. . . I learned that Joseph Bateman Family were going to America, and I made up my mind to go with them.
I spoke to my wife about it and she was willing that I should go and leave her behind until I could send for her as we had not sufficient means for both to go. This was quite a trial for us but I felt satisfied it would be for the best. I accordingly sent my passage money to Liverpool by J. Bateman, and about the 20th Sept. 1841 I put my box on board the packet at New Baley Bridge in charge of J. Bateman. I walked to Gudders Mill on the river about 3 miles, my wife accompanying me part of the way. This was a sad parting but I was reconciled to go. The packet came along and I went aboard, and went to Runcorn, and from there took steamboat for Liverpool. Got on board the ship Tyrian on the 21st Sept. 1841, and next day the 22nd we set sail. Mr. J. Bateman's family consisted of his wife, Margaret and son, James & wife; her name before marriage was Hannah Nilson & children; William, Mary & Margaret. We had a pleasant voyage of about 7 weeks crossing the ocean to New Orleans. From here we took steamer to St. Louis, thence to Warsaw, about 20 miles from Nauvoo. This was about the middle of Nov. 41. We stayed here about 2 weeks when Mr. Thomas Bateman came from Augusta, Iowa with a wagon for [p. 19] his brother and family to go to Nauvoo. I went along with them. We got in about dark and stayed at a tanner on Pasley Street. . . . [p. 20]
BIB: Pixton, Robert. [Autobiography], (Ms 5774). pp. 19-20. (CHL).
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