Monday Morning, May 19th, 1856:
In consequence of the clock striking four instead of five I rose about six o’clock, one hour behind my calculation. I washed and dressed myself and hurried off to the station not having any time to take any breakfast and I only arrived a few minutes before the train was due. I found mother and sisters and brother all safe at the station with the luggage. After a few minutes the train came up. We then, after exchanging farewell greetings with the saints, quite a number of whom were met together to watch us off, some smiling, some weeping, saw our luggage safe on the train and got in our selves. The whistle blew, the bell rang and of we started, leaving Radcliffe behind forever for ought we knew. After a monotonous ride of about four hours, exchanging carriages once, we arrived in Liverpool, and on applying to the guard for our luggage we found to our dismay it had gone to Preston or Southport, in consequence of us not seeing after it when we exchanged carriages. We told the station master of our mishap and he promised to write it and directed us to apply to him in the after noon. We then went from the station to our lodgings: got lodgings at the first place we applied to - 76 Great Groshall Street. After getting something to eat we went in search of the officer and found him and our passengers contract ticket, came to our lodgings, got something more to eat and I, in company with Brother Edward Barlow, who had come to Liverpool along with Sister Ellen, then went to the railroad station to look after our luggage, as their luggage had gone along with ours; found it had arrived at the station all right. We then gave it in charge of the station master to retain custody for us until we could take it aboard the ship. I forgot to say that while at the office we learned that we could take our luggage on board on Wednesday morning at eight o’clock. After coming from the station I rested until the evening when I took a walk along with Sister Sarah and Brother Ephraim, to view the shipping and the docks- on the way took a look at Nelson’s monument which lies to the left as we go from Fishburn station to the docks. As I had never before been at Liverpool I looked upon everything with surprise and wonder. I looked curiously at the number f colored people of various hues from the jet black negro which were standing in groups or passing along the streets. My head grew dizzy as I looked down the dock walls, which, as the tide was out were some of them dry. I was amused at seeing the crowds of people who were crossing from Liverpool of New Brighton and Brinkerhead in streamers accompanied by bands of music. I watched a streamer depart for Dublin and was really affected to see the scenes that took place.
Tuesday, May 20th, 1856:
After a bad nights rest I rose and washed and draped myself. After getting breakfast, mother’s, myself and brother, Ephraim started to look at the ship “Horizon” on which we were to sail for Boston. After traveling a long way above two miles we found her in the Bramley Moore dock; looked through her and started back, by this time it was 1 o’clock turned. On our way back feeling faint and fatigued we stepped into a cook’s shop and called for a potato pie, after which we had got, we ate very little of, except Ephraim who seemed to relish it. Mother smoked her pipe after which we went to our lodgings.
Wednesday, May 21st:
Rose from bed after a better night rest than the previous night, washed , draped, got little breakfast and went to look after someone to take our luggage to the ship. Went to Brother Chapman Emgrt. Promised to take it for four pence per package, waited near his house till his cart came alongside, got into it, drove to the Railroad Station, paid one-sixth pence to liberate our luggage, got it into the cart, got it into the car, got in myself along with Brother Barlow and Sister Ellen with their luggage and rode to the Bramley Moore docks along side the ship where our luggage was unloaded. Paid one-fourth pence for the carriage of it and two pence to the man for assistance. Watched the luggage till noon when I got a little something to eat. Watched the luggage again till dusk when with the assistance of Brother James Lord we got it safe aboard the ship along side our berths. Mother procured three laps of straw for our three beds at eight pence per lap. After a great deal of confusion we succeeded in getting to bed and I slept very well.
Thursday, May 22nd:
Rose and spent the day in looking about the docks.
Friday, May 23rd:
It was given out that the ship was to sail out at eleven o’clock. Went about a mile and a half before I could find a stationeer shop; purchased a few articles of stationary, came back and arrived just in time to get onto the ship before she sailed out of the Bramley Moore Docks, which was about one-half past nine in the morning. She stayed in the Nelson Dock until noon when she cleared, it being about twenty five min. by one when she passed the Victoria Tower. She was then towed out into the river by the steamer Great Conquest. Later on in the day there was a mutiny among the men, one of them struck the Second Mate and fetched blood; the First Mate came out of the cabin with his shirt sleeves rolled up and a cocked pistol in his hand threatening to shoot the first man dead who struck another blow. The dispute ended by about twenty of the men going on shore and being paid off, after which a fresh lot of men came to the ship.
Saturday, May 24th:
Ship continued anchored in the River Hersey.
Sunday, May 25th:
About one half past nine o’clock in the morning the steam tug came alongside and after landing Y. D. Richards, C. H. Wheelcock, I. A. Young and others on the ship, she was joined to the ship by a cable and towed us out of the river; about four hours before the steamer left us we had an address from Y. D. Richards in which he promised us that inasmuch as we would give heed to all the counsel of those placed over us and be patient and forbearing one to another not a soul on board should be lost; as the steamer left us with the brethren who came with it on board they gave us three big cheers, we gave them three and they gave us one. Two couples were married today. After the steamer left us we had a head wind all day.
Monday, May 26th:
This morning I was awakened by hearing persons puking with sea sickness, got up (a page or two are missing)
Thursday, May 29th:
All a deal better today, mother able to walk about; wind very calm. Pilot left us today in a ______ and joined a passing ship. Two children broke out with the measles today. Another marriage in the evening. Saw a few fishes on the starboard side. Irish coast visible to the north all day.
Friday, May 30th:
Fair wind in the early part of the day which increased in the evening to a gale and before going to bed a many who were getting better of sea sickness began to be sick again and to vomit with increased violence. I was very sick; the ship rocked violently, strong indicati9ons of a stormy night.
Saturday, May 31st:
Awakened sick and faint. Mother and the rest of the family very bad, the saints vomiting on all sides; fair wind strong all day; found that an old woman had died during the night. She was taken sick like many others last evening and went for the doctor (being she was the only one on board who did so) he gave her a pill and daughter and she was not heard to speak afterwards; her daughter found her dead by her side. She was buried at about eight o’clock this morning in the sea.
Sunday June 1st:
Rose in the morning a little better than yesterday; mother and two sisters still very bad; no appetite, disgusted with all food; ate a little and vomited it over the ship’s side; Favorable wind but not very strong, increased towards evening; attended meetings at eleven o’clock in the forenoon; the meeting was addressed by Elder Martin, Pres. Of the ship and his two counselors, Elders Hanson and Hall. He exhorted the saints to be patient and forbearing one towards another, careful of their water and provisions and obedient to those who were placed over them. Elder Broderick also addressed the meeting. The meeting was addressed by the President of Wards. A man died in the afternoon who was almost dead of consumption when he came on board; his body being worn out by long service in the ministry.
Monday, June 2nd:
Fair wind in the morning, which increased in force towards evening. Mother and sister Hannah still very bad; felt very sick myself and giddy with the rolling of the ship, also very weak and indisposed to action; many, chiefly older people, still very sick. I forgot to say that before that on Saturday a young child died and was buried in the sea.
Tuesday, June 3rd:
Awoke in the morning a little better but Mother and Sister Hannah still very bad. A pretty strong wind, head wind, all day and very cold upon deck.
Wednesday, June 4th:
I felt much better this morning. I believe a little chamomile given me by Brother Durham has done me much good. Mother and Sister Hannah still very bad, I made mother a little sego gruel after and Hannah had some after which mother got up and went up on deck. Brother Durham enrolled my name among the guard this morning and I was appointed to stand guard for the first time at twelve o’clock at noon, where I dare say people thought I cut a pretty figure, but I if do as I am told I don’t know that I am to blame. There was scarcely any wind all day but the ship rolled tremendously especially towards night; about five o’clock we were caught at our berth taking our tea when the ship gave a roll and off we slipped from our seats, the cans, the water, the pots and everything loose came tumbling to the floor and before we had time even to rise from the ground the ship gave a violent roll in the opposite direction and the people on the opposite side who were likewise taking their tea, performed the counterpart of the thing we had performed just before. Where we lay all in a heap, the men laughing, the children shrieking, the women declaring in loud exclamation their fears for the tea things; but in a shorter time than it takes me to write it the things were found, some in one place and some in another, were all collected and the floor dried and all men set to work to lash their things fast. The ship continued to roll from side to side all night, and about eleven o’clock at night was were awakened by someone jumping out of their beds declaring that their berths were breaking down, and several others exclaiming in the same manner. One man, who went with crutches with a broken leg when he came aboard. The ship rolled continually; it seemed ready to pitch us out of bed every moment.
Thursday, June 5th:
We were all feeling better this morning, no wind, the ship rolling unduly, but about noon an ice-fresh breeze set in which conveyed us along rapidly and steadily. Saw a great many fish in the afternoon, which the men declared were sea pikes. The saints this day brought their beds up on deck for an airing by request of Pres. Martin.
Friday, June 6th:
The breeze which sprung up during the afternoon increased during the night to a brisk gale, and in the morning a good many which were getting better of sea sickness broke out again as bed as ever. All our family very bad, excepting Ephraim and myself. Strong wind blowing all day. One of the main sails was rent in twain by the force of the wind in the afternoon.
Sunday, June 8th:
A fine breeze in the morning, which sent the ship through the waves rather speedily, but was rather cold. The saints met together at half past ten in the forenoon on deck and were addressed by several of the elders in a spiritual manner. All felt to rejoice. The closing elder, Elder Martin, spoke of the conduct of the saints on the ship; they were duly admonished as to the hour to retire to their beds, and the hour of arising in the morning; and he requested the saints to be careful of their provisions, so that if the passage would be protracted to any length of time they might need have to repent of any extravagances in thinking that they had plenty for any length of time. In the afternoon the saints set in the several wards to partake of the sacrament and to bear their testimonies to one another. Towards night the wind dropped considerably and the ship rolled. Several were again taken with vomiting, mother among the rest. She is very weak and feeble. Made her a little sego gruel, which she said did her good; very fine evening.
Monday, June 9th:
A beautiful, clear calm morning. The sun in a cloudless sky, and all rose from their beds much better. Towards noon a light breeze sprung up which increased to a gale in the evening. Strong indications of a stormy night. Mother again very bad. All pretty well except her of our family.
Tuesday, June 10th:
Arose in the morning after having passed a restless night in consequence of the heaving and tossing of the ship. Was awakened during the night by the cry of fright, which proved nothing but the wind. People arose from their berths in fright and trepidation. The man who raised the cry was down on his knees making his peace with Heaven; the women, some groaning and some praying, mingled with the loud commands of the officers on deck and the replies of the sailors echoing with the howling of the wind and the rising of the sea, all tended to rouse in the breast of anyone the need of the blessings of Heaven. As for myself, I must confess that although I never stepped from my bed, it made a great impression on me, and I was forced, as it were, to offer up my prayer to God to deliver us from any impending calamity. Not through the timely intervention of the captain of the boat, the fear was prevented from spreading. As for myself, I soon relapsed into a slumber from which I was next awakened by the voice of the Pres. of the ward calling us from bed. The morning was wet and stormy; the deck was very slippery; a great many people failing to know the source of the excitement. I fell upon deck as I was taking some wood to the galley but by the goodness of God I did not hurt myself much. Mother is very bad today, Pres. Evans in the afternoon got all the men together and gave them some very good counsel for the saints. He spoke about somebody lighting matches and smoking, he said that those who did so jeopardized the lives of the whole ship’s company. He spoke about the sick, and said that if they were not able to come upon deck, if they would tell him, he would carry them upon his back. He again referred to those who broke the simple rules for the proper conduct of the saints upon the voyage, and he said that those who persisted in breaking the rules were not worthy to be numbered as good saints. Several of the brethren spoke in a similar manner.
Sunday, June 15th:
A fine morning, and the ship gliding safely and steadily through the sea. The saints assembled together upon the dock at half past ten. They were addressed by Pres. Martin, and quite a number of the elders. The meeting was then broken up after dining upon old----which had been opened the night before. The saints met in their several wards to partake of the sacrament, and bore their testimonies one to another.
Tuesday, June 17th:
This morning the atmosphere was quite thick and foggy. The first time I went upon deck I was astonished to find myself quite as wet as if I had been rained upon, but I had been up but a short time. We are today upon the banks of Newfoundland. A ship appeared about six miles to the north east of us.
Wednesday, June 18th:
Still damp and foggy. Ship sailing steadily. A great many sea birds flying about and a large block of wool gloated past the ship which cheered up the hears of the saints as they are signs of the vicinity of land. The saints were called upon today to sign a band to the Easton Company.
Thursday, June 19th:
Fine clear day but cold breeze. Mother heard the captain say yesterday that he expected we should land in about four days if the wind kept up. Several small fishing smacks seen today. One came alongside our vessel in the evening and sold the captain some codfish. He kindly gave seven large ones to be divided among the sick and the aged of the ships company. This morning a child born upon the ship was thrown over board; it had died during the night.
Friday, June 20th:
Fine and clear in the morning, but foggy in the afternoon and evening. A double ration of flour was served out to the saints, which caused them to rejoice as a great many could not eat biscuits and had suffered much from the want of fresh bread. Mother has improved greatly in health during the past week by the ship sailing steadily. Pres. Evans came the round this evening and informed the saints that another ration of flour would be served out on the morrow which was generally a source of comfort to many. The codfish, which this day, was served out to the sick, the aged and the infirm, mother got a little and I got a little taste, which was the first time I had tasted that fish. It was really nice.
Saturday, June 21st:
Was foggy in the morning but fine and clear in the afternoon. Mother very sick today with the motion of the vessel as the wind is strong and contrary.
Sunday, June 22nd:
Fine morning, but the wind strong and contrary. The saints met together on deck at half past ten in the morning and were addressed by Pres. Evans on baptisms for the remission of sins. Brother Young then spoke upon the resurrection. Elder T.B. Broderick then made a few remarks upon doing to others as we would be done by, and advised the saints to be careful upon leaving the ship at Boston. He cautioned them to look after their luggage, as there would probably be those who came on board who would steal it. He advised the saints to be temperate in the use of fresh meat, as after living so frugally on salt provisions, it would likely to not agree with them. He also cautioned the saints against the use of strong drinks, as their bodies being weakened by being on the sea, very little would make them drunk. Pres. Martin then spoke and repeated the instructions of Elder Broderick in relation to their luggage and the use of fresh meat and strong drink, and said that it would be necessary to be careful of their bodies; he again reminded them of the readiness and willingness they had manifested in following out his instructions during the passage over, and said that his mission was ended at Boston, but that he expected them at all times to be subject to those placed over them; that obedience was one of the first things that would lead them to the path of salvation and safety in this world. He then offered a vote of thanks to the Captain because of the kind and generous treatment given to the saints. The meeting was then concluded with prayer by Pres. Evans. In the afternoon the saints met together in their several wards to partake of the sacrament and to bear their testimonies on to another and rejoice together.
Monday, June 23rd:
Strong contrary wind in the early part of the day but wind changed in to afternoon in our favor and continued all day. Write a letter for Elder Young. Family pretty well.
Tuesday, June 24th:
A beautiful morning, the ship sailing along under a favorable wind. There are signs that we are in the vicinity of land by the birds that are flying about.
Wednesday, June 25th:
A beautiful calm morning. The sun rose in a cloudless sky. A slight breeze sprung up about noon which subsided and it again became calm after a short time. In the afternoon there was signs of wind, which soon set into blow; the sky was streaked with clouds in the afternoon. A steamboat was seen which passes close to our ship. The ship’s company gave them a cheer as they passed, and they gave us a cheer and then they went on their way. Mother was better today than ever since the ship set sail.
Thursday, June 26th:
A strong wind the entire day. Mother was again very bed with sickness and vomiting. The two marines who had been sick for several days broke out with measles. This epidemic, which I have never imagined before, had grown quite prevalent, but as yet none have died from it. The saints were ordered this day to get things dressed up and respectable, to make everything neat and clean about their berths in preparation for landing.
Friday, June 27th:
This morning the waves received another victim in the body of a mother, Ann Allen, who came from Badcliffe when we did. She died about half past three in the morning. The day was very warm, as a result no wind. The Captain spoke to some little fishing smack about seven o’clock in the morning. The boat came along side the ship. Saw another fishing boat about noon. The notice was put up for all the passengers to Iowa to leave their luggage with their names on, for Iowa City, Iowa.
Saturday, June 28th:
This morning we first came in sight of land. When it was first shouted that land was to be seen the ship’s company crowed towards deck. It was very dim at first, but towards afternoon it became plainer and all felt to rejoice on the precept of once more treading on solid ground. Soon after noon we were al ordered below which was not so pleasant to anyone as all were happy to behold the scenes which every moment burst upon their view and which were filled with beauty. We were down below till just before sunset, then we were allowed to go on deck. The scene that wet our eyes was so beautiful- the green highlands dotted with trees and cottages. In the distance could be seen Boston with its trees, chimneys, churches, and steeple. The people never tired of gazing on the beauty of the scene.
Sunday, June 29th:
A beautiful day. The ship’s company passed the doctor, and were praised as the best looking company that had ever landed in that port. The captains’ family and several of friends visited the ship. In the afternoon the saints met on deck and were addressed by Pres. Martin and the captain, who spoke in very eulogistic terms of the conduct of the saints during the voyage. Pres. Martin gave the saints some very good advice and said that no one was to leave the ship until ordered to do so, or under his direct permission.
“Diary of Joseph Crossley”, "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch, ( accessed 7 March 2024), entry for Joseph Jarvis Smith Crossley (KWJ4-FM5), undocumented family tree, public memory; Joseph S. Crossley diary, 1856 May 14-June 29; Diary, 1856 May 14-June 29; Church History Library, (accessed: March 7, 2024).
(source abbreviations)