I left Hull June 22nd after staying at my mother's, in company with Walter [Lazenby] and Annie Tether (who became my wife), Sister Tomlinson and her family, for Liverpool. A company of Saints joining us on the steamer to cross the River Humber to New Holland. Brother John Leak and his family, Robert J. William and two daughters, Brother Busly, Elder Hide came along. Stayed in Liverpool at the house of Mrs. Ramsden. Monday night and embarked on board the ship Constitution in the Bramley Moore Dock with a company of about 400 Saints, some Welsh, some Scotch, some Swiss, and English under the presidency of W. Cluff [H. H. Cluff], [G. B.] Spencer, [J. S.] Thorne and others and hauled into the River Mersey on Tuesday and towed down the river on Wednesday, 24th of June, 1868. After a six weeks voyage "to a day" we arrived and dropped anchor in the River Hudson. Our voyage across the Atlantic was very pleasant to me, only one rough day, on Sunday when about half way across. [UNCLEAR] Arrived safe and well with Walter and Annie Tether. Landed at Castle Garden after passing a doctor's examination on the River Hudson. [p.3] Came on the cars on the Hudson River Railroad to Albany, then crossed to the Canada side where we were put into cattle trucks and jolted to Victoria when we were crossed again over the river to Detroit. Came on to Chicago, thence to Omaha where we crossed the Missouri River and took the Union Pacific cars for the west. After an overland voyage of ten days we reached the North Platte River where we camped for seven or eight days waiting for our baggage. . . . [p.4]
. . . Arrived at the head of Echo Canyon on the September 14th, '68, and here I bid adieu to my wife and boy and went to work for John W. Young upon the railroad, which I had agreed to do on arriving at New York for which I received a free pass from Omaha to the end of the track. I received 2 dollars and per day and board. Stayed at work six weeks and then came on to Salt Lake City. . . . [p.5]
BIB: Lazenby, John Thomas. Journal (Ms 6043), pp. 3-5. (CHL)
(source abbreviations)