"DEPARTURE. -- The ship Tuscarora, Captain Dunlevy, bound for Philadelphia, cleared on the 29th, and sailed early on the morning of the 30th of May, having 547 souls of the Saints on board, of whom 298 were from the Scandinavian mission; the remainder were from the British Mission. Elder Richard Harper was appointed president of the company, with Joseph Stapleton and C. M. Funck as his counsellors. These Saints contemplate going only to the States this season, there to labor and procure means to enable them to cross the plains for Utah another year. May the blessings of a kind Providence ever hover around them, preserve them from disaster, and provide for them comfortable homes on the other side of the water.
As doves flock to their windows, so the Saints of the Most High are annually gathering to Zion. It causes us to rejoice with joy unspeakable, when we contemplate the blessings that will crown the heads of the faithful Saints of this dispensation of the fulness of times, in which the honest in heart who are willing to make a covenant with God by sacrifice, are to be gathered together out of all nations, and the scattered tribes of Israel are to return to the land of Judea. O that the Gentiles only knew in this their day the things that belong to their peace, but they are hid from their eyes, as the Prophet Isaiah predicted they would be, chapter xxix. 9th and 10th verses: 'Stay yourselves and wonder; cry ye out, and cry; they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger but not with strong drink. For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed.'"
MS, 19:24 (June 13, 1857), pp.376-77
"ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST COMPANY. -- Tuscarora, 547 souls. The ship Tuscarora, Captain Dunlevy, sailed from Liverpool, May 30th, 1857, having 547 of the Saints on board, of whom two hundred and ninety-eight were from the Scandinavian and the remainder from the British Mission. Elder Richard Harper was appointed president of the company, with Joseph Stapleton and C. M. Funck as his counselors. The Saints who sailed in that vessel only contemplated going to the States that season, there to labor and procure means to enable them to cross the plains to Utah another year. After a pleasant voyage lasting about five weeks the Tuscarora arrived in Philadelphia on the third of July. From that port most of the emigrants continued the journey by rail to Burlington, Iowa, where they scattered in search of employment. (Millennial Star, Vol. XIX, pp.376, 489; Morgenstjernen, Vol. III, p.53)"
Cont., 14:7 (May 1893), p.343
"Sat. 30. [May 1857] -- The ship Tuscarora sailed from Liverpool, England with 547 Saints, under the direction of Richard Harper. It arrived at Philadelphia July 3rd, and the emigrants continued by rail to Burlington, Iowa, in the vicinity of which most of them sought temporary employment."
CC, pp.58-59
". . . The second division of the season's emigration from Scandinavia, consisting of 286 souls, sailed from Copenhagen, May 20, 1857, en route for Utah. The company arrived at Liverpool, England, on the 24th, being accompanied that far by President Hector C. Haight. Together with a large number of emigrating Saints from the British Mission, the Scandinavian emigrants sailed from Liverpool, on the ship 'Tuscarora,' early on the morning of May 30, 1857, under the leadership of Richard Harper. . . ."
HSM, p.122
(source abbreviations)