"THE SHIP CARAVAN. -- On the 14th February we cleared 457 passengers (Saints) on this ship bound for New York, under the presidency of Elders Daniel Tyler, Edward Bunker, Leonard I. Smith, and William Walker. Among the passengers were two families of Scandinavian Saints, who were detained, by sickness, from going on the J. J. Boyd."
MS, 18:9 (March 1, 1856), p.140
"THE SHIP CARAVAN. -- Elder J. Taylor writes from New York, under date of April 2, as follows -- 'The Caravan arrived on the 27th ultimo, all well, no death but one child three years old. Those going forward have already started for their places of destination, the remainder, I think, will get employ.'"
MS, 18:17 (April 26, 1856), p.266
"NINETY-SECOND COMPANY. -- Caravan. on the fourteenth of February, 1856, the ship Caravan cleared from the port of Liverpool, with 457 Saints on board, under the presidency of Elders Daniel Tyler, Edward Bunker, Leonard I. Smith and William Walker. Among the passengers were two families of Scandinavian Saints, who were detained, by sickness from going on the John J. Boyd. On the fifteenth the presidency of the company divided the Saints into five sections, or wards, and Elder John Bulter was placed in charge of the Welsh Saints on board. Owing to storms and contrary winds, the ship did not get under weigh until the eighteenth. After a prosperous voyage, though stormy at times, the Caravan arrived in New York on the twenty-seventy of March, after a passage of forty-one days. During the voyage three children were born, and one passenger died. One couple were united in the bonds of matrimony, on which occasion the American flag was unfurled to the breeze, bells were rung, and all the jollifications made that were possible on shipboard in fair weather. On one occasion, while a storm was raging, a sailor fell head foremost from the foreyard of the vessel and expired almost instantly.
Soon after arriving in New York, those who expected to go forward to the outfitting place on the frontiers started for Iowa City, while a number who had not the means wherewith to continue the journey, obtained temporary employment in New York and elsewhere. (Millennial Star, Vol. XVIII, pp.140, 266, 300, 542; Deseret News, Vol. VI, p.100)"
Cont, 14:1 (Nov., 1892), p.18-9
"Mon. 18. [Feb. 1856] -- The ship Caravan sailed from Liverpool, England, with 454 Saints, under the direction of Daniel Tyler. The company arrived at New York March 2
CC, p.55
(source abbreviations)