New Orleans, April 10th, 1849.
Beloved President Pratt,--I now take the opportunity of writing to you, according to promise; and I feel happy to inform you of the safe arrival of the ship "Henry Ware" at this port, after a voyage of eight weeks and three days, during which time we all enjoyed very good health, with some few exceptions of seasickness; and we had, generally speaking, very good weather. We arrived here on Sunday morning, April 8th, and soon found Brother Scovil, who yesterday got our luggage cleared at the customs and removed to the steamer "Grand Turk," which is to sail for St. Louis tomorrow. We are very much indebted to Brother Scovil for his prompt exertions and usefulness in facilitating our progress onward, and in the saving of our dollars. The [p.154] ship Zetland arrived here on the 2nd April, the company of which were all well and went up the river on the 5th instant. The "Ashland" has not yet arrived. The provisions of our ship gave general satisfaction to the Saints.
Brother Scovil desires me to say that the company of the Zetland were all well pleased with the arrangements made for them; and they passed a vote of thanks to yourself for the quantity and quality of the provisions, &c. supplied to them; to the president and counselors of the company for their good legislation; and to the captain, officers, and crew of the ship for their kindness towards them. In short, every thing was to their satisfaction, and better than they had anticipated.
Praying for success and prosperity to crown your labors in Britain,
I remain yours in the new and everlasting covenant,
James Bond. [p.155]
BIB: Bond, James. [Letter] Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star 11:10 (May 15, 1849), pp. 154-55. (CHL)
(source abbreviations)