"DEPARTURE. -- The fine steamship Dakota, Guion Line, Captain Forsyth, sailed from this port on the 14th instant, at 8 p.m., for New York, having on board 120 souls of our people. From the British Isles, 72 adults and 45 children; from Scandinavia 3 adults. Also eight returning missionaries, all bound for Utah. They left us in good health and excellent spirits. Elders Bedson Eardly and D. Bockholt were placed over the company, to conduct them safely through.
RETURNING TO ZION. -- Elders Bedson Eardly, D. Bockholt, Samuel Johnson, A. G. Ingram, C. E. Griffin, L. Holbrook, F. C. Boyer, and D. C. Johnson left with the October
13th company -- all feeling well in spirits and in health, with the exception of Elders F. C. Boyer and C. E. Griffin, who have been released on account of ill health. . . ."
MS, 37:42 (Oct. 18, 1875), pp. 667-68
"Thurs. 14. [Oct. 1875] -- The steamship Dakota sailed from Liverpool, England, with 120 Saints, in charge of Bedson Eardley. The company arrived at New York Oct. 24th
, and at Salt lake City Nov. 3rd."
CC, p.94
(source abbreviations)