and got her final start.
With kind regards to yourself, Sister Carrington and the brethren at "42," [42 Islington WAS THE ADDRESS OF THE BRITISH MISSION IN LIVERPOOL] we remain your brethren in the covenant of peace,
B. Eardley, L. Holbrook,
D. C. Johnson, S. Johnson,
C. E. Griffin, A. G. Ingram,
F. C. Boyee, D. Bockholm.P.S.--Reached Queenstown at 2 p.m. [p.686]
BIB: Eardley, B., [Letter], Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star. 37:43 (October 25, 1875), p. 686. (CHL)
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