S. S. Abyssinia, Oct. 22, 1882.President A. [Albert] Carrington.
Dear Brother, --As soon as the tender, upon which you and others were returning, had reached the shore, we proceeded to get things settled in proper shape, after which the brethren met and the following organization was effected: George Stringfellow, president; James Farmer, chaplain; Moroni Brown, captain of the guard; and Charles B. Felt and Joseph S. Tingey, clerks. Elder Carl Larson was appointed to assist the captain of the guard among the Scandinavians.
The ship was divided into four wards, with a president over each as follows: F. G. West, Thomas Carr, Truel Jorgenson and Neils Andersen. The hour appointed for prayers was 7:30 in the morning and evening.
There is considerable seasickness among the sisters, but all are in good spirits, and rejoicing is expressed that deliverance has come. The day is beautiful, sea smooth.
At time of writing (10:35 a.m.) We are off Queenstown.
With kind regards to all, we remain your brethren in the gospel,
George Stringfellow, president,Charles B. Felt, clerk. [p .699]
BIB: Stringfellow, George and Felt, Charles B. [Letter], Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star 44:44 (October 30, 1882) p. 699.
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