Four years later one of my grandmother's aunts died leaving a large fortune for those times and Grandmother's share was enough to bring all her family to America including herself, husband, with children and three sons-in-law. They set sail February 14th, 1856, on the sailing vessel Caravan and were six weeks making the voyage to New York; Mother was seasick five weeks. They landed March 27th, 1856, without money, and here they had to stay and work in order to earn enough to help them on their way. A Mr. Hollenbeck from New Jersey came to the emigration house in New York to find a girl to do house work and Grandmother let my mother go home with him, as she thought his home was only a few blocks away. When Mother parted with her family she did not see her sister Lucy again for forty years. Lucy went with her husband to Iowa with others of the Saints, as that was then a gathering place before coming to Utah; Lucy came to Utah on a visit forty years later. Shortly after arriving in New Jersey, Mother found places for her father, brothers and sisters (except Lucy) to find employment, and soon they were all living close to each other again. Here they lived for three years, when they saved enough to take them to Omaha, [p. 11] Nebraska at Winter Quarters; then the frontier. Their stay in New Jersey was a very happy one; there were enough Mormons living there to organize a branch of the church, and they made many friends who did all they could to persuade the Saints to settle permanently in that locality. It was while living in New Jersey that Mother became acquainted with my father. She had seen him in England
, as his birthplace, St. Cross, was not far from all Saints, and he too had joined the church.
Father was married in England to Mary Ann Baker; they had four children. Three of whom died in England, the other child and his wife Mary Ann in New Jersey. Mother's courting days were passed at this place. In the early spring of 1859 all the Saints living in this part of New Jersey moved on to the frontiers, then to Omaha and here on Sunday, May 1st 1859 Mother was married, and soon after leaving all her relatives and started for Utah. . . .
. . . They arrived in Salt Lake City the 8th of 9th of October 1859. [p. 12]
BIB: [Collected information on the Seamons and related families, ca. 1980] (Ms 7571). pp. 11- 12 (CHL)
(source abbreviations)