. . . June 15th Brother Maeser went to Basel to arrange for emigrants who will gather there tomorrow. In the evening a number of the Saints, Brother Hoagland and I spent a very pleasant evening at Sister Giague's. Some were ready to emigrate. Our social continued until 3:15 a.m. on the 16th, when we who were ready to travel set out on our journey to Basel. Our luggage was sent on the 15th. In Basel we found Brother Maeser and several who are going Zionward. In Mannheim 4 persons joined us. So we are now 44 adults and 2 children. In Liverpool we were kindly treated by our brethren, also emigration agents. Went on board the ship Constitution a sailing vessel. Our company now consists of 384 adults, 36 children and 20 babies and 7 returning missionaries. Elder Harvey H. Cluff was appointed president with C. P. Liston and J. S. Horne counselors. Our company was divided into 6 wards, with one of the returning elders to preside over each. The 6th Ward contained the Swiss and [p.60] Germans. I was appointed to preside over it. Our captain's name is Hatten. Had a tedious but safe voyage, being 42 days on the water. On July 4th we saw a beautiful sun fish. We had a little "social" on the deck in the evening, and the captain surprised us with some nice fire works. Services were held on deck each Sabbath day, and we always had some men on guard to maintain order. There was dancing on deck on the 15th. The captain and first mate quarreled. The captain became angry, took the mate by the hair, shook him and scolded, swearing dreadfully. On the 27th, 28th and 29th I assisted the captain in making out 3 lists of passengers. I gladly accepted his invitation to dine with him in the cabin.
On Aug. 1st I collected money from the Swiss passengers who wanted to have American money instead, so the business could be soon attended to in New York. In New York Harbor officers examined us as to our health. Thus, Aug. 6th we were welcomed to Castle Garden by our agent, William C. Staines and aids. On the 7th at 2 p.m. we started west on cars. Our course was via Albany, Rochester, Suspension Bridge, Detroit, Chicago, Omaha to Benton, the railroad terminus. Here men and teams from Utah waited our arrival, and on Sunday 16th we were taken by wagons to "Mormon Emigration Camp" 4 miles distant. . . . [p.61]
BIB: Horne, Joseph Smith, Autobiography, Utah Pioneer Biographies, vol. 2, pp.60-61. (FHL)
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