Queenstown, May 25th, 1879.
Sunday morning, 8 o'clock.
President William Budge,
Dear Brother,--As you are aware we left the Mersey on Saturday afternoon, May 24th, the weather being all that could be desired. The sea was dead smooth, and everything else going right; the Saints all felt in the best of spirits. Everybody enjoyed the walk on the upper deck of the Wyoming for a short time, and then came the call for dinner. So far as I could judge ample justice was done to this meal by both young and old; but in answer to a question I put to one of the stewards I received the reply, "I don't think, Sir, we shall have so many to dinner tomorrow." It did not take me long to arrive at the conclusion that the steward meant that many would be absent from the table through seasickness.
The ship is traveling well. There is a strong headwind against us, but the vessel is well down in the water, and her splendid machinery is driving us along very steadily. Up to present time (3:30) there is not the slightest sign of seasickness. Old and young are in good spirits, and all feel pleased that the Lord has opened the way of their emancipation from Babylon.
About 4 o'clock, just after the purser had got the tickets all satisfactorily checked, the president of the company (A. [Alexander] F. Macdonald) called the Saints below and intimated that it was necessary they should meet together to perfect the organization of the company. The meeting was opened by singing and prayer. This over, President [Alexander] Macdonald addressed the company, remarking that as they were now fairly started on their voyage, it was necessary to prepare for what was before them. He then expressed the pleasure he felt at meeting so many of the Saints under the present circumstances, and went on to counsel them to bear with one another on the journey, to help those who were sick, and otherwise to put any matters in order which might require attention. He then stated that he had that morning, at a meeting of the elders held shortly before the vessel sailed, been unanimously appointed president of the company, with Brother Jacob Scharrer as his first and brother Joseph E. Cowley as his second counselor and Elder J. Bull, Jr., as chaplain. The whole of the above was put to the meeting and unanimously sustained. Arrangements were then made as to the time when meetings should be held, and as an adjunct to these, Brother S. [Samuel] L. Adams was appointed chorister, with power to elect others to assist him in the singing. Brother William J. B. Carter was elected as captain of the guard, with power to call others to assist him when necessary. Brother J. [Joseph] E. Cowley briefly addressed the Saints, counseling them to follow the instructions of the president. President Macdonald stated that Brother John Irvine had been appointed to act as clerk to the company, and concluded by explaining that Elder Orson Pratt would have liked to have been present at the departure of the Saints that morning, but owing to his being so busily engaged at present he had to forego that pleasure. However, Elder Pratt had instructed President Budge to tell the Saints from him that while the Lord had promised to preserve them, which he most assuredly would do, all his promises were conditional that unless they lived in a right way before the Lord, they were not entitled to be the recipients of the blessings promised. The meeting then concluded. Benediction by Elder W. J. B. Carter.
8 p.m. The Saints were called together for prayers, and shortly afterwards nearly all had retired. Weather still fine. Strong head wind, but no sea.
Sunday Morning, 5 o'clock. All well. Only one or two slight cases of sickness.
8 a.m. Arrived off Queenstown. Morning fine, and all the people seem hearty and busy at breakfast. Not only is there no sickness on board, but the appearance of the weather seems to indicate that this state of things will continue some time longer. All well.
A. [Alexander] F. Macdonald, President,Jacob Scharrer, Counselor,J. [Joseph] E. Cowley, Counselor,John Irvine, Clerk. [p.343]
BIB: McDonald, Alexander F. [Letter], Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star 41:22, (June 2, 1879) p. 343. (CHL)
(source abbreviations)