. . . The hour of departure had now come. I bade farewell to brethren and Saints and in charge of about 108 souls, emigrants. I went on board steamer "Milo," to return to my home in America. The farewell scene was indeed as a very touching one, as to see the poor Saints with fears in their eyes remaining. For among them I had indeed spent many a happy hour and received many proofs for their kind affection to me and shall forever remember their kindness towards me while in Copenhagen. The steamer pulled out from pier about 11:30 in the forenoon and in a strong leewind made its way northward and I soon lost the good Saints and the lovely city out of sight. Never shall I forget that city for its good order and tolerance manifested towards all creed and denominations. I while there gained an experience and saw so much and witnessed so many happy moments among Saints and brethren that it will never be forgotten [p.173]
The Journey Home
Returning elders in our company: P. [Peter] L. Sherner, Ogden; Christian Poulsen, Richfield; Nils [Niels] Larson [Larsen], Montpelier; Anders Johnson, St. Charles; Jorgen Daniel Olson, Fillmore; John Wink, Salt Lake City; Hans Jorgen, Pleasant Grove.
Number of Emigrants
1 1/2 3/4 Infant Total
from Stockholm Conference 3 0 0 0 3
from Scane Conference 4 1 1 1 7
from Christiania Conference 12 1 4 1 18
from Aalborg Conference 10 5 2 0 17
from Aarhus Conference 12 2 4 0 18
from Copenhagen Conference 28 6 15 4 53
69 15 26 6 116
Norwegians added 6
Grand Total 122
In the afternoon, 3 o'clock, having passed Kranborg, we organized our little company viz: P. [Peter] L. Sherner, chaplain, Christian Poulsen, captain of the guards, & quartermaster, continued head wind [-] and much seasick.
20th - 22nd - After a very rough passage, and much seasickness, we arrived in Hull the evening of the 22 at 11:22. Mr. Maples, the Guion Agent, came on board and got the list of emigrants.
23 - In the morning 8 o'clock we started for Liverpool per railroad and arrived there in the afternoon 2 o'clock and were quartered at Mrs. Catherine Kelley's, Duke Street 75. After dinner, I in company with some more brethren called at the Millennial Star office had a pleasant conversation with President Smith. Rain, cold.
24 - 26 - Spent time in looking around same. Rain, cold. [p.174]
Leave England. 27 - Saturday. In the afternoon about 3 o'clock, President John H. Smith, came on board, organized the company, gave instructions to us elders - John Picket from Toele appointed captain of the whole company and 5 in the afternoon we started out. A total number of 353 souls and about 20 returning elders. Head wind & seasickness prevailed.
28 - Sunday I was very seasick. Wrote a short letter to P. Lundvall. Arrived at Queenstown, Ireland.
November 1883 1 - 3 - 5, Remained in bunk most of the time of seasickness.
On Monday the 5th, I was on deck considerable. A boy of English birth was named Wisconsin after the steamer on which we sailed (Captain) Rigby. While on board the ship I became acquainted with Brother John Wink of the 13th Ward Salt Lake City. He is born in Riga, Russia 1820, Oct. 24. Can speak 5 different languages. Was baptized in Sweden 1862. I also made acquaintance with a Romanian doctor and an old white-headed man from California who went there in 1847, when the gold fever sprung up. Him and others bought a ship in Boston. Had their own outfit. Was on the voyage in 7 months.
7 - Arrive at New York. This afternoon 2 o'clock we landed at the Guion Pier, New York. Had our luggage examined and was conveyed to Castle Garden where we stayed overnight and was very comfortable situated. Provisions cheaper than other places in U.S. Very cold. [p.175]
8 - Thursday - This evening we left New York per Erie Railroad. 8:40.
9 - 15 - On the 9 in the evening we passed Niagara Falls at 7 o'clock, everyone saw the great sight. There we changed cars. Arrived at Chicago 8 in the evening.
The 10th changed cars. This afternoon David [Daniel] Olsen amused us with his fiddle.
Sunday - the 11th arrived Council Bluffs. Midnight 12 o'clock changed cars. Heavy frost.
Monday The 12th - We arrived at Grand Island and was grossly insulted by a yardmaster and us missionaries was drove out of our car and put into a miserable dirty box.
The 13 we arrived at Ft. Laramie 8 in the evening.
On the 14 in the evening 8 o'clock we arrived in Ogden. Brother Christian Poulsen & we were kindly invited to stay our night by Jens Iversen and treated in the best manner. We stayed our night and had quite a conversation with him he is not in the church. It was under his presidency I started as a missionary 1864 in Frederikshaven Branch [-] Conference.
We arrived in Salt Lake City the 15th 2 in the afternoon and was kindly received by friends at the depot. I was invited by Brother Anders Jensen home stayed by him overnight. Weather very nice.
The 16th I got the emigrants things exchanged in the cars and 3 o'clock in the afternoon we left by U.S.R.R. [United States Railroad]. At Lake I was met by my wife and children also my neighbor Peter Johnson and his wife and 7 o'clock same evening I arrived at my Home
Had now been absent 2 years and 7 months less than 12 hours. Found my family in the enjoyment of all necessities for much God and good news deserve the honor & glory. [p.176]
BIB: Jorgenson, Hans. Reminiscences and journal (Ms 7330), pp. 173-76. (CHL).
(source abbreviations)